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AF Husker Fan

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Posts posted by AF Husker Fan

  1. The coach says he's done talking about the Texas A&M game. But this inquiring mind had one last request.

    I'd been on a late, tight deadline that wild and crazy Saturday night when Pelini cemented his image as a raging volcano. There were 16 penalties against Nebraska. I ripped Pelini rather than the officials. I thought that he brought the chaos on himself. But I had heard plenty of stories since. I needed to ask a question I wished I'd had the opportunity to ask after that game.

    "Did any of those officials tell you during the game you were going to get jobbed?'' I asked.

    "Yes,'' Pelini said.

    What did they tell you?

    "I won't say,'' he said. "But it was highway robbery. An absolute joke. I've moved on.''

    So while you were yelling all night, were you sticking up for your players?

    "No doubt,'' Pelini said. "I have their back. I always will. But if I had to do it over again, I would have done it different.''


    Two sides of the same man


    Very interesting. If this has even a kernal of truth (which I don't believe Pelini would say unless there was), then the A&M game was given to A&M by the refs (I'm talking about the roughing call on Osbourne that set up their last field goal). Not that we helped things out but when you have announcers laugh at a call, then you have a problem.


    The officials were spotted at yell practice the night before the game, not the standard operating procedure for officials.


    Just curious if you have any proof of this? It's very interesting that this is all coming out now, I wonder if there will be an investigation into this allegation? Honestly, I don't know why Bo would lie about this, but those are pretty big things that I wouldn't put past some people. Think about it - would you help the person/representative of a team who could've caused you to lose your job (i.e. Nebraska nearly "causing" the BigXII to fold, thus all those officials have to look elsewhere for jobs... I think the motive is there... didn't wanna believe in a conspiracy but this is pretty telling...

  2. I never advocated for the death penalty nor do I think OSU will get it. I do, however, think that Tressel had some issues that were brought to light and I don't think the book is closed on it. Given the fact that under your old AD he was rated poorly in timeliness of bringing possible infractions up, I think there's reason to believe that's just how he operates. If someone is consistanly late to work, yet they tell you they haven't been, do you believe their word?


    And thanks for clarifying about Troy Smith, but I was saying he was cheating because he knew not reporting the inelligle players was against NCAA rules.

  3. Never trust a guy who can't spell probably, personal policy.

    you truely are an homer.





    I'm confused. People who think Nebraska is squeaky clean are homosexual? Or have yellow skin like the denizens of Springfield? Whichever it is, I don't understand the correlation.


    There's a correlation between stupidity and gullibility, but not sexual orientation or skin color and gullibility.


    But if you think The Dude gave a fruit about the subject of your post than you are sadly mistaken.


    I think you're a bit confused about what a homer is - it's not a homO ... quickly pulled from yahoo answers : If you are a "homer", than you are biased towards your team in all aspects of the game. Your team can do no wrong, and you consitently overrate your teams players, you think they have no flaws. That's about the gist of it.


    Also - to Coqui - you say you can't use Troy Smith as proof of cheating b/c he was suspended, but that makes no sense whatsoever. He was CAUGHT. He was PUNISHED. I think it's pretty evident, even from Tressel's comments that were released in the dialogue, that he knew what he was about to do (not tell the staff at OSU or the compliance department or report it or whatever) was wrong. Some would say that playing inelligible players would be cheating. Tressel did just that.

  4. Me and a couple buddies are lookin' to make this the away game we go to which works out well because I should be getting back from deployment relatively close to that time - we're lookin' for 3 or 4 tickets to the game so if you or someone you know is selling them contact me here or text me at 402-960-7530, thanks.

  5. It is their responsiblity to protect the players at all costs, they give that commitment to their parents and family.


    Tom was not squeaky clean, the pistol deal as far as I am concerned is far worse than what Tressel did. But again he was thinking about the kid and not his best interest or the schools, just as he should do.


    We have kids running around with tatoos on the team, gold bling in their ears and around their necks, where does that come from, who pays for that on a scholarship ride. Vehicles are driven that are loanded by some one, some, as most on scholarship could not afford them. Again we have things that are going on, just like the rest of the country, we are no different is my guess. All pretty much live in a glass house, we need to remember that.


    so...tattoos and "gold" earrings insinuates a recruiting violation? seriously?

