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Posts posted by mel4red

  1. An aside... but one that provides context. I live in Pac12 country and the four football fans who have commented to me (knowing I am a Husker fan) all contend that NU would not fare well (actually would have little to chance) against Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford or USC --- were they to play in a bowl game.


    Who gives a damn if we convince anyone we're good? I'm supposed to care what Pac-12 fans think of Nebraska? I don't give a damn what Big Ten fans think of Nebraska, let alone anyone from any other conference.


    Nobody has to come here telling us we have flaws. We know. We watch the games. We see the penalties, the turnovers, the missed blocks, the kicking game, the bumbling and the confusion. We know. But there is absolutely zero reason why we cannot feel good about being 7-2 and leading our division - no matter how we got here.


    This fan base is bizarre. There are those who will not let go of the 90s, who think we are (or should be, or will be soon) that team again. Then there are those for whom nothing is better than to wallow in the muck and mire of our flaws. We're not that bad, either. We're somewhere in the middle - a team with the fourth-most wins all-time, but who's had four or more losses nine of the last ten years.


    We're not great right now, and a lot of times we're not even good. But for God's sake, when someone says something good about the program, there is no virtue in immediately jumping in to point out how bad we are. This is a site for Husker fans, after all.

    And, besides, who cares what someboby else from another conference says ........ it's only words and no proof what-so-ever of guaranteed outcome. I can say So Miss could beat Oregon right now. You'd call me crazy, but crazier things have happened in college football. You must actually play the game to decide the victor !!!

  2. The biggest thing that scares me is that they have nothing to lose. There's nothing on the line, nothing to lose, and nothing to gain. Nobody expects anything from them whatsoever, and as a result they are just playing ball and having fun, letting it all hang out. Us on the otherhand, as the wins and weeks tick by, and we get closer to a possible conference championship, the pressure and expectations continue to build. Just another week in the Crazy10(+2) coming up.

    That's the rest of our schedule ...........period. PSU, Minn and Squawkeyes are all playing their bowl game against NU. Take care of the football and take care of business !!!! GO HUSKERS .... GBR !!!

  3. Nebraska fans circa '09-'10 puts anything Michigan fans have been doing this season to shame. I highly suggest to leave it alone, stop trying to justify it and just be glad Nebraska was good enough to put themselves in a position to win the game and took advantage of mistakes by the opposition. Nothing is going to change their minds, but who cares. The record book says Nebraska 7-2 MSU 5-5.



    +1 Great post !!

  4. Does anyone know the process for referee review or assessment in the Big 10 Conference? Just curious as to how they are graded by the conference, and who is involved with the assessment? Is it per game? Do the coaches assess? Are there penalties involved with poor performances or blown calls? I understand that we are dealing with human beings here, just wondering about how their product is graded, and in some cases, asked to leave or receive instruction on how to call a game. Thanks!

    But, of course, it we got rid of instant replay the officiating would go back to being pretty darn good, because they wouldn't spend so much time second-guessing themselves. The breaks would be what they are, and life would move on.

  5. Does anyone know the process for referee review or assessment in the Big 10 Conference? Just curious as to how they are graded by the conference, and who is involved with the assessment? Is it per game? Do the coaches assess? Are there penalties involved with poor performances or blown calls? I understand that we are dealing with human beings here, just wondering about how their product is graded, and in some cases, asked to leave or receive instruction on how to call a game. Thanks!

    As long as the calls continue to go our way, and not against us as has been the case for so many years, I am happy with whatever review they choose to do. I like having the pendulum on our side for once.

  6. So how many games do we need to win out of the next 3 to get into the CCG? Obviously I hope we win all 3 and think we have a great chance with two of them being at home. Just trying to figure out the logistics of the rest of the season. 2 out of the next 3 should do it right? I'm thinking if we lost to PSU for some reason that wouldn't be as big of a deal as if we lost to Minnesota or Iowa since they are in our division right? I hope we don't have to worry about it, but you never know. We beat PSU and I think we'll have no problems against Minnesota and Iowa.


    Let's just say 5 !! Win out and we can talk about the CCG and the Rose Bowls victories. GBR!

  7. The amazing thing about D-Rob is that his nerve injury happened about four games ago. He keeps re-aggravating it, and last night was just one more time. Stein had nothing to do with it. These so-called sports "experts" have no clue. This was not the first episode. I thought these guys knew what was going on? Maybe they don't need to have an AP poll either. It's obvious they don't pay attention.

  8. Offense : T-Magic/Ameer (virtual tie)

    Defense : Uhh ....... crickets ........ MVP ..... Most Vulnerable Players !!!


    We definitely need a good bunch of you "D" guys stepping up the second half. You guys come around and you get another stab at a victory in the Rose Bowl.


    GBR !!!!

  9. I watched this when I lived in Omaha, originally. It was the culmination of the greatest run in CFB history.


    Alabama may challenge it this year, we will see. But this was incredible.


    One thing that struck me: The commentators spoke incredulously about the out of control coaching salaries. Fulmer had just been given a 5 or 7 year extension that guaranteed 750k per year.


    Was it really so recent? It seems like forever that coaches have been overpaid.


    Nice to rewatch this, and thanks for sharing.

    And as has been done for the past 50 years ....... I have no problem comparing NU to AL ,or vice versa, as stalwarts of college football.


    We're still going to be one of the top 10, if not top 5 programs in the modern era. Having a run like that makes us special and something we should be proud of.

  10. As stated above, maybe each corner should "simply" say TOM OSBORNE FIELD. That would serve a broader purpose, and more meaningful one.


    My point was not to be condescending, simply more to the point that like smartphone "apps", most users today have no problem being able to find the necessary site they want. We are a nation of Googles. Bings, etc., etc.


    #huskers is "obvious".

  11. For those asking what the purpose is or saying how dumb it is. Have you ever heard of marketing? UNL is being innovative and getting their name out on one of the biggest platforms on the WorldWideWeb in twitter and people are complaining. :facepalm: Nothing seems to surprise me on this board.


    Bla Bla Bla. I just wanted to know that it was. I do not use fritter. Nor do I know what a hashtag is. Seriously. So I just wanted to know what the reasoning was. However, it is tacky as hell. I know, youre referring to people actually complaining about it.

    Not to mention the fact if they're that tech savy to know how to "Twitter" they sure as heck can think up something as utterly original as #huskers ........ DAFUQ.

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