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Posts posted by ssfranny

  1. I have never seen a fourth and goal punt!





    We were back near the 40yd line. What else was there to do? We shot ourselves in the foot during that series. The players know it, coaches know and we know it. Could Henery have made that kick? Perhaps. But second guessing does no good. I do know this though. Our defense was playing absolutely phenomonal the 2nd half. So why not punt and force VaTech to score? And on that particular series, they didn't. They punted.



    If I recall, we had a couple of situations like that in the game 4th and short and we were on their side of the field and we punted. Get a FB in there and ram it through!! Zac Lee I'm not all that impressed with he was what like 7-30 throwing?? Who does that as QB for a top name school?? Just get Cody Green in there and let him run his 15 plays and let Helu run and probably win.

  2. How many of the third and shorts would we have picked up had castille still been on the team? You could see the Helu got tired in the secon half



    Or can someone explain to me why Burkhead wasn;t put in to get the 3rd or 4th and shorts?? I recall a couple 4th and 1s that he could've bulldozed through.

  3. What a battering ram. I hope we go to a more run-oriented attack in 2009.



    Yeah true dat.......we'll have some running firepower next year. I think the best par tof the game was when one of the moron announcers talked about us not getting our running game jumpstarted and the next play Castille broke for a 58 yard run. Bet he wished he could have that comment back haha




    Who do we have for WRs next year I know Peterson and Swift are both seniors?






  4. He was claiming us and Sc at the top. Lip service I guess.


    David Reaves, who is Giles' lead recruiter at USCe, is likely headed to Tennessee since he is the brother-in-law of Lane Kiffin. Not to mention he is young and an ace recruiter probably helps him as well. If they also retain Stan Drayton, who is his Giles' lead recruiter at Tennessee, I would bet a ton of money on the fact Tennessee will get Giles back in the fold.




    OOPS looks like Lane Kiffin called Jarvis Giles a day too early...BUSTED!

  5. I was a little drunk during the game on Friday so I probably wasn't able to catch (or remember) everything, but I can't recall seeing Lucky on offense or O'Hanlon on defense. Is this true, if so what's the issue(s)?


    I know Lucky has been a little banged up, so is he still an injury holdover? As far as O'Hanlon, I've never been a fan, too many missed tackles, coverage assignments, and poor pursuit. Did the coaches realize he's more risk than reward and bench him?


    Any others I might have missed??



    If you were as drunk as I was during the game you probably saw I M Hipp and Broderick Thomas haha

  6. Highjack Alert!


    I used to watch the show "King of Queens" in syndication and saw two different episodes where the star, Kevin James, made reference to watching or taping Husker games. Anybody know what the scoop is? He and I share Met and Jet loyalties, it seems strange that he is possibly also a Husker fan. Maybe we are leading parallel lives, except for the part where he is a rich tv personality. It might be cool if during the game they put his mug on the big board screaming Go Big Red like they do at Shea with Let's Go Mets.


    I'd start my own thread, but sometimes when you go Hollywood on here, someone says:







    Yeah I've heard that too a couple of times during the KING OF QUEENS. A week or so ago Letterman was going off about Ball State and he was rattling off teams not with an unbeaten record......he said Huskers?? 7-4 "sissys"

  7. Just found this!


    Posted on KETV.COM





    LINCOLN, Neb. -- Jim Carrey's new movie "Yes Man" will be giving some extra attention to Husker Nation when it opens Dec. 19.


    Some scenes from the film were shot at Memorial Stadium during a less-than-memorable game in the 2007 season.


    In the film, Carrey's character becomes only capable of saying "yes" to any request. When producers wanted a Nebraska football game to be part of the film, university officials couldn't say no to the offer.


    "We got the entire script and made sure the University of Nebraska was being represented in a positive way," said UNL information director Dave Fitzgibbon.


    The crew came to Memorial Stadium in October to get all the color that a game had to offer.


    Carrey and the other actors didn't come at that time, which may have been a good thing. The loss to Oklahoma State that day was one of the worst home losses in school history.


    After that game, Nebraska said "no" to its athletic director, Steve Pederson, and later to its coach, Bill Callahan.


