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Posts posted by hastingshusker

  1. Im looking for an official, word for word, version of the Husker prayer. My wife is going to paint it on our wall in our basement and I don't want the wrong words up there.


    The main parts I'm wondering about are the blanks in these parts "a chance to equal our ______" and "________ can't be beat, won't be beat"


    I've heard "stride" and "stripes" for the first blank, and both "The team that" and "'Till we" for the second blank.


    Anyone know of any place for something official? I know there have been threads on here before, but I can't recall anything 100% definite. I sent a message to epoc and hopefully he'll help me out but thought I would also ask the board. Thanks

  2. Brandon Spikes actually suspended himself for what it's worth...



    But there was pressure put on him from the media when it was caught. Im wondering why there's nothing here...and no its not "They hate us" or "its Bebe's fault"

    Very, very true. But it may have had something to do with them being #1? or top 5 at the time?



    Good point...

  3. I have it on DVR and we rewound it and Broyles hand goes in and out of the facemask at least two times (could be more but the refs leg was in the way). There is no way you could say that his hand got stuck.


    Brandon Spikes...THANK YOU I remembered the media making a big deal about it, but couldn't remember the guys name.

  4. The Ben Cotton ordeal has got everyone in a twist. This kind of stuff happens all the time after plays and in piles. Does that make it okay? Absolutely not. But if anyone thinks it only happens to us or everyone is getting away against us is naive.


    Im not naive enough to think that this never happens, or only happens to us. My point is this has happened before to other teams (I am pretty sure there was a Florida player a year or two ago) and something comes of it. I know it happens...it happens to every team, but when you get caught something should come of it. Im surprised nothing was said on the telecast about it.

  5. Real quick: I love how people are saying that "Taylor told Bo his ankle was 100% and thats why he was playing." Are there people that are really think that there aren't team trainers, physicians, and coaches that make this decision and they let the player handle that choice? Im sorry, but from years of competing in sports, any coach that has been around can tell if a player is not fully healthy by watching them in practice, or by a trainer putting them through some tests on the body part. It's ridiculous to think that Martinez had ANY say in his playing this game based on his ankle.

  6. All anyone can do is guess, and what I think is that it has something to do with refusing the cart to go to the locker room. If he did have damage on his ankle, then walking even a few steps could cause irreversible damage, and as much as its been proven we need a healthy Taylor, that's kind of selfish towards the team.

  7. The last HUGE game we had at the stadium was USC and, if i remember correctly, the University came out and announced they wouldn't show the game on the screen at the soccer field/track.

    Hope that isn't the case this time, anyway we can find out?



    Maybe call or email someone in the Athletic Department.

  8. The last HUGE game we had at the stadium was USC and, if i remember correctly, the University came out and announced they wouldn't show the game on the screen at the soccer field/track.

  9. Rome actually started turning toward the Huskers when we played USC those two years. The calls between USC and N fan were priceless. We may have lost the games but we made all USC fans look pretty stupid. It got to the point that all the calls were coming from us and no USC fans wanted to get embarrassed on the air.

    Why did we make them look stupid?



    One of my favorite moments out of that whole series was when he said something to the effect of "Good for you SoCal fan...you drive a $50,000 car. These fans have a $250,000 vehicle they drive once a year." The people who responded to that DID NOT GET IT

  10. The discussion around town is that he was just waiting for the official offer from UNL. He's definitely pumped to play, and a good athlete...dont know about him playing college bball though, hes not that good.

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