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Posts posted by hastingshusker

  1. Given the fact I don't live in Lincoln I don't care if the arena is voted in because my taxes won't go up to pay for it.


    Considering there is no convention center, not enough hotels for NCAA tourney games, and not enough sporting events and concerts to pay this thing off, it is a really bad vote for yes. If Lincolnites think this will increase the tax base - they are fooling themselves. If Lincolnites think their taxes won't go up to pay for this - they are again fooling themselves. If Lincolnites think they can schedule enough sporting events and concerts to pay this thing off - again they are fooling themselves.


    The Embassy Suites has a decent convention center (not gigantic but good sized), and you can always build more hotels...

  2. Ive heard it several times from players. Most of them dont like playing for Anderson. He is not well respected in his own dugout. You think this would come through in recruting, but I think its hard for many players offered by NU to pass it up based on the past success, however, I think that may begin to fade if nothing is done.

    You've heard it from players themselves? Not asking you to name names, just want to make sure this is a 1st person account, because I think not everybody believes it yet, and applaud TO for being so inscrutably wise in his decision making in this situation :facepalm:


    I have heard it from 2 players. They also said there are quite a few players that feel the same. To put it blunt, they said hes a complete jackass. Maybe thats just them being sensitive, but maybe thats how it is. But overall, something isnt right.


    I good friends with a guy who's cousin is a pitcher. He said most of the older guys have told the younger players to leave UNL if they want to be successful in baseball because Anderson has no idea what he is doing anymore and his attitude (Anderson) has shown a lot.

  3. The first kicker to earn a Blackshirt? Is that a record? Was there another?


    I guess he's not the first.


    Jesse Kosch who was awarded a Blackshirt for his efforts from 1994 to 1997



    I believe Kyle Larson was awarded a Blackshirt a few years ago...and it was very deserved. With the Defense we had that year he definitely was the brightest part of the Defense.

  4. Everybody seems to like the old school plain-Jane red "N". But if we were first starting a football team from scratch and given the choice between the two, I wonder how many would pick the plain "N" then versus the more stylish design. I suspect most prefer the plain "N" because we grew up with it, and it is familiar. Not necessarily because it is better looking.


    The same could be said for our offensive scheme three years ago.


    The reason I prefer the "plain" N is because it represents Nebraska. We are a bunch of hard working, no non-sense folk. The "stylish" N is great, but I don't feel a connection to it like the N we have now. It has nothing to do with having it for all those years, I just feel it represents our state well.

  5. i am a cell phone sales guy for a company in canada so i am sure its relatively the same thing...you probably need her to get it set up by her IT guy because there are probably User Names and Login Ids that she would have provide blackberry.



    Im hoping to avoid that because the IT department is charging a $50 set up fee and $6 to maintain the account monthly. I m just trying to bypass them doing it.

  6. I'm kind of interested as well to know where they get all those extra people in there. Maybe they count extra people in skyboxes or on the sidelines?


    I think the extra numbers come for people who work the game. The press stadium workers etc. Also i know that the stadium doesnt know how many people are auctaly at the games. So when they announce the number of people they kind of pull it out of the air.


    The extra numbers come from all the non-ticket purchasing people at the game. This includes press, concessions, security, red cross, boy scouts, recruits, cheer leaders, and even coaches and players for both teams. The announced number is the number of tickets sold, plus the number of non purchasing people at the game. The number of tickets sold remains constant because all tickets are pre-sold, it is the extra workers, players, recruits, media, etc... that make the number fluctuate. Because of this the numbers are not necessarily exact, but they are very close (i would guess 20-30 people). We keep the sell out streak going because because even if people don't use their tickets they have been sold so it counts. Also if we don't sell out a game for some reason (rarely happens, last I knew of was 2007) the extra tickets can be purchased at the box office day of and if they are not purchased it still counts as a sellout because of the extra people which push the number to "capacity".


    In the north expansion they added 6500 seats while the press box/sky box addition (1999 and added more clubseats in 2000) only added about 1200 seats.


    I also believe that the sell out streak is not affected by those tickets as technically Nebraska sold their allotment and those are returned from the opposing school...at least Im pretty sure I read that somewhere.

  7. I'm one of the biggest Anderson haters, and want him gone...but even I am waiting to see what happens when we get in the thick of the season. Like the guy or not he has to be given the season. I have never been a fan of firing any coach mid season, and its way to early to start grading.

  8. Glad to see quite a few people in agreement. I actually had to stop and do a double take while listening to the program to make sure I was hearing it right. I about snotted water when I heard them say Suh simply "takes up space." When you're being double and triple teamed its hard for that to not take up space. No love for the man's pass rush ability.

  9. I think I remember seeing something about the contract for the BCS running for the next two or three years, then once ESPN gets it everything will be reevaluated. I wouldn't be surprised if they add it, as has been said before that will allow a few more at large bids, which would silence A LOT of playoff talk.

  10. The reason behind the design of their helmet, as with the red, is it is designed to look like the skin of a horned frog. I don't think you could implement that into a Nebraska helmet without it looking like an ear of corn...and i don't think that would look to good.

  11. Part of the biggest problem in all of this is that the band needed to report to Lincoln last night to leave today (Sunday) to participate in everything. Students were not able to get back to Lincoln, and in parts of the country around where I live, not the city itself but country, there are people still snowed in. If part of the band cannot make it to leave there is no way they could go, especially trying to fly on short notice.


    And I know that the band drove to the Gator Bowl, and the Cotton bowl in recent years.

  12. I remember going to a chiefs game a couple of years ago. The day after the big 12 championship and the endzones had been repainted. How is 4 days that far out of the question to repaint the endzones


    Every year it is in Arrowhead they paint the schools names in the end zone. I remember one year, in the chiefs game right after the CCG it was raining and the "chiefs endzone" was almost completely gone and it read the college teams. I cant remember the year though....any help from the board?

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