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Posts posted by huskerXman

  1. It doesn't bother me much, to see him get in a players face from time to time. I bet that Ankrah will be better at covering that type of play from here on out, or bust his butt trying to make sure he remembers his responsibility on the field for that type play.

    I still think Bo is the right guy at the right time to get us back to competing for conf and n/c titles. We waited for Tom to get there a lot longer, and I don't think we will have to wait that long with Bo. His recruits will fill the complete roster by then and all the starters will have had enough time in his system to have the play book down pat. Then we can see what kind of a coach and asst coaches we have. Its not only the players learning to execute, the staff is young and they to are still learning, when and what to react to during a game. Most of us with our jobs are not asked to make a decision in 20 sec or less. These coaches are, and they will get better at with time. At least we hope so. jmo




    Not every player responds the same way. I have no problem letting a player know they made a mistake.


    My oldest daughters Volleyball coach is nowhere near Bo, but he gets heated at times and the players just don't respond to that attitude. They play 1000% better when he keeps a cooler head; it is night and day different. he is starting to see that and last week was totally different.. We won!

  2. It's not that he's firey or passionate or edgy or has a temper or whatever you want to call it. That can be effective (saban). The problem with Bo is that his outbursts come from insecurity. An insecure hot head is laughed at. A secure hot head is respected. And don't mistake cockiness for confidence. Some of the cockiest people I know are some of the most insecure.



    Don't confuse fire with childish behavior. Not a thing wrong with having fire or being passionate.. What Bo does at times is neither.

  3. I just joined because I haven't seen this discussed...at least not in depth. Is it just me or do the team meltdowns coincide with Bo's meltdowns?


    Right before halftime there was a brief shot of Bo in Ankrah's face. Veins popping, finger pointing, words like "****-sucker" and "m-f'r" - we're all familiar with it.... Not saying Jason can't handle the asswhuppin'. More that if you are a young man or a young team in a come from behind situation you probably look to your coach for leadership. If your leader has completely lost his mind and is no longer capable of coherent thought...where do you look now?


    We all know Bo does irrational things when he falls apart... fighting with referees when there's no way to win...being surly to the press when they are about as "softball" as a press corps can be, chiding the fans because they want to win (you gotta be f'n kidding!) and blaming players when it's clear coaching is the problem - if the players aren't doing what they are coached to do.... "point the thumb", a-hole!


    I don't think we have a problem with athletes. We aren't Alabama or FSU, but we have talent. That talent shows at least one quarter of every game. I don't think we have a problem with assistants (Barney? Well...) We can't finish, we can't sustain.... I think the reason is that Bo's ego won't let it flourish. When things don't go his way, he gets pissed and tries to blame someone else.


    His system is obviously not perfect but he won't make a change. I want to ask all of you to think back....this is the same problem we had in '08. This isn't about one game. it's about 5 years.


    There is something wrong in that locker room. We've had two Def Coords and two Off Coords.... the same thing keeps happening. The constant? Bo. He isn't mature enough to be a head coach.....


    yes, he does and he will not succeed until he changes his attitude. He teams play the way he acts.. up and down hot and cold. Having fire is one thing but the way he acts at times is childish.

  4. Thanks husker_x. Well thought out post.


    I too have been in the "wait and see" camp for awhile. Several posters here were outraged that anyone would date question Bo . . . but now we're seeing what I've been suspecting. Ultimately, I see a coach without answers. I see a defense that is even worse than the average to below average defense that I expected. I see a shocking lack of team speed across the defensive unit.


    This is not a good football team. Bo has had 5 years to install his system and to recruit his players. The result has been a steady but gradual decline since Bo's first seasons. There is no tangible progress and Bo's vaunted process seems to be a failure. I said before the season that I hoped that the wheels didn't fall off during this stretch of games (Ohio St/NW/Mich/Mich St/Penn St). Given what I've seen so far this season I won't hold my breath.


    Go Big Red, and prove me wrong Bo.


    date question?

  5. The US didn't give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor- the program is in pieces. I hope we can get it all together and salvage the rest. Historically, we have seen what happens when coach has lost his team. We are on the brink and slouching towards mediocrity. I am still a fan and will continue to tail gate my arse off and buy season tickets.


