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Posts posted by GM_Tood

  1. I only blame the people who are still defending him today. I'm figuring everybody else has figured it out and we're all on the same team now. Resist.

    The issue I have with those of you calling out/blaming Trump voters is that you no longer accept that there is even another opinion other than the one you bought and sold to one another. Though, you don't have to, there are a thousand facts, blogs, and opinion tweets/FBs easily accessible that align with your own and the ones that do not must be evil. It is a cult of personality with a doctrine as dangerously unstable and hypocritical as the worst religious movements and all done in the guise of making the world a better for place for those that you have deemed worthy.
    You have become the monster you fought to defeat and are becoming the fascist oppressors and are wholly incapable of seeing it.
    • Fire 3


    For the record, it's not against the law to be registered in two states. It's illegal to VOTE in two states.


    I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....

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    "Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judg


    OK...now that's funny. Hadn't seen that.


    Right, they will investigate those voters to ensure only one vote was cast...would be my guess behind what he means. ?



    and that at some point the Trump Administration is going to push for English to be America's official language.

    I could see this happening as well....since 31 States already have designated English as the official language of their respective State.


    It's not something I would be against, either. I don't know the reasoning behind not having an official language. We clearly speak English as a primary language, so why not make it official?


    As long as we don't stop making information available in other languages for people who haven't learned English yet, what's the issue?


    When my ancestors came to America, they would work during the day, then take government-sponsored English language courses at night. I heard the same story from my in-laws about their parents. It makes sense to me to do that.


    Yeah, I think it has come up in prior Administrations and just never had the votes to get passed. And I 100% agree with you on making information available to other languages. :thumbs


    So, any other news on why the Pro-Life Women's groups were 'un-invited' from the DC march?











    Still, when the Atlantic magazine reported this week that an antiabortion group, New Wave Feminists, was an official partner of the march, the backlash was strong. The march organizers quickly dropped the group and apologized, writing in a statement that “we look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share the view that women deserve the right to make their own reproductive decisions.”

    • Fire 1
  5. Hillary/DNC - e-mails about media interactions, financial contributions, personal info on donors, campaign info. More than likely done by the Russians.


    Manning - Downloaded ~500000 documents related to the Iraq and Afgan engagements and over 250000 diplomatic pages. Within the pages of the diplomatic pages were names of foreign nationals that assisted in Military operations. I can only assume that since this information was made public, ISIS/bad guys/etc would use this info and take retribution on these individuals (though I do not believe that anyone has confirmed that any deaths were associated with his/her leaks) Some have also stated that these leaks were the catalyst behind the 'Arab Spring' in 2010.


    Yes, some of the information that was leaked showed some situations that many, including me, found rather disturbing done by US Military personnel. But a US citizen acquiring classified information and leaking it would be detrimental to the country, its military operations, and the forces used in those operations. What's the worst that could come out of the Hillary/DNC hack...maybe identity fraud?


    That's my two cents. I wasn't trying to be a dick about it, but I really don't see how these two situations are related unless a US citizen was found to be behind the DNC hacks.

    • Fire 4



    So why, if they're OK with that kind of leak, are they not OK with Manning's kind? What's the difference here?

    I can't believe this question was actually typed out. smh



    This is the kind of response you get when someone A) Doesn't understand the question, B) Doesn't understand the answer, C) Can't explain it if neither A nor B are true.


    Do you know the difference between the type of information that was leaked? I assumed you did.
    • Fire 1
  7. Fear-mongering? Russia has killed more European civilians since 2014 than ISIS. Not even gonna get into their invasion of Georgia. This is stuff that already happened.

    Fear-mongering over NATO all of the sudden disbanding, or the US pulling out. As someone who served as a part of NATO forces during the Bosnia conflict I am fully aware of the effect that NATO plays in the European theater.


    EDIT: And I am still a believer in NATO...as long as everyone in the 'Alliance' does its part.


    IMO NATO is nothing more than a welfare program for Europe at the expense of the American tax payer...which allows for European politicians to dramatically expand their own welfare state to their citizens without having to spend a dime on their own national security. Trump is absolutely correct, the Europeans need to pay their fair share of their own defense.

    Do you really think Estonia should just stand on its own when/if Russia invades? You think Belarus has the resources to pay its "fare share?" You seem unaware of how hard the former Soviet regions have worked to improve their plights since the collapse. They are still recovering. And when Ukraine decided it wanted to ally more with Europe, so they could improve their economy more, they were attacked and lost terrtory. That's going to happen more if NATO is weakened or destroyed, and it's going to be worse than losing a portion of territory.


    You do realize that Belarus and Ukraine are not members of NATO and would not be relevant to what I was talking about.


    Estonia currently meets the 2% defense spending goal established in 2014.


    I think the US 'could' manage relations via treaties/agreements 'if' NATO was to fold. The US would never just bail on Europe...though I suppose some of our fear mongering populace would disagree. But, I have never stated that NATO should fold, just that Nations contribute what they are supposed to.

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