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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. okay i know this is overreacting. but when we just give up more points than we ever have in THE FREAKIN HISTORY of the program, somethin is wrong.


    our talent is not this bad. tech is NOT this good. THIS is freakin ridiculous. :steam

  2. Texas (+7) @ Oklahoma (3 star pick)

    Let's just get this one out of the way already. Look at the facts: 1 - Oklahoma has the better team. 2 - Texas hasn't beaten Oklahoma in a month of Sundays. 3 - Mack Brown is a ham sandwich. 4 - Eric the Red picked Oklahoma in his Big XII preview (look it up). So obviously, the pick is... Texas. Don't ask, just go with it.


    you are on the pipe tom :smokin next time puff and flush :flush kinda like yur muther should have


    not sure why i stil read thsese b/c you are worse at pickin game than mangino is pickin his salad fork. figured you wud like that one you dum POS. come thru this wk tom or else :bat

  3. i wont. this degenerate is bringing society down with his garbage!! i will strke down upon thee with furious vengance and you will know my name is td jesus!! :steam


    actually to be fair i get a kick outta readin this hacks colum. there i said it. but tell your old lady she can have her VD back tom. :bounce burnin is a bit much.

  4. 1) How long have you been a Husker?

    23 yrs


    2) Why did you become a Husker?

    born into the fam!!


    3) Where are you from originally?



    4) Where do you live now?

    des moines


    5) Favorite Husker memory?

    97 fiesta bowl - TD tommie frazier enuf said! :zoom


    6) Worst Husker memory?

    miami rose bowl - enuf said :waste


    7) Number of home games attended?



    8) Number of away games attended?



    9) How many pieces of Husker attire do you own?

    b/t 12-30 :thumbs


    10) North or South endzone?

    south all the way baby!! norht endzone sux!! :bat


    11) Favorite all time player?

    Calvin "endzone" JOnes!! :clap


    12) WCO or Option?



    13) Stevie Pederson or Billy Byrne?

    how abou neither!! :steam


    14) Lil Red or Herbie Husker?



    15) Favorite Husker play?



    16) Red beer or bloody mary?

    red beer and alotta of em!! :cheers


    i'll ad some pics later when i get em on my cpu!!

  5. I witnessed this for the first time the other night in the minn game. and my final feeling was that it is a bunch hogwash. to me the "tech advisor" hack in the big box in the sky covered the refs ass on a play that was no WAY definitive one way or the other. and why not? if no one can be sure why not cover your buddies glory hole? what a load of sh.. :steam

  6. Callahan said he expects the Huskers' recruiting class to include high school players from Nebraska.

    That's from OWH.


    I think he will try to get a few, but he doesn't want to offer to soon because most of those kids will except quickly and then might scare off out of state recruits with limits the Huskers have a scholarships and such. So they will wait to offer them.

    wow whatta bold statement from the offices of BC. he might as well run for president!!! :horns2

  7. no HOrd is not coming. Lemming is a big fat lemming.


    notice OU has very few up there. hmmm. maybe kids are getting sick of hearing bout ou and want to help devlop a team? whats Duke doin up ther? must be one of those smaaat kidz. ahhhhh. how bout dem apples... ah.

  8. whatever thos picks were horrible cudve I counted 4 losses and i stopped counting after half way down b/c I dont even know the other scores

    count em notre dame, georiga, miamia, A&M correct me if im a flippin dumaass here but ditnt they all win??!!!


    just leave the quotes next time TT but leave off teh pix. gonna get someones teeth kicked in probly your own! :)

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