    DAMN!!! All these years and I've believed that the JAPANESE bombed pearl harbor!!!

    lol exactly what I thought when I read this post, and then I started thinking about what a terrible, terrible analogy it was as well...


    bunch of kids that have never seen the movie animal house? it is a perfect analogy of husker nation right now. we are the deltas.



    That was the very first thing I thought of when I read that comment.. guess some missed that one.

  6. Trying to pin this team's troubles on any one specific area is a huge mistake. There are so many things that need to be fixed right now, but it's all cyclical. If the defense doesn't give up big plays and touchdowns, our offense can run its own tempo. If our offense can run its own tempo, Taylor doesn't have to throw the ball every play (though there have been situations where Taylor didn't have to throw the ball every play but was called on to do so anyway, which brings Beck into the fold). If Taylor doesn't have to throw the ball, he won't throw interceptions. If Taylor doesn't throw interceptions, our defense spends more time resting on the sidelines and less time on the field sucking wind. If our defense spends more time resting on the sidelines and less time on the field sucking wind, it's easier to make stops. If it's easier to make stops, our defense won't give up big plays and touchdowns.


    Now, granted, it's not always that simple. Sometimes our defense makes boneheaded mistakes and gives up big plays anyway. Sometimes Taylor makes boneheaded throws in situations where the defense isn't even sold out on pass coverage. The fact is, it's easier to play well when your team has momentum, and if one side gives up the mighty MO, it can be difficult for the other side to get it back. Great teams can, but the Huskers aren't a great team right now.


    Yes, Taylor's part of the problem, but replacing him won't fix the problem if the other parts aren't addressed. It'll only make us start calling for replacements further down the depth chart.


    I understand your point but it is rather silly (no offense meant).. Hell, if they just outlawed passing all together Taylor wouldn't throw ints either. The point is he does throw the ball, which is part of our offense, and the ints usually happens in critical points in the game... against GOOD teams. Those ints then put a heavy burden on the defense. The defense was doing pretty good until a certain point in the game Saturday.. which also happen to be when certain things started to happen to our QB.

  7. We could start Armstrong and then complain about him not being enough of a leader ;)


    That definitely wouldn't happen. Armstrong was a leader before he even put on the NU jersey. He helped a lot with our recruiting, as Bandares is doing the same. He helped a lot of kids make their minds up on committing here, like Jordan Westerkamp, which will be a key WR for us in the future. We just want him to be ready when he goes in, like reading the defense and making corrects adjustments when needed. We pull Martinez now, you ruin that relationship that is built on the offense, which makes them explosive. Armstrong doesn't have the chemistry and would have to develop the trust and figure out who his "go to" receivers would be. Its too late in the season to make a change, and would be completely pointless to burn a red shirt, to put us in the same position we are in now. #TeamMartinez


    Not true, TO made the change in the 6th game. Frazier played some in the games after the Washington game but then started the Missouri game.. and stayed there. As a freshman.

  8. ... begin the Armstrong era now than see more of Taylor choking in big games....


    I would rather end the year in a losing season than burn Armstrong's red shirt. Just my opinion. The best option for us, is to let him observe and learn. It will be more valuable than throwing him in young and expecting big things out of him.


    Why? Find out what you have in Armstrong NOW. We can't wait, or we'll be having the same conversation when Armstrong is a junior and there is some other QB recruit behind him. We want to be able to say he has playing experience and is a known commodity. Riding behind the junior signal caller here will only set up Armstrong to ride the pine all year next year and enter the frey in 2014 as a completely unproven redshirt sophomore.



    once again spot on!

  9. Your setting yourself up for a snowball effect.


    First you complain Taylor Martinez has to go and to let Tommie Armstrong take the reins, then he has a couple of INTs or fumbles the ball and cost us games, then you want either Brion Carnes or Jamal Turner to get a look at QB, The same things happen again. Now you want Johnny Stanton to start for you, he has a rough start. Then you'll want coaching changes or bring up the already heated debate about how we can't recruit 5 star QBs or whatever.


    No matter what the negative subject is, it always ends up as a big stinkin' pile of wasted posts in a rotting thread.


