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Posts posted by TarheelTrojan

  1. flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flopflip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop




    The sound of BEVO and texass fans walking out of the stadium at halftime as we are ahead by 38 -0.


    Hey it could happen


    I believe brother. I believe!

  2. Lord.


    That was 45 seconds of my life I'd like back.


    Rock Bottom is an interesting place.




    Suicide watch would be recalling the Lendale White quitting/throwing a dummy off a builiding. If any other coach did that, Holy Lord look out.


    Oh that. Well I don't see where Pete was making fun of anybody. I know two players from that team who were at practice that day, and they thought it was funny as hell. Do you think that was making fun of Lindale? Maybe you should tell Lindale he was in on it as well as the rest of the coaching staff..


    I'm glad you enjoy he view, hope you're still a Trojan fan if they start dropping off again. You'll forgive me, being a CA native I remember the USC fanbase from 1995 to 2001.


    First of all I fully expect us to lose tomorrow at Oregon, but we will still have a great team. I will still be a fan. We are an elite football program. Period.


    You keep applying your "best fans in college" standards to us. We don't care about being the best fans, just the best team. When you guys were winning I didn't hear anybody say, "Please, don't keep bringing that up." You seemed pretty cocky about your humbleness.


    I could just as easily say your uniforms are so plain and boring and they don't compare to our bright and gold and cardinal, but I would be applying my standards to you. You see, I don't try to impose my view of the world on others and say "you are not like me"so something is wrong with you.


    I am sure that you feel being a native Californian gives you some kind of special status, but it doesn't. I have met nicer people from New Jersey. For a laid back state you are really uptight man.


    I still stand by my post, Lou Holtz was (and is) attacked because of the way God made him. I think his analysis stinks also. Besides, he has never had anything good to say about USC. I have no reason to like the man. But when he makes a complement about a program and he is trashed for something he has no control over that is completely classless.


    As far as losing 45 seconds of your life you lost listening to Lou, I can now see how that was a significant loss.


    You might not like the way Lou talks, but I bet he is paid more money for making one speech than what you or I are paid a year. He may not be a great football analysts, but he has a lot of great things to say about life. You should pay to hear one of his talks. You could use it.


    As far as the tasteless T-Shirts about San Diego State grads working for USC grads, you need to get out more. That's rampant on every campus I know. But, now I haven't been to Nebraska. I am sure everything there is pure as the wind driven snow. :sarcasm

  3. Lord.


    That was 45 seconds of my life I'd like back.


    Rock Bottom is an interesting place.


    This is the first time I've seen the messenger shot because he brought a positive statement!


    You guys rag on Lou all the time about not saying anything good about Nebrasa, and when he does you make fun of how God created him. I am sure none of you were poked fun of for being fat, ugly, crater faced acne, big ears, big butt, jock, pencil necked geek, momma's boy, loser,etc. No, your exterior appearance must be perfect, but your basic humanity is deficient!


    The best fans in America are great....until they become losers, then you see they are just like everybody else. Take a seat by the team, you both have fallen so far.



    For the record, I never said I hated Lou Holtz becuase he was negative towards Nebraska. I hate Lou Holtz because I think he is a horrible analyst. And where in the blue hell in my statement did I taunt the way "God made him?" I don't like those "pep talks". Every time I see one, I become dumber. I saw this one because morbid curiosity drove me to it and it might be the last time I see my school on ESPN until Callahan is or isn't fired.


    I am really getting tired of people dropping the "best fans in football" card when someone does not agree with their post. Once and for all, being the "best fan" to me means you can:

    a) have an opinion

    b)express said opinion in a mature manner

    c)when having an opinion, it can be different then the coaching staff's or players opinion

    d)have to right when you buy a freaking ticket to a game to either boo or leave early if you as a fan deem appropiate. (This is a big one, I forgot in 2007 the only people with Nebraska gear on who have to care and watch the whole game are the freaking fans)


    Lastly, a USC fan has a lot of damn gall to call a Nebraska fan on loyalty and attitude. I have seen plenty of half empty LA Colesium's in USC's down time, crappy behavior when the team loses, and plenty of offensive shirts at games. Hell, the "Our maids went to Fresno State" T-shirts were pretty classy. As for recent proof, YOUR FRIGGING COACH THINKS FAKING SUICIDE IS FUNNY AND NOT AT ALL UNPROFESSIONAL!!!!!


    But whatever, enjoy the view from the top, it looks to be ending soon.


    My reference was to "you guys" not "you". I attached my post to the most recent one. It could have been anybody's. It just happened to be yours. Nothing personal. I never said anything about loyalty and attitude, you inferred it. As far as expressing an opinion, apparently only yours matters.


    I agree with your definition of a fan: a) through d)


    P.S I too must be on a suicide watch because I don't know what the hell you're talking about there.


    We don't call ourselves the best fans in football, so its a standard we don't have to nor care to live up to, but Nebraska does. So if its a comfortable fit on top, you got to live with it when you are down. If not, perhaps you (all you) need to rethink that description.


