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Posts posted by Preacherpj

  1. Didn't see this posted anywhere, great news for next year. I think with Bowman returning, some good recruits and another year of maturation from Jones we might be alright in the secondary.



    I hate to beat a dead horse, but you are assuming that Coz will know what to do with all that talent. When was the last time one of Coz’s defenses was good? His Wisconsin teams were a joke, and I must admit that I hoped that was only because he didn’t get the talent up there that he would have in Lincoln…WRONG!!!



    Where are you getting your information from? His Wisconsin teams finished in the top 25 nearly every year, including a #4 finish in '99. Wisconsin also won back to back Big Ten Championships (98-99) and the Rose Bowl both of those years. In those years the Badgers went to nine bowl games and were 7-2 in those contests. In 1998 Wisconsin posted 11 wins and were top 10 nationally in all four major defensive categories. How about you look things up before you post mindless comments. Oh, and if you havn't noticed, there are two teams I root for passionately; Nebraska and Wisconsin.


    GBR!! (Which works for both my teams)

    Well the problem here is obvious. I have gotten used to expecting excellence, and you on the other hand, being a part-time Wisconsin fan, have learned to expect mediocrity. I admit to not being a stat geek, so I was just going by what I remembered. But since you wanted to bring up Wisconsin’s success (with only passing reference to Coz’s defense by-the-way) I had to look it up to see if my memory had failed me. But alas, I was correct. Coz had a good year in `98, that is correct. But in his last five seasons at Wisconsin they gave up an average of 144 yards per game on the ground and 213 per game in the air. That is an average of 357 yards per game given up by Coz’s D during his last five years. Also, they gave up an average of 21 points per game.


    Now by contrast, lets look at the last time we had a REAL defensive coordinator at Nebraska. In McBride’s last five years the Huskers gave up an average of 85 yards per game rushing, 180 yards per game passing (261 per game total), and only 14 points per game. During that time Nebraska only once gave up more than 200 yards per game in passing (217 ypg in `95 the season when we blew everybody out and they had to play catch-up against our second string in the second half of every game). Only once did we give up over 100 yards per game rushing (116 ypg in `98). In contrast, Coz’s last five seasons at Wisconsin they only gave up under 200 yards per game passing once. Also during that five year span they never surrendered an average of under 100 yards rushing, and they only gave up under 20 points per game scoring once in `99. By the way McBride’s worst scoring D in his last five seasons was in `97 when the Blackshirts gave up a mere 16 points per game. The other seasons in Charlie’s last half decade were 14 ppg twice and 13 ppg twice.


    The point here is that my memory of Cosgrove’s years at Wisconsin do not make me very optimistic about the future of our defense, and from what I can tell by the numbers, my memory was pretty good. Also, I did not look up Bohl and Pelini’s numbers, but that’s because they were short timers and not that good anyway. I do not want to be mediocre. I want to be the Blackshirts that I have gotten used to. The team that doesn’t adopt the “bend but don’t break” mentality. Rather, we used to never bend, never break, just beat the crap outta the other team. Just because Coz had a good year once almost ten years ago in Wisconsin, doesn’t mean he is a good coordinator. And the fact that he is not a good coordinator was my point in the first place.


    I think Mcbride was a great defensive coordinator; but you can't deny the fact that he had superior players working for him as well. The last couple of years our recruiting has been better but we're still not getting the type of players we consistently got during Mcbride's reign. A coach can only do so much, there is no scheme that will make a corner like Grixby a quality contributer; but go ahead and blame the coach.

  2. Didn't see this posted anywhere, great news for next year. I think with Bowman returning, some good recruits and another year of maturation from Jones we might be alright in the secondary.



    I hate to beat a dead horse, but you are assuming that Coz will know what to do with all that talent. When was the last time one of Coz’s defenses was good? His Wisconsin teams were a joke, and I must admit that I hoped that was only because he didn’t get the talent up there that he would have in Lincoln…WRONG!!!



    Where are you getting your information from? His Wisconsin teams finished in the top 25 nearly every year, including a #4 finish in '99. Wisconsin also won back to back Big Ten Championships (98-99) and the Rose Bowl both of those years. In those years the Badgers went to nine bowl games and were 7-2 in those contests. In 1998 Wisconsin posted 11 wins and were top 10 nationally in all four major defensive categories. How about you look things up before you post mindless comments. Oh, and if you havn't noticed, there are two teams I root for passionately; Nebraska and Wisconsin.


    GBR!! (Which works for both my teams)

  3. The really dissapointing thing is that we had open recievers in the end zone on Zach's last two throws and he just didn't get it to them. Nine games out of ten he hits those and we tie the game up. Zach just didn't have it tonight, and that happens to the best of them.

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