    Through the magic of Hollywood, artists re-created the scene at the Los Angeles Coliseum, complete with Husker wardrobe and a casting call for 800 Big Red fans in California.


    Fitzgibbon said he was invited as a technical advisor.


    "I got called into Mr. Carrey's makeup trailer and I got there and he introduced himself, a really nice guy," he said. "He wanted me to sing Husker fight songs."


    Fitzgibbon sang Hail Varsity and There Is No Place Like Nebraska. He said Carrey wasn't too impressed.


    "(He said), 'No, no. Is there like a chant?' I said, 'I guess there's Go Big Red."


    That one, he said, got a big yes from Carrey. He said no one has ever done the chant quite like him.


    "I've seen a lot of people going crazy on game days and Jim Carrey is going to make us proud," Fitzgibbon said.


    The University of Nebraska received $10,000 for site location fees, in addition to loads of free publicity.





    Yeah in the trailers for the movie on TV they show him in full Husker gear AWESOME! I wonder why of all the college football teams they picked us....well the best fans in college football!!! I wonder if someone on the movie is a huge Husker fan? I wonder if Carrey is now??



  8. I consider myself a lucky person after this past weekend and feel the need to tell my story. I am a 33 year old male living in Jamestown, ND and was born and raised in Lincoln. I moved from Lincoln to Jamestown with my wife and son in '04. When I grew up I went to several games, the first vs Wyoming in '83. My dad would get me in the games while he worked with the Maintenance Department for the University as he did various duties before, during and after the games.


    My wife, son and I go home to Lincoln every Thanksgiving and this year I decided my son was old enough (seven) to go to a game and turn his blood to Scarlet Red instead of blood red. We went to Husker Nation before the game and waited in line to get in the stadium to give plenty of time, once inside, for his new experience.


    Here is the first of many memorable quotes and conversations: We were on the fence watching them practice and kid says: "Hey dad, do they play in the rain?" Dad replies, "Yes, they play in any weather: rain, cold, snow and in rainy cold windy snowy storms. Kid asks, "How the heck to they play in snow boots?"


    Later we find our seats in the 55th row of the north east stadium. The band starts playing its pregame music. The crowd is clapping in unison to Hail Varsity...he's got this down pat without any direction from me...clap clap clap. Go Big Red comes next. "What are they saying?", kid asks. "GO BIG RED", dad yells. Good to go.


    During the course of the game it was Football 101. He has played one season of flag football this past fall, but he's still learning most of the game.


    I showed him the scoreboard and what the numbers mean....he was able to pick out the score at any time and could tell who was leading, which in this game he was able to see either team take and give the lead away quite often.


    Another quote: "So they have one more period than hockey" "Yes, well, kind of".


    In the first 4 minutes kid asks "Why is it so quiet, aren't we supposed to be cheering". Dad says, "Yes, but see the scoreboard?" Kid says, "Opps".


    During the game Helu would break one for 25 yards or Ganz would hook up with Swift and the crowd would roar and cheer...Kid would ask "Did we get a point?!". "No....we need to get it to the end zone or kick a field goal." "What's a field goal?" "It is, well...I'll show you one when it happens".


    One fun thing that a seven year old does during TV timeouts is to watch the big screen and find Lil' Red in the stadium when he's shown on the big screen.


    We have some popcorn and a pop at half time and its back to Football 101. The game goes back and forth and we're driving with less than 4 minutes left. Helu busts up the middle and gets in field goal range and we're safe. Ganz gets sacked, uh oh. Next play, pass up the middle to get back in range and the pass is dropped, double uh oh. Kid can see the pukey look on dads face. "What's wrong dad?" "We're screwed". Now it comes down to this and more football 101. "Here comes a field goal. The kicker needs to kick it from the red "N" on the field, over here to the white goal, over the crossbar and in between the two vertical pipes". Kid says, "Yeah right". "Like I said....we're screwed".


    I figured I better fire up the digital camera and vid capture this just in case he makes it. I turn it on, hold it up and look to center it on the play and the low battery light is blinking, O'well, the ball is just going to donk off the red letters in the endzone anyway. Then the kick, then the earthquake.


    Kid notices that we now have more points and the scoreboard has 1 minute left...he gets it now. All of you have one more to add to the Husker Nation population.


