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AR Husker Fan

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Posts posted by AR Husker Fan


    My problem with all the protests and people saying they are scared is this:


    -Trump cannot take away gay marriage. he doesn't want to anyway.

    The fear, in the case of gay marriage and for LGBT rights overall, is not with Trump, but with his appointment of conservative justices that will ignore stare decisis and will roll back previous holdings supporting gains in those areas. The Republican platform is virulently opposed to LGBT rights.

    You're talking to a conservative. But it has already been ruled, and I see no possibility of it going back.


    As a lawyer for more than 30 years, I can assure you that precedent is overturned all the time. How do you think laws change? How do you think we went from the courts SUPPORTING segregated schools to finding them illegal?




    -Trump will not deport anyone who is here legally. That includes Muslim and Hispanic citizens.

    No one is concerned with those that are here legally - it's what happens to those who have come to this country, worked hard, contributed to society - and will be denied any chance at a path to citizenship. Those people take almost nothing from society - they hold jobs most Americans won't touch, they can't qualify for most social support programs or "entitlements", they can't access healthcare and the list goes on and one - but contribute greatly to it. And we DON'T want them to gain citizenship? They are the very kind of people we SHOULD want to provide a path.

    I hold a slightly awkward view on immigration. If they come here, they had better be able to fend for themselves. That means working those jobs, and being able to provide for yourself. Once you can provide for yourself and prove to be a basic American, feel free to become a citizen and pay your own tax dollars.


    Not the issue - the issue is why people are protesting Trump or fear how Trump will treat the issue. It isn't how you feel about it.




    -Trump turned down his KKK endorsement. Can we stop using that as ammo already?

    He did so only after a considerable period of time, after lying about his knowledge of what and who David Duke is, and only after his poll numbers dropped due to his intractability in refusing to deny. In short, it's clear that he welcomed their support, and denounced it only when he had to.

    No he did not enjoy it.


    If he did not enjoy it, he would have denounced it immediately rather than lying by claiming he didn't know David Duke, what he stood for, or what the KKK was. He did not, and he only finally denounced it - after a considerable period of time - when he was forced to.




    -Women already have a strong place in society. They will continue to.

    But not an equal place. They still trail men in wages for the same jobs, in representation in positions of authority or power (elected office, corporate leaders, etc.). More importantly, Trump has made clear - both in word and deed - that he views women as merely objects and not equals.

    He appointed those "objects" to his cabinet. Take it as an apology, but he did it. And without tantrums, they have been continuing to provide for society.


    A token act does not negate a lifetime demeaning women.




    -He is not Hitler. Making comparisons between him and Fascism is completely sickening, because we all know that will never happen to our country.

    He is engaging in many of the same practices that are used by anyone that has become, or sought to become, a dictator. The best way to ensure that it never happens in this country is to challenge those practices at every step.



    Your inability to refute is duly noted.




    I hated Trump with a passion in the primaries. I wish he wasn't my party's nominee, but he was. He won the election the same way 44 of our previous presidents have. It's time to sit back.

    For the entirety of the Obama presidency, Republicans protested his position or his legitimacy. Trump has proven to be a liar, a bigot, a misogynist, a sexual predator, and more. Not only is it NOT the time to "sit back", the exact opposite called for.

    Not in the same way. It was a discussion at the dinner table, or on Twitter, or whatever. I was not a political person whatsoever until people started going crazy, then that's when I stepped in. And if you don't sit back, then I assure you that extreme racists or sexists won't stop until you do sit back.


    Absolute and utter crap. In a State of the Union address, a South Carolina Republican representative interrupted the President to shout, "LIAR" at him; Fox News demonized him; Republicans challenged his birth status for almost the entirety of his Presidency; the Alt-Right engaged in creating the most salacious lies possible and spread them with absolutely no qualms. The fact of the matter is that what has happened to Trump doesn't even begin to compare.



    Everything I say is in the bold red text.


    Seriously? These protests do not help get the message across to their target in a positive manner. Instead, they criminalize people who's opinion differs from theirs, and make the people they're criminalizing go more extremely against them, therefore causing an inevitable race war. Ridiculous how this is still going on.

    Assuming, for the limited purposes of argument, that your claim is correct - despite the evidence throughout history to the contrary - what is the proper way for a group to raise their concerns and open the eyes of the rest of society? To date, no other method has worked. The only time, as an example, that some got elected and pushed through an agenda to broaden a group's rights was only after lengthy and vociferous protests that awakened the general public.

    • Fire 5
  2. Protests, peaceful or violent, only make the racist more racist, and the sexist more sexist, leading to an even greater divide.

    You must be very young; the '60s alone proved that the very opposite is correct. Peaceful protest gained greater rights for blacks and women; it has, most recently, gained additional rights for the LGBT community.

    • Fire 5
  3. Bear in mind, this is propaganda, plain and simple. While propaganda is most effective when the party espousing it controls the media, it is almost as effective if the media shirks its responsibility. Until such time as the media labels the statements for what they are - lies - and does so relentlessly and without fail, the lies will take root. Remember the old saying, "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth." That is true, but only when the lie can be repeated without challenge.

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