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Posts posted by typ3kal

  1. I am a unl alum living and going to professional school in Iowa city. Their fans aren't as bad as Cu's but there are a lot of morons with no football savvy. Give me a game at memorial over kinnick any day.

  2. I am actually thinking that we'll win the whiskey game handsomely.. I probably woke up this morning a little groggy. I think we score early and often in that game with a nearly scoreless second half that will be determined in the trenches. Watch the defense have a coming out party.

  3. Stadium expansion, expansion to ball park, new arena, and devaney revamp.


    Wth are we going to spend our money on after that? The current undertaking at UNL with athletics + innovation campus is mind boggling.

  4. I don't know if I would say tickets are prohnibitvely expensive. You're going to pay a comparable amount to get in the door at any big program spare the garbage programs like Minnesota.


    Why lower the price to accommodate the regular joe schmo? You can't tell me a person who barely can afford tickets is going to spend tons of money on concessions and apparel. Your argument doesn't really hold water.


    The university is like a business. It wouldn't make sense to for ford to lower the price on all F-150s just so more people could buy them. Not to mention the stadium is sold out already. If it weren't filling I would say you're completely right. Yet it is in a businesses' interest to maximize revenue and profit.


    I am not sure how people feel they need to complain about the price. I am out of state in a professional program and I work for my money (no loans or debt) and I still manage to scrape together the money to get back for one or two games. Figure out your priorities and forego a few vices.

  5. If you don't mind could you disclose how long you were on the waiting list / how much you donated over that time period? I am looking to get a few season tickets (if I can convince the Ms.) but a lot of it depends on whether it isn't prohibitively expensive annually.

  6. It's not like one dimensional is bad. We won a few championships being called one dimensional. As long as we can execute the plays we run we'll be fine. We're not going to be the scoring explosion team of the 80's. Although we could be in the 2012 season.


    I think our offense will be middle of the B1G pack. Our defense will be 1st or 2nd which should be enuf to get us to Indy.


    We won't go undefeated next year but a BCS bowl or falling all the way to the Alamo bowl wouldn't surprise me.


    This subject has been talked ad nauseum on this forum.

  7. I don't question Cody at all. He is a good kid. Did everything he was asked from the program. Read on HuskerExtra and Omaha with the older articles of him. He helped out the younger QB's and players last year and was even open to a position change if it would help the team. He would likely end up 3rd going into fall camp and coaches weren't at a place to change his position because of depth. Hard place to be for the kid. Hope he does well in the future. NU was lucky to have him when they did. I know we leaned on him more than once in the last two seasons.

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  8. It isn't a huge sum to donate to get in the door. I imagine that number will drop even more with the addition. There is a long waiting list, but when you donate you get priority points (you increase you placement on the list). So if you decide not to contribute one penny you'll be on the list for a very long time. Donate a few hundred every year and you'll get them soon. If you want them now it'll cost a little more. I think upwards of 1k per ticket donation. I forget what it is, but a certain percentage of your points roll over annually. I'm sure someone can nab this info and post it from the Huskers.com website.

  9. I'm all for the 14th and Superior roundabout.


    They are expanding 14th to 4 lanes all the way from the Devaney to past Fletcher. I live north of Superior and use that intersection everyday. It sucks only having a 2 lane between Superior and the Devaney- especially on gameday. I'm trying to block out the memories of being caught on 14th for an hour or more. *cringes*

  10. The wild card is that he might just want to play football more than baseball, or not want to decide between the two yet, or want the college life or minor league life. That could put him at Nebraska. If it's purely a financial security decision there's no doubt he should take the baseball money now. That far exceeds the value of any college education, and doesn't preempt getting a college education in the off-season, or post-baseball if that doesn't work out.


    My view is that he'd have to be pretty sure about football over baseball or the other things to pass on the money that may or may not still be there in 3-4 years.


    You act like he has to pick solely football at Nebraska or baseball in the majors.