    We're walking down Vine Street to the car and the cold is finally settling in now that the in the stadium game buzz isn't keeping us warm. Kid tells me (ok Husker dads, here comes the sappy moment that makes me feel more lucky than actually being at the game) "Dad, when school started this year, I told Mrs. Barns that when Nana and Papa took me to Disney world this summer, that was the most fun I ever had in my entire life. When we go home, I'm going to talk to her and tell her that was the most fun I've ever had in my entire life!" BAM!!! A week at Disney world got trumped by a Husker game. Can Husker life get any better than that?


    The more and more I think about it, I feel more lucky than anything; to take my son to his first game and for it to be this one...NU-CU...back and forth, 57 yard miracle field goal, Suh running back the INT moments later, all with my boy. Lucky.



    See the earthquake







    Thats awesome what a game to go to for the first Husker game!! I was in the North stadium 84th row, right under the big screen man those must be the seats people get that don't donate enough haha By the end of the game we were all jumping all over each other!! I haven't heard that place like that in years.



    Now your kid will bleed Husker red...there is nothing like the "sea of red" :)

  9. So my girlfriend's boss just gave us two tickets to the Champion's club this Saturday before the game. I'm super stoked, however, I don't know what to expect.


    If any of you have ever been up there, I would appreciate some insight. What's it like inside? Is it a lot of fun? What do you do up there? Are drinks expensive? Is it worth it? etc., etc., etc.,


    Thanks guys!



    All the hookers and blow you could ever want haha

  10. As most of you know, I am in the Army and have spent 2 different tours in Iraq and Kuwait. I recently came down on orders to move to Germany in October, and as luck would have it I will be deploying to Iraq again in December/January time frame. :angry:


    I will be on leave in Nebraska from the 15th of August until around the 8th of October. That will be the only time that I will be able to watch the Huskers live and in person for at least the next 3 years, because it will be atleast that long before I rotate back to the states from Germany.


    I have a 4 year old son that will turn 5 the end of October (I have missed his 1st, 3rd, and now his 5th B-day), and want to take him to a couple of games before I leave.


    If any of you generous Cornhusker fans want to donate your unused tickets to any of the games let me know by posting here or send me an email/pm and I will get back with you.


    I definately want to get a bash together during that time, so I can have a beer with you so somebody get one together.


    Mods/Admin move this post where ever it needs to go, hopefully you dont deep 6 it in the circular file.





    This is why I need to read this forum more. I had tickets last Fri my mom won from some company she worls with I couldn't go and ended up giving them away. I wish I would've known I could've given them to someone MUCH more worthy :)

  11. What was wrong with Pavelka? I loved listening to that guy, he was just as into the game as any of the fans. Not just some radio play by play guy. Whenever NU would have a big play he would go ape sh!t and really made the game exciting to listen to. I can remember putting the TV on mute and turning up the radio because it was more exciting. Pavelka does a good job right now as the men's basketball guy. If the opportunity ever came up I would be ecstatic if they got Pavelka back.


    But Sharpe is doing a good job, much better IMO than Rose did.



    They all stink, Swain, Rose, Sharpe. We need a local Nebraska guy in there......Pavelka or heck Travis Justice for that matter.

  12. Not to mention, Who the f#*k goes to a bar with a short skirt and no underwear? Wtf? Put some f'ing clothes on.


    1. I believe she testified that she had underwear on.

    2. Don't even TRY to shift the blame onto her.


    That is all.


    If he was found not guilty of fondling her, can't we at least blame her for making a false accusation of sexual assault? Sure, he was still a total a**hole for the other things he did, but seems like she maybe took it one step further by accusing him of something he didn't do. And yes, I understand there is a very big difference between being not guilty and innocent, but still....




    Not guilty doesn't mean he didn't do it or that she made a false accusation. It means a jury couldn't convict without some doubt. It came down to a "he said / she said". Not enough evidence.



    again... we dont know that


    No, we pretty much know all of that. She made an accusation, which none of us have the right to judge her for. The jury determined that she did not provide enough evidence to support a conviction, though.




    Translation: some rich donor bought her off.

