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The Shermanator

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Posts posted by The Shermanator

  1. Hey everyone,


    I'm in afghanistan right now and my 1sgt put me in charge to getting are Challenge Coin design made, now i'm no photoshop wiz but i know some people on here are. So if you could help it would be greatly appreciated. reply to this message on here or in a pm for detail. Thanks again

  2. "I’m not used to losing. I’m not used to getting beat soundly. Once again, that’s my fault. Yes, damn right, yes, I am embarrassed. I apologize to the team, I apologize to the state of Nebraska, I apologize to everybody associated with the University of Nebraska football and it’s my responsibility. I was hired to do a job and I didn’t do that job tonight.” – Bo Pelini



    Get ready to cut and paste this Bo. Save you some time in 2 of the next 3 games....


    Oh Crap...!!!! Mizzou just scored again down in Lincoln!!!!!! 93-23 and counting!!!!! But you will win this year. OK!!!!!


    I am amazed ESPN picked this game for a 3rd consecutive season after being over at half the last 2 years.


    Also, VT doesn't lose at home non-conference....EVER!!!!


    who is this guy coming into a nebraska board talking crap. We were talking on defensive schemes and this guy just want to talk crap. Shows how great va tech fans are.

  3. Keep in mind that Bo said that he wasn't showing everything that the huskers where ccapably of doin on offence and deffence. Just Remember that we have only allowed 12 point in two games, but then again it was Arkansas St. and FAU. I think if the huskers show up to play a physical game they can come away with a win.

    Do you have a link for Bo saying that? I've heard a lot of people say we weren't showing everything, but I haven't heard or seen the coaches say it.



    unfortunately I don't, but I have heard it when i was watching and listening to the game also on the big red wrap up show after the fau game. that's all i can give you man sorry.

  4. Keep in mind that Bo said that he wasn't showing everything that the huskers where ccapably of doin on offence and deffence. Just Remember that we have only allowed 12 point in two games, but then again it was Arkansas St. and FAU. I think if the huskers show up to play a physical game they can come away with a win.


    Try reading your post out loud..Or do you talk like that?


    Sorry..I know correcting someone's grammar is very politically incorrect on this board, but when Tuff Tiger doesn't visit as often, some of us get rusty trying to figure out the regional? dialect.

    I try to chalk it up to typos as much as I can (Still trying to teach myself to type), but some posts you have to make three or four attempts to try to put it into somewhat recognizable sentence structure.


    I (think) I like what you posted...Just not entirely sure what it was.


    My posts are pretty bad sometimes, too..I re-read some older posts of mine and still wonder wtf I was trying to say.


    I went back and started to read my post and had to quit before the end of the first sentence. Sorry for my typos, spelling erros, ect. but i did write this at 2:30 in the morning so give me a little bit of a break, and i was on a rant for all the stupid comments people made. Once again i am sorry.

  6. hey guys i was wondering id i could get a sig here is what i would like


    a pic of suh

    a pic of thenarse

    husker helmet with scull and cross bones


    i would like a black background with a pic of suh on the left and ricky on the right with the husker helmet in the middle with my name about this and blackshirts below this


    also creativity is a plus maybe a cool boarder and some paint splash would be cool but have fun with it and we can roll ideas together




    well I guess I can see the other viewpoint. it just kind of suprised me. I have been in the student section before, but they were conference games.. so that may have something to do with it. Still.. it was a 1:00 game so drunkenness shouldn't have been too much of an issue (didn't really seem to be to me).




    Sorry, but the most important fans are the ones who drop thousands on seat assessments and have supported the Huskers for decades. Not kids who think they're god's gift because they consume a bunch of drinks and act like morons and probably won't remember the game anyway.


    The only way to stop the students from acting like this is to keep them out of the stadium completely. Not saying that's what SHOULD happen, I am just saying that's the only way to stop it.


    I wish people could drink responsibly, act reasonably and respectfully, but it will never happen.



    You don't think that just cuz it was a 1 pm game that people were not drunk, boy have you got it all wrong. I've know some college students that when they wake up the pop a cold one and start to drink at 8 am. And now your telling me that they shouldn't have been drunk, please. Go to any place where people are drinking, i'm pretty sure that people will call other people names just because they don't like the way they look, talk, ect. Pretty much what i'm saying if you can't deal with the drunkenness then just stay home.


    Also every fan is equal in my eyes no matter how much money you spend. Just because you sold out just so your name could be on a plaque or so you could have a better seat, doesn't make you a better person or fan. And just because you have been a husker fan longer also doesn't make you better. You may be a 65 year old man and where born a husker fan, and your saying that just because someone was born 45 years later than you and they have been a husker fan since they where born, that make you a bigger husker fan than them. That my friend is a load of crap, just because you were born before them makes you a better fan, please. Some fans go to the games because it fun to be with friend and family, some go because the love the Huskers with all their heart and actually are very informed, do research, and follow the husker day-to-day(ME), and some go because it one more reason to get drunk. But lets face it all colleges have these fan, all age groups have these fans, and they will never go away.


    And back to the booze factor, I also wish people could drink responsibly, But you know what it never has happened and never will. That's why there are laws against people driving when they have been drinking. I'm not at all saying this should be enforced at the stadium, i'm just say that they are not the same at all. again people have never drank responsibly, because if they did no one would have died from alcohol poising or drunk drivers.


    All and all if you think your a better husker fan, get off you high horse and stop being so snooty. Drunk people are everywhere you go. And in all husker fans eyes Nebraska will always be number one.

  8. I saw Cody Glenn and N. Suh at the Grata last night. I thought about asking him.



    I work at Texas Roadhouse and I've seen Cody in a couple of time (along with Cory Ross, Jaba Chamberlain, and other current and former huskers) and many of us at the roadhouse are big fans....I thought about asking him hundreds of times....but i didn't because i would probably lose my job and my teeth lol.

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