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Posts posted by mattbri17

  1. Actually Cotton is doing an outstanding job with this group of inexperienced and mismathed o-linemen. Most of these guys playing came from Callafraud and were not Barney's guys. As he gets more and more of his guys in, the group will improve and develop into the NUlike o-line he and Bo expect.

    This has not gone unnoticed by our coaches. Look at how many O lineman we have recruited in this class.



    Well to be fair the staff isn't done recruiting yet and it appears that they are going to try and get 3-4 total. I think mattbri meant last years class that brought in 4 O-Linemen. 2 of those players have already made noise to get into the 2-Deep, and I think Qvale would have had he not gotten hurt. The staff is already in on 2 Stud O-linemen for the 2011 class. They are making a concerted effort to bring in more O-Line talent, I think they realize the current linemen are good but not excellent.

    I did, thanks for clarifying.

  2. from Tim Griffin's chat on ESPN.com...


    Scott (Papillion, NE)

    Can you confirm the rumors that Roy Helu's injury last night was just a stinger?


    Tim Griffin

    (2:45 PM)

    Scott: I can describe exactly what it was, but can only add this. He had an ice bag taped to the area around the right side of his neck. And he was walking very gingerly when he boarded the team bus.

    Since I've never had a stinger, is that would be done? Icing the base of the neck.

  3. I have been a NU/USC fan since I was a kid in the late 70s and early 80s. I am the one that says win the Big 12 , just win the North and get sacrificed!!! I never drank the Callahan Kool-aide like some of you. I am the Texas grad, realist that knows that NU can't beat OU and UT for yearly top 10 classes, so they have to rebuild the walkon program and they have to recruit nationally and such to win. They just need to get some better I-backs that are durable and bigger, IMO.

    You are nuts. Helu is one of the TOP 10 RB's in the country and Burkhead is solid. You my friend, are crazy. :bat

  4. In there video section they have the highlights of the game. Sorry but you can clearly see suh drag gabbert down buy the back of his jersey and you can see holding his shoulder after the last td.

    link? (i'm lazy) :unsure:

  5. During the drive where we scored our first TD my fiancee went to the bathroom and while she was in the bathroom going potty Lee threw our first TD pass to Niles Paul. My Uncle, Aunt, and I told her to stay in the bathroom for the rest of the game. We were nice enough to give her a chair, her cell phone, and hoodie while watching the rest of the game in the bathroom. Needless to say we scored 3 TD's in 3 minutes and coming back to win the game.


    Anybody else???

    He said potty :rollin

  6. i dont care what the mizzou players said after the game it was how they played the game. punching our players and running their mouths getting penalties.


    Weatherspoons punch in my opinion was worthy of an ejection. the guys was down and making no effort to get back up and go again so why punch him? inexcusable

    Any chance the Big XII or the NCAA review the incident? Or is that just helmet to helmet hits?

  7. Another JUCO that might pan out like ole Zac Lee!! :thumbs


    Remember when we were hating on Callahan for his JUCO recruits?


    Turns out they aren't always so bad after all. Let's hope Bo's guys will follow in the footsteps of Mo and Bowman/Murillo.

    Bo's group recruited him not BC.

  8. I hope Tyler Gabbert decommits, I'd perfer to have Sean Robinson as our QB for the class. Plus, after Blaine leaves it'd be nice if there was another Gabbert at Missouri so we could kick his ass 2


    You have to be able to do it the first time, to be able to do it to another.

    As of now, the first time hasn't happened yet.

    How about now? :dumdum


    How about now indeed! Hey Tyler . . . do you want to play for a team that fights it's heart out for 60 minutes to win big . . . or a team that folds like a cheap tent at the first sight of adversity?


    ...your brother's ankle!

  9. Actually Cotton is doing an outstanding job with this group of inexperienced and mismathed o-linemen. Most of these guys playing came from Callafraud and were not Barney's guys. As he gets more and more of his guys in, the group will improve and develop into the NUlike o-line he and Bo expect.

    This has not gone unnoticed by our coaches. Look at how many O lineman we have recruited in this class.

  10. I played OL in college and have coached OL for the last 5 years at the high school and semi-pro level here in AK and have never seen over a two year period a more inconsistent, lazy, weak and undisciplined OL in respect to their level of play at the D1 level

    Can you make your avatar photo larger please MCAT800 :leghump:

  11. Not sure if this was posted on here yet, but I think one of the key moments that possibly saved the day for the Huskers was Henry having the smarts and knowwithall to throw that ball out of the end zone for a safety as he was about to hit the ground. That 2 points could have easily been 7 points and a real game changer. Henry played well last night considering the crazy snaps he was getting and the wet weather.


    • Loved our ability to come back!

    • Was perplexed by our play calling, Lee's inability to throw to the pads of his receivers.


    Great game though! Good to be a Husker today and every day!

    The longsnapper was crap last night! :madash Bo ripped him a new one!

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