  13. In all honesty, NOBODY knows exactly what happened as there was many people in the bar and they were all drunk. Do all of you believe 100% that AC actually did it? or are you just going by what the media says? Were you there? If not, I would suggest to just sit down and shut up. I'm not saying he for sure didn't do it or that he for sure did it, but he was found not guilty and thats good enough for me. You people need to lighten to the f#*k up and not act like you all are perfect angels.



    Not to mention, Who the f#*k goes to a bar with a short skirt and no underwear? Wtf? Put some f'ing clothes on.



    Actually more than a few girls (short skirt not panties) but I don't think they're looking for some drunken player to use their kitty as a bowling ball.



    Same thing TO did with Phillips and Abdul Muhammed....Husker players have to basically murder or rape someone to get kicked off the team.

  14. Hopefully he keeps his nose clean now and has learned from this mistake. If he hasn't then leave now and get it over with. I hope he has turned a corner though................



    And if you're a young girl around the bars where he hangs out make sure and wear jeans....

  15. I think you almost have to take him back. He was found not guilty on the worst charges. Not taking him back would be like Bo saying "I know a jury of your peers found you innocent, but I still think you did it so F off."


    He was drunk in a bar that he was not supposed to be in, was involved in an altercation, admitted that he poured beer over a woman's head, refused to follow the lawful orders of police officers, resisted arrest, assaulted police officers and deliberately damaged the officer's car. These are all by his own admission or by guilty verdict.


    Not enough for you, Dave? I would have been very pleased if he wasn't invited back. At the least he should have to complete substance abuse and anger management programs before he can come back. Who cares if he can help the team?


    WOW!!! I hope that no one ever gives you a second chance in life. You're worse than California... 1 strike and you're out must be how you see it! Glad to see you're all so forgiving, especially when you probably only know 25% of the TRUE story. I don't know AC myself, but I am willing to give him a second chance in life. Bo has said there is a zero tolerence from here on out, and I am fine with that.


    Either way, he is back. Move on with your life.... and don't ever get in trouble, you won't get a second chance! :sarcasm



    Well I for one can't believe Bo and TO would let AC back on the team. Good Lord, drunk hands up a girls skirt and a "slap on the wrist"?? I don't disagree with giving the kid a "second chance" but not on the football team. I think these kids need to take playing for Nebraska a little more seriously. Ban them from the Brass Rail and any other bar for that matter on a Friday. Maybe they'll play better if not "hungover".



  16. Good lord I was watching this tonight and its hard to watch. Bo looks like he can't stand to be there and keeps looking off stage like for someone to tell him hes done. I know he doesn't really like to talk to the media and do the PR stuff but all the fans like to hear his perspective.



    Worst of all, this Greg Sharpe? Good lord someone pin him down and give him several Starbucks or something, he makes an insurance salesman sound exciting. They REALLY need to get someone in there who actually has a personality. Prob reason Bo doesn't want his name on the show. Man it sucks!!




  17. Memorial Stadium has never been a very intimidating place to play in terms of constantly being loud IMO. Probably never will be either.



    Well it used to be loud when the fans gave a flock and the team was playing well. I'm guilty of it too when I'm watching Sat at a bar. I mean these young kids were behind me yelling the slow "Go BIG red" I just thought they were annoying but by the end of the game I was yelling just as loud. Wouldn't have NOTHING to do with me and my buddy being on our 7th pitcher haha

  18. I was a little afraid if I used the Conan reference, this thread might go on a tangent..

    Just never met anyone b4, who thought he was funny.


    I can fill pages (and have) of funny quotes by Steven Wright or Larry the guy who installs Cable, but I can't think of one time I laughed at the Barbarian.


    Although when he was 1st introduced, I almost laughed...thought they were pulling my Lariat by having a real person dress up like Howdy Doody and pass him off as Dave's replacement.


    Conan is genuinely funny but he's not a good interviewer just like Jay Lamo. Conan is funnier than Jay some of his video when he came back from the Writers Strike was hilaroius. He would interrupt guys playing Guitar Hero with his rendition of Edith Bunker voice doing Beastie Boys song "Sabotage" I laughed so hard I cried.



    Anything is better than Jay Lamo...and Letterman has always been the gold standard next to Carson.

