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AF Husker Fan

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Posts posted by AF Husker Fan

  1. I think this game came down to the weakness in our play calling. So it was on Watson this time guys. We were running the ball down their thoat in the first quarter with the wildcat and just handing the ball off to Helu. Now I will be the first to say you can't do that the whole game, but we sure could keep doing it until they stop it. However, as Watson always does, he gets away from something that works to try something else.


    Why didn't he run a variation of the speed option. It was obvious we weren't going to be able to pass, so open up the run game book and lets go. The line would have had a field day. Then when they stack the box, pop one over the top to the TE and away he goes. I think it all was bad play calling. Watson showed he can't change it up no matter what happens during a game. That is something to worry about long term.


    However, Colorado will be open at the end of the year, so maybe he will be on his way out anyway.

    I think K State attempted 4 passes the entire game-sticking with the same 2 offensive players for 3/4th of the game...

  2. It still baffles me that KU scored 35 points in about 11min of game clock. The entire CU staff should be left in Lawrence and forced to hitch hike back to Boulder, that is freakin pathetic.



    Congrats CU, you are now offically the worst team in Big 12. You can now get rid of Hawkins. I hear Tim Brewster and prob Kevin Cosgrove are looking for jobs.


    They may even take the throne for worst pac-10 team....or 12-pac or whatever it's gonna be!

  3. I wouldnt wanna play in a bowl game not with bo as the coach the hell with that. That texas game was a damn shame look what k state did to em 2night. I think bo gave texas the game thats what i think Im done with husker football for awhile bo really let me down 2night. That game we played wasnt a game it was fixxed I think neways u dont believe me watch when niles fumbles the ball and watch it in slow motion.


    umm..... are you high?

  4. He and Henery are tied in my mind as my favorite Huskers. I have loved Burkhead since the Missouri game. He's just such a fighter and has the attitude you wish for every player. If I wasn't afraid of jinxing him, I'd also point out that he hasn't made many, if any, mistakes that I can recall.

    Didn't Burkhead fumble both last week and this week, but NU recovered both?

    I don't remember him fumbling last week- last fumble I remember was Texas and that was unusual of him. He's a really,really tough kid


    he dropped a for sure touchdown pass on a wheel route against texas. he is a hell of a player tho.

  5. You also missed the fact that every game gives you a B****** message

    If you go to espn3.com and look at the games on Sat., you'll see a click next to it that says "(subject to B******)". If you click that link, it will tell you whether the game is blacked out in your area or not. I'm in Denver and it's not blacked out here.

    Ya-blackouts are only for the games that are being shown in your area, in which case you wouldn't need to use espn3 to watch it unless you didn't want to go to a bar or something or it was on espn and you don't have cable/satellite, etc....

  6. Here's to going 3-1 in October after going 2-2 his first two seasons!


    We all know Bo has his teams playing great football in November, hopefully this continues. We were 3-1 in '08 with the only loss to Bob Stoop's boys and last year we went 4-0. The schedule is very favorable for us to make him 11-1 in November, hopefully he can keep everyone focused and we execute how we all know we can. This should be a very fun final month!


    Yes, it was a good October, but we still lost to a team we shouldnt have. I can handle losing to good teams in a hard fought game. I can't handle losing to a team we should be easily because of a mental letdown.


    I agree, ideally we would never have the mental breakdown game that we did against Texas, but I will take one of those over the 2 we had last year in October...

  7. Here's to going 3-1 in October after going 2-2 his first two seasons!


    We all know Bo has his teams playing great football in November, hopefully this continues. We were 3-1 in '08 with the only loss to Bob Stoop's boys and last year we went 4-0. The schedule is very favorable for us to make him 11-1 in November, hopefully he can keep everyone focused and we execute how we all know we can. This should be a very fun final month!

  8. OU can be brilliant or horrible this season. They nearly lost to some pretty mediocre teams early on yet had flashes of brilliance. Which team did MU face? I don't think anybody quite knows yet. It will be a bit clearer in 24 hours.


    You could argue the same for us - we nearly lost to SDSU AND lost to a mediocre Texas squad. Which Husker team shows up Saturday - interestingly enough, both of those subpar performances were at home...

  9. I guess stopping OU and their rushing offense doesn't count. All OU did all day was run bubble screens left and right in the passing game(which for a spread offense is a running game) and then run Demarco Murray the other 50% of the time. Demarco will be playing on Sundays so he isn't to shabby. Don't be too quick to discount our defense... this isn't the same Missouri D. Your quarterback is the only one that scares me... so fast.


    Our version of the spread is a little more dynamic. And our run game isn't only bubble screens left and right.

  10. I am a die hard Husker and I am stationed at Hurlburt Field, Fl. Last year I finally found out after being here serveral years that the bar ANGLERS on Okaloosa Island plays all televised Nebraska games. The owner is a big Huskers fan and it is a really good place to hang out, good atmosphere and everybody gets along real good. Let me know if your going to stop in and I will see you in the Huskers section. GO BIG RED


    We'll be at Helenback this weekend

  11. Well last year they chose not to go to their bowl game even though they had 6 wins. 2 wins for them makes them bowl eligible and gives them a total of 839. If we win out the reg. season we have 838. We could lose the big XII championship and win our bowl game to have 840 wins and pass them. If we lose this weekend against Misery or drop a game later, we most likely won't be playing in the Big XII Championship and the bowl game win would only tie.


    This is also based on them only winning 2 games and than not going to the bowl game pero we'll see.

  12. They will easily lose 2 of those. Are they bowl eligible? We can tie them if we win out and win the BigXII championship and we'll pass them if they don't have a bowl game and we win ours...wow that'll be awesome!

  13. I'm just going to say that last weeks broadcast of the University of Oklahoma State vs University of Nebraska was terrible. The lack of professionalism and biased commentary was completely terrible. At one point, I believe he or Ed Cunningham even ventured a terrible opinion that players should strap on old leather helmets to see who the really tough players are and what kind of tackles they could make. WHAT KIND OF INSANE THINKING IS THIS? His reasoning? Today's helmets are "too safe" and "encourages" players to lead with their helmet? Tell me, at what level of football are we EVER taught to tackle by leading with the helmet? This same horrible journalistic reporting brought forth the same comment that the free safety position should be removed. Terrible, TERRIBLE, journalism skills. Perhaps a 1-game suspension from broadcasting is in order for this duo?


    That's what I sent ESPN.

  14. They beat us last year, and beat a team who beat us this year. Logic would determine they are indeed better than us.

    There is no transitive property in college football.


    Don't try to confuse me with fancy math words. I was being facetious.


    you just making up words now?

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