    He goes to Nebraska he gets to do both for 4 years. He goes to MLB he just gets baseball.

  11. Who is whinning? Where are you dreaming that up with?


    Some of us are just stating that a large portion of our current education is a bad investment. You know, dealing with reality as we see it..


    It's great that you think any quality level of education at any price (money & time) is a superb investment. To each their own.


    Bshirt is right on this, no one is whining, we're just being realistic.


    There have been some really great articles in the NYtimes over the last year about professional degrees and higher education in the U.S. A lot of these people aren't finding jobs in the field they have a degree in and are saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. These people aren't lazy or not hard working, there simply aren't as many new and open positions for newly minted graduates. Saying that all these people with higher degrees who haven't made loads of money or made a return on their investment is a little ignorant.


    It's sort of like saying that all the people who have been laid off in the last three years aren't hard working, are lazy, or stupid.

  12. I have more formal education than 99+% of people walking the face of the earth and I can tell you with great certainty that a great deal of that education was a waste of time, effort, and money. When I'm 70, if I get there, I'll probably be even more angry at any wasted time spent in "education".



    Well, I have just a humble undergraduate diploma but I know several Phd EE previous employees I worked with Silicon Valley that would agree with a huge portion of your comment.


    Four to five years and a $100,000 or so for a "business" diploma that gets you nowhere is just for starters. It sure is nice for tenured (can't be fired-bought out-laid off-transfered-etc) profs who have never accomplished one single thing in the real world though.


    You might as well add JD to your list of worthless degrees now days. The only surefire degrees are M.D.,D.O., and D.D.S. All the other degrees are almost not worth getting, unless you get scholarships.

  13. I am really surprised about how high you all have MN on your list. I live here and it is not that great. Tailgaiting is terrible and the campus sucks. There are some decent bars in the area, but it really is not that great. The new stadium is small, but nice. Just curious why some of you would put MN so high...



    Ranking the cities not the college campus.


    I love UofM's academic programs. I hate their campus and everything else about it. Minneapolis is still a sweet place to live for four years for college, but I gave Columbus and Madison the edge because at least you have a college team to support that isn't abyssal.

  14. I think if you're born and raised in Lincoln / Omaha people tend to pay less for tickets. I know out of staters who are fans that don't think twice about dropping $200 for reasonable tickets. The most I would personally pay would be around $300 a ticket and those seats would have to be pretty damn good.


    Even that is a steal for the atmosphere and such. You can drop $300 on an NFL ticket and it is no where near the same.

  15. Madison is an easy 1...with Evanston close 2nd. Been to most of the towns on this list, none even came close to these two.


    Evanston is close to Chicago but I find chicago such a hastle. Hence I ranked Minneapolis and Columbus higher. Northwestern does have an awesome location and beach right on the lake that is hard to compete with.

  16. I have no experience with any other Big 10 town, with the exceptions of Minneapolis and Chicago (Evanston). Minny is a fine city with big-city things to see and do. Chicagoland is a fantastic place, especially the west burbs where the knapplc clan laid down stakes.


    I really have no opinion on any other town, except Lincoln. Lincoln, for all its quiet and peacefulness, is a pretty stodgy, boring, backward town. It's a great place to raise a family, but not much for forward thinking. Maybe I'm too close to the subject, but I'm thoroughly unimpressed with much of this town.


    If we are using politics in the rankings then I would put Ann Arbor or Madison at #1.


    The thing is, Lincoln may be boring, but it offers a hell of a lot more outside of gamedays than 1/2 of the Big 10 towns. IE: Bloomington, West Layfayette, Iowa City, State College etc.

  17. Although a bit desolate, the area surrounding Penn State offers some really gorgeous scenery. I'll probably take a drive out that way again at the end of October to see the splashes of colors.


    That area of the country is absolutely beautiful, but so is the grand canyon. I would never want to go to Grand Canyon community college. Hence, I ranked college station pretty low on my list.

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