    View from the top looks great thank you.

  4. Lord.


    That was 45 seconds of my life I'd like back.


    Rock Bottom is an interesting place.


    This is the first time I've seen the messenger shot because he brought a positive statement!


    You guys rag on Lou all the time about not saying anything good about Nebrasa, and when he does you make fun of how God created him. I am sure none of you were poked fun of for being fat, ugly, crater faced acne, big ears, big butt, jock, pencil necked geek, momma's boy, loser,etc. No, your exterior appearance must be perfect, but your basic humanity is deficient!


    The best fans in America are great....until they become losers, then you see they are just like everybody else. Take a seat by the team, you both have fallen so far.

  5. Look at what he is doing with the best talent in college football? The huskers won't be able to land USC's talent, yet they were beat by Stanford at home and nearly lost to Washington and Arizona! We need a better HC than that!

    You left on one critical element of your analysis, 13 starters missed at least one game in that stretch. When your talent is on the bench its hard to play top level football. Blame the trainer for not getting them back on the field, not Sark!

  6. Old man Holtz will give Nebraska one of his "pep talks" at half time of the V-Tech/Boston College game. This will be interesting!

    I thought his pep talk was good. He put it on the players to make it happen at Texas.

  7. I won't lambast you, but I'll go ahead and post this for old time's sake.




    Callahan has as much chance of turning this team around as I do. That is to say, none. I admire your optimism, but thankfully at this point nothing can stop Callahan's quick descent into darkness.




    Got your point across real good x!

  8. And you, sir, have done an "excellent" job bringing this stat to our attention. I had overlooked this important building block for the program. This is clearly an example of what BC has been talking about. SC's kicking game is no where this good. :)


    Hey the lack of a kicking game might have cost of a win or two last year...


    True, and we got your old FG kicker. That doesn't sound good.

  9. And you, sir, have done an "excellent" job bringing this stat to our attention. I had overlooked this important building block for the program. This is clearly an example of what BC has been talking about. SC's kicking game is no where this good. :)

  10. My 5 year old son, who has predicted the winner of each husker game, has said Nebraska will win 32-20. He also said that Texas was his favorite team, which hurt a little bit.


    It also hurt when he was rooting for Missouri and Texas A&M, so it surprised me when he said Nebraska was going to win.


    At the risk of sounding silly, I have been saying all along you guys are going to beat Texas. My head says something different, however. But I have this "feeling". I am with your son on this.

  11. As of right now Lucky has broke the Single game, season, and career mark for receptions by a RB. More then likely within the next game or two he will have set the record for season & career yardage by a RB as well as the OVERALL season reception mark. He is on pace to end up with 73 receptions this year which would put him at 107 for his career 36 short of the career mark. Which would be very reachable if the "New" staff uses him like he should be used. Before you knock him take into consideration that the records he is breaking were set by Cory Ross, Jeff Kinney and Johnny Rodgers. Johnny "Freaking" Rodgers people. It is not like he is breaking records of guys that played on teams that only ran the ball. Those guys played on teams that weren't affraid to throw the ball around. He was also 1 catch short of the overall record for receptions in a game and 6 yards short of the yardage mark for RB in a game.


    Say what you want about him hitting the holes or whatever else the "talking heads" on here complain about, this guy may be the best receiving threat to EVER come through NU as far as RB's are concerned. He gets short changed because we were spoiled by the likes of Ahman, Rozier, Phillips etc. and because Recruiting Websites put crazy expectations on him. This guy is good and is more then likely going to end up with more then 1500-1600 total yards and that is with a line that can't run block and splitting time with 2 other guys.




    (disclaimer) For those that feel the need to bash this guy I've heard it all before blah, blah, blah. I'm tired of all the National Enquirer crap around here and want to talk some stinking football for a change.)



    Yup. Remember one writer, Heisman Pundit I believe, picked Lucky to be a Heisman darkhorse this preseason. If he had a good O-Line this year its hard telling what positive accolades he would be getting. I think he has been unfairly judged in the light of the team's overall performance (or lack thereof). These stats you quote certainly put him with some very fine company. :cheers

  12. Is Tedford from Cal a realistic candidate? I know he loves our facilities and is having problems getting his built.

    Tedford is a great coach and would good for Nebraska. He is fed up with Berkley's tree huggers and other assorted fruits and nuts.

  13. ...One thing that was kind of comical...a guy behind us yelled the S-bomb right when it was getting quiet, and there was a young girl, maybe 10, in front of us...and he immediately yelled, 'shoot' after his comment. Everyone laughed, it was completely understandable why he yelled what he did...but even though NU fans may not be who they are supposed to be...they are trying.


    Thats funny! At least you got a good "you had to have been there" laugh.


    Sounds like that guy is a true Husker fan, frustrated but still knows who he is and where he was at.