  6. I also highly doubt the president made the call to attack. All this will do is piss off the Al-Qaieda.


    You do realize that the President makes the call to go to war or not. I'm 100% sure he would make the call to attack the compund that Osama was held up in.

    Yes I realize that. Im saying an attack on a compound, in a country we have already invaded, really doesnt need his permission. It may have been suggested to him that we need to attack, but he didnt make the 100% call, that was my argument is all.



    Given Knapplc's information about the Islamic moon, i thinking this has been planned for awhile.

    I think it's an exaggeration to say that we invaded Pakistan. It sounds like we might have had ~200 troops on the ground at any given time. Is it still an invasion if the host country could wipe your little force off the map if it chose to do so? If anything, it sounds like those troops were operating with the consent of Pakistan. Contrastingly, it sounds like the US did not seek permission of any kind to go after bin Laden. (Which I support. Couldn't risk him being tipped off.)

    Yes, I believe Pakistans are working with us alittle more now. Isnt one of the leaders being held at G-bay in Cuba, maybe thats why. Which could have gave us permission to enter Pakistan to attack Bin Laden.


    No you're speculating on too much. We have had a standing order with pakistan (or something to that effect) that if we have Bin Laden we would go in and get them. I don't think the Paki gov is upset that we went in and got him without his permission... if anything they may be embarrassed he was hiding A) in their country and 2)so close to their version of West Point

  7. I hate to be Debbie Downer, but this doesn't change anything. He's dead, he's been dead for years. If you can riddle me this, then you've won whats behind curtain #3. How can some 6'5" guy, hump his ass up and down some of the most crap ass terrain on the planet with a dialysis machine???


    He's been dead for a while. Listening to the "dumbfounded dipsh*ts" on the TV news are talking about how we'll be living in sugarplumb land, you're seriously dilluted. If nothing else, this is gonna piss off the junior jihadists. Troops are still gonna be over there, there's people in the world that still hate us, this doesn't change anything. My friends mom put it very well, when JFK got shot, things didn't change. Bin Laden's dead, nothing's gonna change. Water's wet, sky's blue, islamic radicals will still want america destroyed...


    heard today that perhaps his kidney disease wasn't that bad yet - i.e. dialysis - but rather more like kidney stones. Just something to think about. I don't think this is a coverup btw or a body-double.

  8. Zac Lee is dreamy, isn't he? :wub:


    Totally going to bed after this, but I have to say this:


    In person, Zac is a strikingly handsome guy. I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to take the teasing that's probably going to earn me, but straight up, Zac is very good-looking.


    It's late, I'm at work, and strangely enough I've noticed that knapplc has quite the man-crush on Zac Lee and Niles Paul. I think he's mentioned how good looking both of 'em are this week...


    What's sad is I'm actually jealous you get the opportunity to even bump into Husker players-man I miss Nebraska

  9. I said a little bit of it. I am concerned about the physical down hill running taking a toll on the LB's, their possilby being undersized for the Big Ten.


    We have good depth at the Dline it appears. That gives me hope.


    it's not the size of the dog in the fight....it's the size of the fight in the dog.


    lol in all actually I really hope compton and fisher/whoever comes in is able to weather the storm. I don't think we're going to be seeing a replica of hagg or gomes much this year since we're likely to be in the 4-3... but Lavonte is very capable so we'll have help in the 2nd level...

  10. knapplc put it best when describing philosophy.


    Furthermore, this team isn't really built to line up in power formations on a consistent basis and just blow people off the ball. Our o-line is big and strong but they're not one of Milt's lines.



    exactly, although we are recruiting better O linemen, it appears the emphasis is on razzle dazzle, no huddle, roll outs and zone read.....it will be interesting to see how well this works in a traditional smash-mouth conference, it will fly or die.


    why do something that they're already used to? I honestly think Pelini knows what hurts his D, and what works well against other D's, so he is having Beck take the Offense a certain direction. Hopefully it flies ;)

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