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Posts posted by rawhide

  1. Individuals who are vigorously opposed to buying health insurance should be able to opt out by waiving their right to emergency medical services, in the same way you can choose not to have auto insurance by not driving, or mortgage insurance by not having a mortgage. That seems completely fair and sensible. Eventually, I think we'd get use to ambulances driving off or ERs baring their door to dying people; I mean, it would be their choice, right? I assume that those of you who who don't want to carry health insurance would be first in line to sign up.

    So that means all hospitals can refuse treatment of illegal aliens then ??

  2. So far, my wife's insurance hasn't changed. But the organization she works for has more than 600 employees. The majority of whom are union members. She is not a card carrying member of said organization.


    I think it depends on the dreaded "policy changes" made after 2010. Or if your policy meets government minimum standards. Supposedly, there are multimillions of people out there who have policies that don't meet MDR.


    And there are the stories of both huge savings and cost increases.


    Glenn Beck even has his own personal analogy: http://www.theblaze....re-to-children/



    And no we don't have it real rough; but have had to work to get where we are. Nobody has handed us anything. But that is our fault.

    • Fire 1
  3. There is mounting "outrage" throughout the world over U.S. spying on enemies and allies. Washington has remained quiet about this for the most part, but now that we have Merckel summoning our ambassador and sending her people to Washington to "demand answers," Washington is finally saying, "Wait a minute - you do this, too. You do it to us, you do it to your other allies, and guess what? We have proof."


    That's what makes this faux outrage so ridiculous to me. Everyone does this. We're just better at it than they are.

    That's why I expect the foreign outrage (at least on the government side) to be . . . measured. I'm sure the implied message is "don't protest too loudly or we'll shine a little sunlight on what you've been doing."

    I bet the sphincter dilators used will let in lots and lots of sunlight :D

  4. Some more fuel to the fire -






    only to have them replaced with more comprehensive plans. Meanwhile upwards of 10 million will have insurance that didn't have it before. THE HUMANITY

    And is there additional costs involved in those 93 million? Of course, otherwise those people would just say "NO". Oh, the lies we swallow. And why?


    Addendum: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/10/30/cnn-white-house-pressuring-insurance-companies-not-criticize-obamacar

  5. Look along the Hudson River valley. Lots of large scale businesses gone. Empty houses and buildings. Beautiful valley all along the river north of the Apple. I can't understand why anyone would live in NYC rather than further north.????but there is a lot of empty real estate there.


    Now Detroit; not so much. I went there in 1977 to repair some construction equipment and needed armed guards to watch us while we repaired the equipment SCARY.... never went back :) Of course, there are certainly some scary situations(areas) out here on the left coast also. :D the politically correct there is "Blighted areas".

  6. Leno put it so aptly; only the government would institute a website slower than the USPS.

    So not only was the WH full of it; but their main squeeze Pelosi is also. "You'll just have to pass it to see what's in it." Now we have to wait another 2 years for the mandate to kick in. Then we will "see" what's truly in it?? So many people 60% or more that could "keep" their policy won't and may not be able to afford a "better" coverage policy. So that's better how? I think that many of the people in this predicament will find it "difficult" at best to have any patience with a government who doesn't seem to have their best interests at heart.


    The NBC article couldn't possibly ring true. Just like the NSA and IRS sources. Just sources within the ACA. Sour grapes there.



    NBC in cahoots with FOX; who's next. The bastages.



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