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Michigan Red

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Posts posted by Michigan Red


    So we're just to sit back and trust Callahan without question? The guy that has rocked the boat ever since he got here, who simply walked into Ostergards office and said "You're fired" without reason or cause?


    My stomach's queezy after reading this article about the Head Trainer getting the abrupt "heave ho". I'm worried he's mishandling the Lucky incident as well. :hmmph



    What in the hell do you know?






    "Mishandling the Lucky incident as well."


    You know........





    Any excuse to bitch and moan and point fingers and off you go.





  2. Should be USC will lose in Lincoln in September. They're always overrated and are shaky on the road. Our improved secondary should force them to beat us with the ground game, and I don't see that happening. Anyone else sick and tired of hearing how good the Trojans are and how they're going to win the NC for the next 20 years straight??


    We'll also beat Texas. Their pass defense will still be sub-par with talented, but inexperienced guys. Their QB will be McCoy, but their backups are unclear at this time. Knock McCoy out of the game, and it'll be ours to lose.


    :clap:clap:clap I like your thinking and I will take some of that Kool Aid.

  3. That's amazing someone gets let go and has some bad feelings. It would have been nice for him to have been given a reason, but hardly necessary. That's life. We probably won't ever know if it was deserved or not.



    All I can say is when someone has worked for you for 20 years, you gotta give them a reason why they are fired. secondly to fire someone that close to Lucky's mishap is questionable because he will forever be linked to that, even though anyone with an ounce of understanding knows that a trainer does not prescribe drugs. This is another example of Smiley Jones aka Stevie P running the AD without integrity. I work for a large Div 1 public institution and I can tell you, if the AD or coach did that to a long tenured employee, they would be fired and sued because its against university guidelines. But in this case Beau Bridges and Smiley can do whatever they please since Harvey P is holding court over NU


    Ya OK, what does "Harvey P holding court" have to do with the University getting sued? The lack of reasons given is probably to avoid that problem. That sucks but I don't see it as a lack of integrity if they are following company policy.

  4. That's amazing someone gets let go and has some bad feelings. It would have been nice for him to have been given a reason, but hardly necessary. That's life. We probably won't ever know if it was deserved or not.

  5. Octavian is very talented and I hope he can stay healthy. The thing about Rudd is he is smart and always seems to be in the right places. I would love to see what Octavian can do if he stays healthy all season.

  6. I dont doubt that LSU had smaller, quicker, faster linebackers. I am all about quick, fast, hard hitting linebackers. My point was that they wouldnt take a guy that they brought in specifically to fill a HUGE need for us and switch him to a different position that could be filled by other good players. If they move Asante to linebacker (I am not saying that he wouldnt make a great linebacker) who would they put at the oher safety spot that would be as good as asante? If you put Culbert and Green at the safety spots then that would mean that Dillard, Mceon, Octavian, Rudd, Asante, and Brandenburgh would all be fighting for a spot and more than likely someone would get left out. If we keep Asante at safety it allows us to have as much talent on the field as we can at one time. That enables us to have Dillard, Mceon, Ocatavian, and Asante all on the field at the same time, that is some big time talent and speed there. If you want to move Culbert to linebacker then you would just have to switch him back to safety or have another JC guy or a RS freshman play at the other safety opposite Asante the next year because there is nobody to take over for Green when he graduates. The coaches obviously agree that we need speed at linebacker otherwise they wouldnt have recruited two guys that run 4.5 fortys and one that got away with a 4.3. They know what they are doing, and we are on our way to having a freakin awesome defense in the years to come.

    Hopefully we will have someone who knows how to run it. We certainly don’t right now!


    Coz sucks Blah Blah Blah. :ahhhhhhhh:laughpound

  7. Don't everybody forget how accurate Joe Ganz is when he's thowing to a defensive end who is wide open... :hellloooo




    Unless they start a couple of 300 pounders at receiver and run out of the field goal or punt formation regularly, I'm guessing Keller is the man.


    I'm sorry, but I can't help but think that it took everything Ganz had to throw the ball that far. Don't get me wrong I loved that play it just seemed like it took a strange jumping throw to get it there.



  8. Well, Coz may not have had a real talented backfield last season. But then again, how would you know? Some of the most embarrassing losses I can remember as a Husker fan came under Coz’s leadership in 2004. Remember, when Coz’s defense gave up 70 points to Texas Tech, and 34 to Iowa State, and 30 to Oklahoma, and 45 to Kansas State? Well, since this year the talent was the issue, then WTF was the problem in 2004? He had a defensive backfield where THREE OUT OF THE FOUR STARTERS ARE NOW NFL STARTERS!!! If your defensive backfield has Washington, Bullocks and Bullocks and you give up 70 points to anyone…ANYONE… then, like I said before, IT’S ALL ON THE COACHES.


    Oh, and by the way, just in case someone wants to throw in the weak-ass “It was their 3rd defensive coordinator in 3 years” argument, then please riddle me this? How is it that at least one of those guys was able to go to the NFL and shine with his 4th defensive coordinator in 4 years? Is 3 the magic number? Is it only the 3rd defensive coordinator in 3 years that is too difficult for the boys to deal with? Bullocks led the nation in interceptions with his 2nd defensive coordinator in 2 years. But with his 3rd defensive coordinator in 3 years he disappeared. But then, lo and behold, when he got to the NFL, and his 4th defensive coordinator in 5 years, he was able to win a starting job.


    Could it be that regardless of how much talent Coz has, he just is not a good coordinator? Could it be that he can put together a good game plan, but cannot adjust? If the players can play well for half a game, then they must have talent. Period. Maybe not as good as the talent that Coz had the first year he was at NU (you know, the one where he gave up 70 points to Texas Tech, and 34 to Iowa State, and 30 to Oklahoma, and 45 to Kansas State), but if the players could hold good offenses in the first half, then why were they constantly melting down in the second half? The answer is simple; we have a defensive coordinator who is constantly getting out coached.

    OK 04 sucked with alot of talent. But if I remember corectly a good part of that has to be on the Offensive side. The TT game seemed like we gave them the ball on the 10 yard line the whole second half.

  9. ummm wasnt lucky and jackson both second team big 12? I dont know that for sure but I could have sworn they were or honorable mention or something. That is with splitting time with at least one other player the whole year and at some times three other players in a balanced offense! Its not like we run 90% of the time and still didnt produce an all big 12 running back. So ya I think there is a great chance that we will have another all big 12 qb and all big 12 running back, an all big 12 db, an all big 12 receiver and more than likely an all big 12 o-lineman. I guess I am not sure what your last post was meant to say.



    Sorry, I meant Defensive backfield. I just get tired of all the bitching about Coz. Not saying he is a hall of famer, but might not have had all that much to work with once you get past the front seven.

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