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Posts posted by pearljammer

  1. Borchardt is definitely giving us the spark we need off the bench down low. Last 2 games he's provided a much needed pick up in the post play. Hopefully he can keep it up and that will spur improvement from Duby and Jordy as well. IMO this team is a much more talented and well rounded team than the one that took us to the dance in 2014. I just love how Palmer and Palmer can take it to the rim and finish with authority at any time. Taking this road win will be huge for our confidence going forward. Protect the Vault and steal a few more on the road and we'll be sitting pretty.

    • Plus1 1
  2. Good performance by the Huskers leading pretty much the whole first half. All of those ticky tack fouls in the first half ended up hurting us in the second half with lots of players in foul trouble. How Watson fouled out was a bunch of garbage. Frustrating when players on the court aren't the only deciding factor which team wins. Granted we didn't  play as good in the 2nd half and Creighton heated up when they needed to. We  are definitely  a better team than last year and hopefully we can do some damage in conference play and make it to the dance.

  3. 2 hours ago, teachercd said:

    The part that should be the biggest issue is that after the Dance year they had everyone back and started top 25...only to end up with 13 wins.


    Yeah that was a big head scratcher. Wondering if the team lost it's hunger after making it to the dance the year before. Also I can see Pettaway being affected by his family situation the following year. We have a ton of talent this year hopefully we can put it all together and make something happen.

  4. Well at least he brought us to the tourney. No one else had been able to do that for quite a while. I Just get tired of the fans with the "he better get X result or he's gone" type attitude. Yeah I want us to win as bad as the next guy but starting the season with this kind of mentality is pretty toxic.


    I think Nebraska fan should win an award for most entitled fan base in America. Fans with that type of attitude are probably the same ones that complain for a foul every play and leave with 4 minutes left  in the game no matter what the score is.

    • Plus1 2
  5. At least with the 2 new players committing to Nebraska we can live in a fairly tale land in the off season that Tim will right the ship and get us to the promised land. Maybe Morrow's foot injury is a lasting thing that would've limited him next year and he wouldn't have much impact next year anyways. Really hard to tell now in the off season but I think I'm looking forward to basketball season to start more than I ever have.

  6. As much as I like Miles and want him to succeed, numbers just don't lie. The fact that he has the worst winning percentage out of all Nebraska coaches really nails home how bad things are. There's this perception of how great of talent he brings in and all the success he's had in the past. All that sounds great but when you just aren't getting the wins things need to change. Hopefully the tide will turn next year, but the odds aren't looking good.


    Just for fun I looked up the odds of Nebraska winning the NCAA tourney next year. +25000 LOL

  7. Crean probably won't be considered because he's not "Nebraska Nice" enough. Heck I say if he can get us some winning seasons I'd be able to look past my general distaste of him.


    The Ginger Assassin is probably a little gun-shy from his experience with an Alpha Coach and afraid of a Pelini Part 2 situation.

  8. Financially and career wise it would be smart for Miles to take the NM job. I can see him wanting to stay here and try and prove himself. As others have stated he will have some high expectations to meet to keep his job and with a diminished roster and young team the cards are kind of stacked against him.


    Basically he has to decide if he wants bail, get a new start and be secure for another 5 years, or gamble with what 2 years of security, and half a fanbase that already wants you gone. Seems like a no-brainer if it is a purely business decision and they offer what he's already making here.

    • Fire 1
  9. I doubt SE would put up with an ASS. still recovering from the last ASS.


    Yeah I agree, the Ginger Assassin probably has a case of PTSD from dealing with Pelini and it seems to me like Crean good be the basketball version of Pelini.


    Also don't see Miles cutting and running to New Mexico but at the point anything is possible.

  10. To me this is a huge red flag. I can understand Horne and Fuller transferring, but losing a guy like Morrow the year after Andrew White transfers makes me wonder if there is some behind the scene stuff that players aren't liking about Miles. Miles better have a much better season next year or he's gone. Sucks too because I wanted it to work for him but things are trending in the wrong direction.

    • Fire 1

    I'm surprised that Tom Crean was canned. Yeah they had a disappointing season but they've generally been pretty good the last few years. Would Nebraska ever consider bringing him in here? Hope not can't stand the guy! Loved the highlight of him getting run over on the sidelines vs Michigan.


    Crean wasn't liked in Bloomington, and I am not surprised he was fired.


    Supposedly, according to Barfknecht at the OWH, the Ginger Assassin reached out to Crean's agent to gague Crean's interest in the NU job, before Eichorst announced Miles was returning for 2017-18.



    Ginger Assassin LOL

  12. I'm surprised that Tom Crean was canned. Yeah they had a disappointing season but they've generally been pretty good the last few years. Would Nebraska ever consider bringing him in here? Hope not can't stand the guy! Loved the highlight of him getting run over on the sidelines vs Michigan.


  13. Since you threw in the guarantee I locked in the unders with a Lincoln. Should make the game a little more interesting.


    P.S. Betting on Nebrasketball is probably the dumbest thing I do that gives me joy.........and heartache!

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