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Posts posted by blkskrts

  1. I hope this is a sight of many things to come for Brooks he was the 15th rated reciever coming out of high school I have been telling my friends bout him since he came in and they seem like i dont now wtf im talkin so hopefully he can prove me right:)

  2. Did you hear me specifically call you out? No you didn't so calm down and and don't try and insult me and call me out. Don't talk about paying tuition either because I have student loans coming out my a$$!



    sorry, everytime i see the word "you" directed at something that is a result of something someone posted, it seems to be directed at the person that posted it, no? just the way it works to me.. You said "support your team" wouldn't you then in fact mean to say, students should show up and support their team? or support their peers? or something to that effect? not something that says "your" that is directed at an individual :dunno

    If I didn't quote you then I wasn't talking to you specifically. The students as a whole need to show up and be fighting amongst one another for those tickets.



    gotcha. just a misunderstanding there then. but i agree completely on that.. nothing else i can do though....



    it gets kind of annoying see people do nothing but bash students. Our entire lives we've been talked down upon like we are nothing but little kids, no respect from authority. We're told that as soon as we graduate high school and turn 18 what we say will matter, and people will listen to us. But, still to no avail. Still some people fail to give respect where respect is due. Just because it's a different generation and a different time doesn't mean growing up is easy. Everything has its own difficulties. They may have not had the technology, but we don't have the simplicity and assumed innocence either. There are so many twists and turns to everything. some people actually do understand and respect students, but some just don't.....

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