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s.c. husker

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Posts posted by s.c. husker

  1. I dont understand why our government dont shut these places down, hell the one in S.C. is 10 miles from my house, I will show them where it is, there not hiding, they are shopping at wal-mart for christ sakes.

  2. Thought about selling a couple of my handguns because I dont fire them on a reg. basis but something told me not to and I dont want to sound like an extremist but with the new terrorist attacks or attempts and listening to the Fox news report of 34 muslim training camps within the U.S. including one in my home state of S.C. , it made me think twice about selling my .357 and Springfield .40, instead went and bought some more ammo. Happy hunting

  3. Sportstalk radio here in Charlotte, which is 4 different talk shows one is the jerk Cowherd but the rest are local and they have been talking upset all week when Nebraska comes up, also Minter was on yesterday but I missed the interveiw.

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