  14. I, like many of you, have been going to football games and following the Huskers since I was a toddler (some 40+ years ago). My dad (who has since passed) grew up in Nebraska and Saturday's in the fall became my favorite days of the year. We lived in Kansas, but we made the trips to Lincoln, Manhattan, and Lawrence to see our beloved Cornhuskers at every opportunity. I think of my dad every time I see the replay of Johnny the Jet tearing them loose from their shoes. Some seasons were better than others, but it was always special to be a part of this incredible family of people wearing red. My dad and I knew there was no place like Nebraska.


    I ended up going to UNL and now live in Lincoln. I have been taking my son to games since he was a toddler (he's now 17). I can vividly remember him starting to tear up when it looked like the Huskers were going to lose at Missouri in 97. I was already consoling him and trying to explain that losing was going to be hard, but we had to realize we couldn't win them all. Amazingly, the Huskers did win that day and we literally went outside and starting yelling and celebrating in the street. That day, there was certainly no place like Nebraska.


    Today I arrived at the stadium with my son and I was never more proud of the fans. So many people were trying so hard to stay positive even as the game got out of reach. It would be an enormous understatement to say it was hard to watch what was happening on the field. The hardest thing to understand is how this has gotten so bad so fast. It was a surreal feeling to walk from the stadium to our car after the game because even though we were in a crowd of thousands, it was practically silent. What was there to talk about? We certainly didn't want to relive what we had just seen.


    Some may disagree, but I believe that being a Husker fan isn't about national championships or even nine win seasons. I honestly believe that most Nebraskans (natives and imports) believe that the glory is not in the victory but in the deed. The sick feeling I have right now is that for the first time, it seems like some of the players and most of the coaches have given up on the victory, the glory, and saddest of all, the deed. For them, there are lots of places like Nebraska.


    In thinking this over, I only have one question. When will this nightmare end?


    Great family tradition you have there. Your dad would be proud.


    Yes, I too am surprised how quickly things have spiraled out of control. I hate to say it, but this is a total collapse.


    During our dark days I believe we had a 3-8 season. Thats unimaginable but it happened. It was like living in a kind of nightmare and you couldn't wake up.

  15. If you want to talk tradition go to a random message board of some random team that will have CFB fans on it and ask if CU has a storied football tradition, I'm betting that 100% of the time you get a no.


    And I'm betting that 100% of those fans would be dead wrong. See, this is one of those cases where perception in no way mirrors reality, that's kind of my point...


    Hell the mirror you look into doesn't even mirror reality. :nutz Lets see, your great tradition is made up of one Heisman and one national championship. Sounds like our 2004 season. :lol: Yup, when me and my SC buddies are talking about the great football powers out there, Colorado is always at the top of the list. :corndance


    Thanks for the laugh. Welcome to the board.



    ... Here's hoping for more head to head matchups and great memories!


    I think every true college football fan in the nation would like to see a return of this great matchup each year. Good luck this year. I think you guys will be in the NC game the way you are playing this year.

  17. And yet again, Auburn was on probation and had NCAA sanctions. Could someone please explain to me how what our program is going through is in any way shape or form comparable to a team like Auburn, OU, Alabama, etc. that cheated; got caught; and penalized by the NCAA?


    I realize that Pud and Clownahan are very close to NCAA sanctions, but what happened here has absolutely nothing to do with cheating and being penalized by the NCAA unless there's some sort of conspiracy out there for having Phillips and other criminals once play here!


    Having a bad day Bud?


    In no way was I comparing the way you got to your disarray, just that you ARE and it's not fun. We all know that.


    How you could take that from my post is beyond me. Take a deep breath. :LOLtartar


    Hey AuburnTiger. There are a few up tight cats here so just don't let it bother you. For example, I responded to a post one time that USC has never played in a place like Lincoln, and I used our game in Auburn in 2003 as an example of playing tuff competition away. One guy went ballistic thinking I was making a backhanded remark about the Auburn-Nebraska game last year. Every college board has their super sensitives, but the majority here are super guys and well come to your aid and set the rowdies straight.

  18. I think Terry Bowden could make an excellent HC for us. He really got a raw deal at Auburn and I know he's itchin' to get back in the fray. Plus, he's a high character kinda' guy.


    Imagine if you will...Terry as HC...and Kevin Kugler as "The Voice of Husker Nation"...


    (for those of you who don't know they announce games together weekly for Westwood 1)

    I think Nebraska should be declared a "Bowden Free Zone". Not a good fit. No one in that family.

  19. Anyone think Norm Chow could be on a list of coaches to contact. He has been an assistant at the collegiat level for 32 years and is now with the Titans. He was with USC as the OC for 4 yrs before the jump to the NFL. Just thought he could be another name to add to the list.

    Chow would be great for you guys. But like 2nd to Nunn said, you would have to land a great DC to complement him. Chow is the best OC out there, college or pro, in my humble opinion.

  20. ya know...not to be too much of a pain in the ass but....



    that says syracuse and has an NC State logo....


    you would think ESPN would pay a little bit more attention before doing something like that :clap :asshat



    It was probably a Freudian slip. N.C. State should be in this group.

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