    This. Like it or not, there's a good chance that Armstrong would look very similar to the freshman Martinez - inexperienced. I think giving him time and not forcing him into the game too early (or burning his redshirt) will benefit the team in the long run. We've all watched how Martinez has struggled since playing as a freshman. Had he had more time to develop, perhaps he'd more a more lethal passer at this point.


    Also, I disagree that we'd be better off taking Martinez out right now, even if that meant a losing season. It's important we don't treat this season as a total waste at this juncture, especially for recruiting purposes. We need to play the guy who gives us the best chance to get a "W" and that guy is Martinez at this point. THAT SAID, our offense needs to run stuff more to his strengths. More play action passes, more pistol, more roll-outs. Less straight back drops.


    I think T-Mart hasn't been the same SINCE his freshman year. He is a totally different runner.

  10. The defense hasn't been tackling well, but I think there is a point to be made about the QB position.


    Sometimes the best gift a coach can give a quarterback is a competitive back up. When we had a QB defection a couple of years ago, I was upset, not because I thought that Patrick Witt was the next Tom Brady or something, but because it took competition out of the QB room.


    Let's talk about Tommie Frazier.... and Brook. And yes, I understand that may have been 1a and 1b, but also remember this, Brook didn't play at all, or next to nothing, as in mop up duty, when we went after that second title in a row. So Tommie was beating Brook out in practice and considering what we had in Brook, that was prob not an easy task.


    Even more to the point, however, remember Frankie London? He saw some snaps while Scott Frost was at Nebraska. Frost took off, won a title, and we forgot about Frankie. But I am sure that Frost saw him as a legit threat, because he was benched for Frankie. And so it likely made Frost better.


    I am not in favor of a QB change now. It would be counter productive, but I would say this. If I am the coaches, I am putting more on Tommy Armstrong's plate right now. And I am challenging him at every turn. And I am trying to figure out what I have in that guy. There is no reason to wait a couple of years for that process.


    After these three games, if Nebraska is trending toward an 8-4 or 7-5 season and thus away from a conference title game, Armstrong gets playing time. He doesn't necessarily start, but he gets playing time.


    I want Taylor to know that, going into the offseason prior to his senior campaign, that there is going to be competition at the QB spot. Taylor has to know that he MUST make better reads and he MUST make better decisions with the football.


    Taylor did not lose the game for Nebraska at Columbus, but he didn't help with those picks. Those are KILLERS. And the QB must be held to account.


    A little nudge from the perception, real or not, that Armstrong has a shot to become the starter pre-2014, could be the thing that gets Martinez to go forward.


    Plus, it makes sense at the QB spot because burning Armstrong's red shirt gives us a reason to recruit another one in the next cycle. More talented QBs, more competition in the room. It's a net gain.



    well, well, well... What a good post. I don't know for sure how good Armstrong is, but he should be in the mix. Like I said unhitch that wagon Bo, Tommie was brought here for a reason. Maybe Tommie isn't grasping things yet, could be, but he still needs to be in the mix pushing the other QB's to get better... and if they don't get better make the move.

  11. I didn't realize Martinez was the reason we allowed 63 points and 8+ yards per play.


    he didn't allow 63 points but then again neither did the defense.


    EDIT: Ah, I see you changed that.. good idea.


    but even to your point about 6 straight TD drive.. yes, he was part of that problem. Since he threw int's and or fumbles that caused the D to be under the gun more than it should have been.

    Here, let me point something out for you since you're trying to ignore it.


    8+ yards per play.


    Keep your stupid witch hunt going though.



    lol, I can do that too..


    T-Mart is one of those "other" issues though..


    but keep your stupid head in the sand.


    Now, see how silly that is? How about acting like an adult.

  12. While Martinez may or may not be the QB to lead us to the next level, he is considerably better than Mike Grant was. Anyone suggesting otherwise just doesn't remember how poor Mike Grant was as a QB. In fact, I think several people forget how poor some of those QB's in the late 80's to early 90's really were. I've heard how Bo can't stop running QB's, but again I think most have forgotten how the likes of Jamal Holloway, Charles Thompson, and Darian Hagan torched us back in the day. Darian Hagan led his team to three victories in a row against us. Even in 1997, we had a lot of problems stopping running QB's as Corby Jones nearly upset any chance we had at a NC that year. We had to score 45 points and have a miracle catch to just hang on in that game. Martinez had a poor day, but last time I checked he doesn't play defense. Didn't the defense give up over 500 yards Saturday?



