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Posts posted by huskerhawk

  1. Yup I heard it, something like "273 yards" <whew> "They can't stop anything" and "No if they do that it'll be three and out and then the defense will just be back out there." I recorded the game, if I can find it I'll transcribe it or if I knew of a good mp3 editor post the audio somewhere.


    why, pray tell would you record such a debacle?

  2. Has anyone posted yet on this? I've listened to a lot of Husker football games online and there are times when the web audio goes down briefly during a break and you can hear faint background noise...usually the band. There are also times when they run commercials and you can still hear audio from the broadcast booth. Today there was a point during second half where commercials were being played but you could still hear Rose in the booth! Sounded like he was on the phone or talking to a producer but he was basically saying how the defense couldn't stop anything, they have been on the field too long, essentially commenting how poor the defensive play was...couldn't believe this was going out over the air...I was in the HuskerBoard chat room today and many of us caught what was happening. Anyone else hear this (did it go out over radio or just the internet audio?). It was getting to a point where I was cringing thinking man, he is close to going over the edge here with some of his comments (i.e. he would not comment so strongly during the regular broadcast or if he knew he could be heard). Interesting to say the least.



    First of all, yes I heard it too. Second of all, I did not think it was that provocative as you did. Third of all, Rosey is a piece of work that I wish would disappear from play calling duties. His blogs are half ass attempts to be positive and stand behind his man-Bill Callahan. Anyone with a clue knows better.

  3. I, like many of you, have been going to football games and following the Huskers since I was a toddler (some 40+ years ago). My dad (who has since passed) grew up in Nebraska and Saturday's in the fall became my favorite days of the year. We lived in Kansas, but we made the trips to Lincoln, Manhattan, and Lawrence to see our beloved Cornhuskers at every opportunity. I think of my dad every time I see the replay of Johnny the Jet tearing them loose from their shoes. Some seasons were better than others, but it was always special to be a part of this incredible family of people wearing red. My dad and I knew there was no place like Nebraska.


    I ended up going to UNL and now live in Lincoln. I have been taking my son to games since he was a toddler (he's now 17). I can vividly remember him starting to tear up when it looked like the Huskers were going to lose at Missouri in 97. I was already consoling him and trying to explain that losing was going to be hard, but we had to realize we couldn't win them all. Amazingly, the Huskers did win that day and we literally went outside and starting yelling and celebrating in the street. That day, there was certainly no place like Nebraska.


    Today I arrived at the stadium with my son and I was never more proud of the fans. So many people were trying so hard to stay positive even as the game got out of reach. It would be an enormous understatement to say it was hard to watch what was happening on the field. The hardest thing to understand is how this has gotten so bad so fast. It was a surreal feeling to walk from the stadium to our car after the game because even though we were in a crowd of thousands, it was practically silent. What was there to talk about? We certainly didn't want to relive what we had just seen.


    Some may disagree, but I believe that being a Husker fan isn't about national championships or even nine win seasons. I honestly believe that most Nebraskans (natives and imports) believe that the glory is not in the victory but in the deed. The sick feeling I have right now is that for the first time, it seems like some of the players and most of the coaches have given up on the victory, the glory, and saddest of all, the deed. For them, there are lots of places like Nebraska.


    In thinking this over, I only have one question. When will this nightmare end?



    Well you started out well. We're all sad, hurt, betrayed, pissed off, and lost. It's a grieving process. But look, this is temporary and we will have our day once again. Good news is that it can't get any worse. Bill will be gone and his cronies will follow suit. Pederson was a mistake and he made a mistake. Callahan represents desperate measures from a desperate man who wanted a big name. That said big name has run the program into the soil. Good news is that this is Nebraska and good things come from the soil. Callahan is gone and we will rise from the ground into something greater than ever. Be patient and keep the faith. GBR

  4. really, at this point what can he say? the coaches are pulling out all the stops trying to motivate the kids. we are f'd, plain and simple.

    Texas will crush us by 40 points or more. it will hurt like hell to watch us play our remaining games. it will take several years to get over this.



    way to stay positive.

  5. About 80% of our husker fans would love to see this guy on our sidelines next year. I'm sick of people down grading this guys passion and temper for the game. He might have had a temper a couple years ago but is he winning games....hell ya he's winning games. Does he get the players motivated for the freakin game.....hell ya he does. Does he come up with a different game plan after after time.....hell ya and he's a freakin genius. He's the right guy for the job......open up your eyes and see that folks. Turner Gill won't be a good choice as HC for the fact that he hasn't done much to prove anything and I can give a rats ass if he was one hell of a QB for NU. From here on out i'll be posting WE WANT BO threads everyday. WE WANT BO....WE WANT BO....WE WANT BO. The signs are there and people in Omaha and Lincoln already have signs and shirts about this guy. HUSKER FAN 4 LIFE.



    Also for those who don't think he's ready...remember Bob Stoops first head coaching gig was/is OU. He's doing pretty well there now. Pelini would be a fresh start and IMO a definite upgrade. :)


    Frank Solich would be an upgrade

  6. About 80% of our husker fans would love to see this guy on our sidelines next year. I'm sick of people down grading this guys passion and temper for the game. He might have had a temper a couple years ago but is he winning games....hell ya he's winning games. Does he get the players motivated for the freakin game.....hell ya he does. Does he come up with a different game plan after after time.....hell ya and he's a freakin genius. He's the right guy for the job......open up your eyes and see that folks. Turner Gill won't be a good choice as HC for the fact that he hasn't done much to prove anything and I can give a rats ass if he was one hell of a QB for NU. From here on out i'll be posting WE WANT BO threads everyday. WE WANT BO....WE WANT BO....WE WANT BO. The signs are there and people in Omaha and Lincoln already have signs and shirts about this guy. HUSKER FAN 4 LIFE.



    Oh relax. We don't even have Callahan out of there yet, so why make premature statements about whether or not you're tired of people saying Pelini has a temper. Seems to me that it is a pointless conversation at this point and time.

  7. Ok uh idk if anyone of u listened to the game, but Watson was doing the play calling today, so lets put two and two together, the coaching staff is atleast trying to find a solution, maybe its the players not making the plays, did we ever think of that, I bet if the players did atleast half of what they are supposed to we would be 6-2 at the most, the coaches cant be on the field for them doing the players jobs.



    Either that or Callahan is calculated. He puts Watson in there to make it look like they are just bad, not that he's trying to lose intentionally to get fired.

  8. i agree with what you say about the next 2 games.. but COMPLETELY disagree with a 6 win nebraska team not getting a bowl invite.. fans travel to well to not get an invite.. especially a small bowl would want to jump on the huskers asap.. ie. shreveport for independence again, or tempe for the insight? that is IF we get to 6 wins.. not likely but possible


    The team could do the honorable thing and decline any invite for a 6-win season, but that'd be like guving up your blackshirts for poor play.


    That is about the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time from a Husker fan. There are many many reasons to play a bowl game besides the obvious which has to do with reward for a season well played. If we have the opportunity to build PT for some players and get exposure nationally, who cares what the 'honorable' thing is to do. It's not even about 'honorable' If we get an invite...we go and any AD who turns down an invite should be immediately fired. Ridiculous statement.

  9. I do not see where it is needed to rub salt in an open wound. Everyone and their brother knows changes are coming. Bo may or may not get the position if it opens up. I just feel we would be better off cheering for the team instead of trying to embarrass this staff.


    Students will be students and I know when I went to school we did some things that I wouldn't do now but hey we were young and having fun.



    Yeah, well Callahan needs to get a life....outside of Lincoln. I want him gone, but I want the team to do well.

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