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Posts posted by austintxhusker

  1. Being from Iowa, a loss CAN NOT BE A POSSIBILITY... Would be very worst way to end the season.


    Iowa has had a disappointng year, but have played well at times. Their front 4 on defense is probably best in the land. Clayborne is a stud, and their d-backs are pretty good. Decent power running game, with schitzomaniac at QB...he is good one play, then horrible next.


    Losing can't happen.... or I will suffer worse than ever.



    Hey, I live in Texas.......talk to me about suffering....nobody knows the trouble......you get the idea.


  2. One of my best friends got married in Kearney during the Okie St. game few years back. I was the best man and I was standing up there with an earbud in my ear. I could see a majority of the guys in the crowd with headphones in! Right after the wedding, when everyone is lining up to say congrats, the preacher came and grabbed us and said "C'mon, I've got the game on in my office"!

  3. I sat 3rd row in the bleachers in the south endzone. I had no problems with anyone! There was one drunk Aggie, but he was annoying everyone! We had an Aggie group set up their tailgate between a bunch of us Husker fans, and they were great! They even shared some ribs with us! That place was rocking! I wish Memorial Stadium could be like that! I sat next to some Aggie blue hairs and they were standing and cheering almost the entire game!

  4. I think we improve on the Defensive side of the ball alot next year. I dont think we will have to run this 4-1-6 or 4-2-5 defense every week. We will be able to play a much more sound style of defense..


    And as long as we keep Bo we will be fine.



    We lose Prince Amukamara --- likely a 1st rounder. Hagg... another NFL cannot miss player. Gomes... another NFL guy. Three in the secondary... all excellent and all gone. It is inconceivable that the secondary will be improved (and unlikely that it is nearly as good) in view of losing 3 guys to the NFL! Now... if Dennard goes pro early... the dropoff with 4 NFL guys leaving the secondary will be staggering.


    Pierre Allan... a good player, gone. Thenarse, gone. West gone. (Sure Thenars and West had some issues... but both were contributors and both added depth... and they leave too.) And... if Crick leaves... wow... not good.


    So, my friend... I concede (as stated in my original post) that the Blackshirts will still be good --- a top 3 or so in the B10 --- but better than this year?! Not possible --- you cannot lose that amount of talent and improve.



    How many players did we lose in the secondary last year? Asante,and another saftey that was good, We lost Suh and who else. I think we will be fine. And I dont think Dennard or Crick leave early for the draft.


    Barry Turner, Phillip Dillard

  5. Why does someone feel the need to play Dr. Phil by posting threads about how "it's over", and "we just need to focus on the next opponent" after every loss? BS! If I want to continued to be pissed off about the worst example of ref bias in Big12 history, than dammit I will be! Stop trying to water down what is, and by all rights should be a black mark on the face of CFB.


    What do people like you do when your upset anyway? Bury it so deep that one day you snap after being shortchanged by $0.20 at the HyVee and go on a multi-state killing spree?


    Face it, expressing your anger is healthy. Much healthier at least than burying it in a fake "every thing will be OK. We'll get em next time" attitude.

    First off, I'm not trying to play "Dr. Phil"! I have never been accused of pinning my anger up inside of me, I can promise you that! The fact of the matter is, while there were some questionable calls or lack of calls last night, we didn't do what we needed to do on offense to win this game. The roughing the passer penalty(horses**t call) did lead to a game winning field goal, but had we better production from our offense we wouldn't even be talking about this! I guess if we just sit and b**ch, then we can lose to CU, and that one will feel worse than the f***ing last night! Second, we don't have HyVee in Texass!

  6. We need to forget about A&M, and start looking forward to CU! We can b**ch til we're blue in the face, but it's not going to change the outcome of the game! I'm disappointed about last night, but it's over! We are going to be playing a CU team that looks to be playing decent football, and we have some things we need to get fixed if we want to win, and play for a conference championship!

  7. All ive heard from my Aggie friends are how stupid our coach looks and how they cant wait to play us again in the Big XII championship game to blow us out of the stadium.


    i went to the Aggie message board and their fans are calling us whiny babies among other things. Aggie fans are the worst, I cant take it.


    go back to your male cheerleaders and giving everyone the thumbs up and go polish your 1 NC trophy from the 1930s

    I was at the game and thought they were very classy! I have not had any of my Aggie friends call me or text me anything, unlike my Texass friends when they beat us! Pelini (and I love his passion and intensity) did look like an ass. I act like Pelini when we play poorly, but in the confines of my own home!

