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Posts posted by nebraskan-N-texas

  1. I don't know why they didn't wait until later in the season. He is already overpaid, so hopefully it wasn't a big raise.


    pleasefirecallahan.com is alive and well.


    It will be making sure he lives up to this years expectations and the new contract.

    do us all a favor and go play in the street during oncoming traffic



    I would say Callahan has been nothing but GREAT for the University of Nebraska. Yes it has taking some time, but we are now starting to see what the future holds for the Huskers and I would say the future looks very bright.

  2. The last thing we need is another vanilla QB against whom to "test" our Blackshirts before we face JD Booty.


    Didn't Booty get wheeled out last night? I didn't see what happened till afterwards though


    USC did not play great at all. Yes they won, but it was not pretty.


    Booty did not play like a Heisman candidate.

  3. I thought Freeman looked good for most of the game. Not saying I'd necessarily want him here, but overall his performance tonight struck me as pretty good.


    You guys might be right. Everytime I tuned in he did something stupid. I was switching back and forth between different games.


    I may have mis-spoke on him loseing the game for K-State.


    I will stick with what I said first in not coming to Nebraska.

  4. I felt like the one run he made good yardage one was about the only run he had any chance on, and he did something good with it. If memory serves, most of his other runs were bottled up by Nevada with nowhere for him to go.


    You are correct with your statement; however, last year, Glenn would have hit the hole hard. Today he showed no emotion and did not seem to care about being on the field.

  5. I think Glenn is probably gone eventually. He's hurt quite a bit and if he's not playing with any heart I wouldn't be surprised if he gets benched.


    Agreed! No heart and hate to say this, but really no need for him right now.


    Move him to backup fullback; at least he would get playing time.

  6. Ok, I know that I am going to get a lot of flack over this; however, I truly believe, that Keller is going to be a much better QB than Z. Taylor.


    After he got settled, he was very poised, made good decisions and no afraid to get out of the pocket or just stay in the pocket and take a shot when needed.


    This is my opinion, but would love to hear some of your comments on this as well.

  7. I do not know if any of you are interested in odds; however, I found this very interesting.


    Nebraska Odds in Winning BCS Championship: 33:1

    Missouri Odds in Winning BCS Championship: 15:1


    This just seems crazy to me; not the Nebraska Odds, but the Missouri Odds. I would have guessed 100:1; however, that is just me.


    I know odds mean nothing to most people, but I had surgery this afternoon and just bored and surfing the net.



  8. the only problem is I would have be shipped and sent by sometime tommorow and I don't think they have 12 hour shipping do they?



    Good point.


    FedEx does have Early Morning Saturday Guaranteed Delivery; however, I do not know what that charge would be.

  9. I am shocked by this topic. In my opinion Callahan has done a GOOD job (Not GREAT) in his short tenure at Nebraska. If you fire him this year, a new coach would come in and change up the offence and then what; we lose the BEST upcoming recruiting class that Nebraska has had in years.


    Give him a chance!!!


    Nebraska fans will never be extremely happy again until Osborne is back on the sidelines and I do not see that happening anytime soon.

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