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Posts posted by wags

  1. I have watched this kid play basketball. He has very good foot work and would be a great recruit for the football team. He did not impress me enough to say that he would help out our basketball team in the big 12. As for his height, I would say that 6'9 is pretty accurate (give or take an inch).


    watched the second half of the state title game and zach looked pretty well put together and i'd say that the 6'9'' is pretty accurate.


    had good developement through the shoulders....sometimes with young men his size they dont have alot developement or are sloppy looking

    but not with zach....it looks like he has spent time in the weight room.

  2. with godfrey having arena football like numbers why has he not received more attention than he is now.


    is there some concern that he might not qualify?


    he certainly has the numbers, talent, and the fact being from texas should have

    meant more attention and stars.


    carnes is rated the 7th best dual threat qb, according to rivals i believe.


    something just doesn't seem right about godfrey being so lowly rated.....

    can anybody help me understand why?



  3. Scott Downing - A Callahan guy, but he is well liked and doing well at Northern Colorado.

    Brian Boerboom - Former player, coaching as an assistant at Southeast Missouri

    Jimmy Burrow - Ohio Defensive Coordinator now.

    Marvin Sanders - Can he leave the state NC yet?

    Lane Kiffen? - His Dad is a lengend here


    I dont know Bo Pelini and Turner Gill are the two names I keep coming back to. Other than that there isnt much in the way of Nebraska tie coaches with experience.


    scott downing is 1-10 at northern colorado this year. i wont dispute him being well liked but.... doing well???

  4. i heard that cody glenn's injury is more of a compression injury to the upper top part of the foot, between the toes and the bones that come down straight from the leg. i know i'm probaably describing it wrong but was told the only thing for this injury is rest, but cody wants to tough it out this year.

  5. i really don't think that you can blame johnson for having subpar defenses at navy.


    look at the type of athletes that play there. playing football is not their major concern.


    Why? If people are going to give him credit for coaching up the talent on Offense he should take some crap about not being able to do it with his defenses. It works both ways, you can't just look at one side of the ball.


    you are correct that you can't look at one side of the ball.....but you also need athletes to play defense and a case could be made that navys defense has been good enough to have a winning record for the last 3 seasons(?).


    you have to take into consideration what type of athlete navy has. congressmen have to write letters to get a kid even considered to go to one of the academies....classes eight hours a day....the academic requirements.


    i just find what paul johnson, even fischer deberry, did at the academies truly remarkable and that anybody that has that type of success has to be considered.

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