  8. I think it's been about 10 years since there's been a good enough reason for me to "unrationally" punch holes in any walls, but I just couldn't hold it back this time... Nebraska has been getting screwed by crooked refs and bogus calls all season, but this was sooooooo blatantly obvious. How can the conference get away with it? I just don't get how the NCAA has come down on schools, players, coaches, etc so why not on conferences? Can't wait to get to the Big 10; if not for anything else other than something more honest and just. Don't get on me about, "man why did you punch holes in your wall?" or anything like that... it's not a question of stupidity or lack of control, but curious if anyone else had as much trouble handling this as me?



    loss to the refs? really?? you guys really are into the crop circles aren't you??


    it had nothing to do with the team you played??


    The way you won the game had everything to do with the refs. Without that horrible late hit call, the game is going to OT, or Nebraska is winning it. Could you have won the game in OT? Sure, but we should have had a chance to play the game and not have the outcome be determined by the refs.



    What happens in the last three minutes of a game isn't the only playing that matters. A&M put up over 300 yards of offense, and scored more points than us. The refs didn't do us any favors, but they didn't cost us the game. If you don't play well enough to keep the game out of the hands of the officials, you don't deserve a win. You don't necessarily deserve a loss either, but you certainly don't deserve a win.


  9. Like a wild animal that has been held against its will in captivity, the Nebraska Cornhuskers will break out of the shackling chains of the Big Twelve this Saturday. No longer will we have to put up with the wannabe dictatorship of the University of Texas.


    The ghosts of the near misses in 1996, 98,99,02,06 and 09 will be exercised in an epic blowout that will leave the Longhorns yearning for next year’s life without BIG RED.


    The only bright spot I see for the Longhorns this Saturday will be a very lonely field goal sometime in the third quarter. Mac Brown’s post game interviews will showcase his Texas charm as he tries to convince America that the better team did not win the game.


    I see touchdowns coming for Nebraska from Brandon Kinnie, Rex Burkhead, Roy Helu, Mike McNeill, two from Taylor Martinez and finally Jared Crick on a fumble recovery in the end zone after Alex Henry pins Texas deep on one of his few punts of the day. There will be no need for any Mr. Henry field goals this week.


    Husker fans enjoy the view of the University campus after the game with the scoreboard lit up in the background reminding Husker Nation of the 49 to 3 thrashing of the Longhorns. Happy trails to Texas and your arrogant fans. Sleep well Saturday night with these thoughts running through your head. 85,000 in the sea of red chanting HUSKER POWER, Go Big Red and of course THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE NEBRASKA!!!!!

    I hope you are right! I am a little worried about tomorrow!

  10. I sure hope the players don't read their own hype, because believe me, Texas is coming to play, they are not going to just lay down. I have a feeling that this game will still be a good game, thought I fully expect NU to pull it out and win in the end. Would l like I to see them make a statement to Texas - absolutely. I hope we smash them in the mouth and take the value of their TV market down even more than it has come down already this season. Nothing would make me happier. But I also fully expect Texas to come to play, and do whatever it takes to win. They have their own statement to make to Nebraska fans...

    My thoughts exactly. This is the perfect opportunity for Texas, coming off a bye week, to get a huge upset and put themselves right back in the thick of things. The last thing NU, especially Martinez and the offense, can afford to do is believe the hype 'cause we've already seen what that can do to us. This is still Texas, and this is the game we've put on a pedestal since 00:01. IMO this is still the biggest hurdle we gotta face this entire season. Texas has had our number regardless of which team was ranked higher entering the game.


    So, even though it's fun to see Horns fans have these reactions, it will only matter when they're having these reactions during and after we play Texas next Saturday.



    Bo and Co. will have the team ready for TexAss. Count on it. There's no way we lose this game, it's just a matter of by how much. If any one offers you even odds or better, book it and I'll guarantee your money. This game means too much to the team and to Bo and Co. TexAss and their lucky streak will officially end once and for all on 10/16. We're going hunting on 10/16 and we're having fresh Bevo steaks for supper that night. And we're not throwing away the bones, we're going to eat them too...

    Just like we were ready for SDSU? F****d something up on previous post!
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