  19. I thought the tunnel walk was kind of meh. It never really came to a good head IMO.


    Although it did have the requisite crushing of the opponents logo with a helmet.


    i agree, it was definitely better than last years, but i still like the 06' tunnel walk more


    this years is just missing something



    yeah a pulse the point of it is to fire the fans up into a frenzy.....now its just old and tired.

  20. I thought the tunnel walk was kind of meh. It never really came to a good head IMO.


    Although it did have the requisite crushing of the opponents logo with a helmet.



    I agree they really need to do something new. Use that Mikey Bo music with a Blackshirts highlight video from the last 30 years or so. Also get some celebrities like Larry the Cable Guy and Andy Roddick who are big Husker fans to do a video and fire up the fans.




    Get some loud speakers in there if the old farts can't handle the noise get some ear plugs! We need to kick up the "tunnel walk" I love the "I play for Nebraska" with current players also get the past players like Rozier, Fryar, Frazier, and Crouch and have them say "I played for Nebraska"

  21. I had planned to watch the game at Brewsky's in Omaha on 84th and Park Drive, but when my wife and I stepped in, it was packed tighter than a can of sardines in there, and no seats. So we tried going to The Varsity on 96th and Q St, then The Varsity on 144th, then Brewsky's on 156th, Oscars... Each had the same result.

    Finally, we ended up at The Draft House on 180th and Pacific. SEATS!! well, there were like 5 tables left anyway. I sat down and got ready for the game. It got me to thinking about the point where you'd have almost an empty bar when a Husker game was on. The anticipation for the game to start was awesome! and Fans cheered and strangers high fived and we raised up our glasses against evil forces singing, "GO BIG RED!!"

    Husker Pride is back!!



    Yeah watched it my brothers and went to Varsity on 96th to get our pizza. Normally its NEVER that packed unless its NU vs USC or something.



    Got a lot of nice compliments on the "Reborn" shirt from HuskerBoard though! :)

  22. From a recruiting perspective alone, I don't have a problem with it. What would bother me about it if true is that Pelini is letting this kind of thing get to him. He has to recognize that he can't control this to any great extent - while he can threaten the reporter or the reporter's employer with a denial of access in general, that's not a very credible threat over time, and it won't apply to so-called "national" media. Not to mention that the media can also backdoor him with influential boosters. If he bombs his first year, this is the kind of thing that would be harped on by the media. It distracts the players and the program if it's blown up. In short, it affects the image - and image, while not everything, is important.


    Now, do I like the fire (again, assuming it's true)? Absolutely. That's one of Bo's strengths. He just doesn't need to let it become a negative. Pick your battles, in other words.


    Actually, the lack of information you see now is a direct result of not only Bo's wishes, but of the entire AD from TO on down. They have let it be known to EVERYONE they want the leaks in information to stop and have shown the lengths they are willing to go to in making it stop.


    Compare this recruiting cycle to years past when we knew who our top recruiting targets were. Compare this to years past when we would have a ton of information regarding Hunter's DUI, Nicks' run-in with the law, Blue and Suh's injury, Andy's incident, Josh Williams' run-in and access to practices. The quality information has been pretty much zero to none.


    Really, the average fan has no business knowing most of what goes on. Some of the stuff that leaks only creates a negative perception of our program or it gets blown out of proportion by our rather large fan base.


    Bo needed to put some of these reporters in their place, rather than irritating recruits, players and personnel with some of the actions and things that were being said, not said and even twisted in the wrong ways.


    Sean just happened to be the guinea pig to show all the reporters for Nebraska football that he would not tolerate some of the same stuff that went on in past years.



    I posted something months back about one of the players I had heard from a neighbor of mine whos son plays for the Huskers. She came over and said she got calls and told me to take it off the board and won't talk to me since. Big Brother is watching.

  23. ISucks = W


    Bwhahaha...that's very humorous Mr Bendover15.... <_<


    I dont get you Cy. Are you an NU fan or ISU fan, or one of those wierdos that roots for whoever is better, and in most cases that would be NU. I see you on here posting positive NU things but when someone takes a run at ISU, you seem to be a little testy. Please enlighten me.



    hes both and a very funny guy to boot. One of the reasons I come in here and I bet a lot of other people would agree.



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