    Who cares if he is better than Mike Grant? Isn't the goal to get to the next level? Thought so.. Again, that was before TO made the change.


    From the 1997 MU game..


    Missouri-C Jones 21-60

    looks like he was kept in check don't ya think?



    I was at the Missouri game... and while he had "only" 60 years, he extended 3-4 key drives with his legs and gave the defense fits. We almost lost... and if we had, it would have been Corby who, among others, stood out as the guy who almost put us down.


    Everyone struggles against a mobile QB if that guy can as well pass.


    Really? everyone? How did MSU do against OSU?


    EDIT: I am not saying, nor have I said, that Taylor was the main problem, he is "part" of the problem.

  13. I didn't realize Martinez was the reason we allowed 63 points and 8+ yards per play.


    he didn't allow 63 points but then again neither did the defense.


    EDIT: Ah, I see you changed that.. good idea.


    but even to your point about 6 straight TD drive.. yes, he was part of that problem. Since he threw int's and or fumbles that caused the D to be under the gun more than it should have been.

  14. While Martinez may or may not be the QB to lead us to the next level, he is considerably better than Mike Grant was. Anyone suggesting otherwise just doesn't remember how poor Mike Grant was as a QB. In fact, I think several people forget how poor some of those QB's in the late 80's to early 90's really were. I've heard how Bo can't stop running QB's, but again I think most have forgotten how the likes of Jamal Holloway, Charles Thompson, and Darian Hagan torched us back in the day. Darian Hagan led his team to three victories in a row against us. Even in 1997, we had a lot of problems stopping running QB's as Corby Jones nearly upset any chance we had at a NC that year. We had to score 45 points and have a miracle catch to just hang on in that game. Martinez had a poor day, but last time I checked he doesn't play defense. Didn't the defense give up over 500 yards Saturday?



    Who cares if he is better than Mike Grant? Isn't the goal to get to the next level? Thought so.. Again, that was before TO made the change.


    From the 1997 MU game..


    Missouri-C Jones 21-60

    looks like he was kept in check don't ya think?

  15. Are you freaking joking me?






    If you score 38 points, you should be able to win....



    This is 100% on the defense. You think Armstrong is better than Taylor?















    COME ON!



    chuckle, T-Mart is NOT the QB to lead NU to the next level, plain and simple. How many points did he give them due to throwing ints?


    For NU to get to the next level we need a QB who can take us there. When T-Mart plays TOUGH teams he reverts back to the same old T-Mart. To be a National Champion you can't make those mistakes.


    Yes, T-Mart was very much "part" of the problem. He is a great kid, just not the kid to lead us to the next level.

  16. back in 1992 Tom's team, led by Mike Grant, just lost to the Washington Huskies, this opened the door for a true freshman to get the start at QB.. the rest is history.



    Tommie Frazier joined the Nebraska football team as an 18-year-old true freshman in the summer of 1992, at 6-1 and 190 pounds, and began as a backup to senior Mike Grant. Nebraska started the season with a 4–1 record under Grant, but an early 27–14 loss to the Washington Huskies, ranked 11th in the nation, set up Frazier's opportunity to take over as the starting quarterback. He did so at Missouri on October 24, a 34–24 Nebraska victory.



    problem is 2 fold.. Is Bo man enough to admit he is wrong about hitching his wagon to T-Mart? Do we have a better back up in Tommie Armstrong?



    unhitch that wagon Bo.



    just something to think about.

  17. Ohio State to date.



    Date Opponent / Event Location Time / Result

    09/01/12 vs. Miami (Oh) TV Columbus, Ohio W, 56-10

    09/08/12 vs. Central Florida TV Columbus, Ohio W, 31-16

    09/15/12 vs. California TV Columbus, Ohio W, 35-28

    09/22/12 vs. UAB TV Columbus, Ohio W, 29-15

    09/29/12 at Michigan State * TV East Lansing , Mich. W, 17-16

    10/06/12 vs. Nebraska * TV Columbus, Ohio W, 63-38



    Please show me one game that proves they are a great team? They are good, yes, but we were supposed to be as well. Fumbles, ints, penalties.. they are all part of the game and are a direct result of coaching.


    Please don't say Michiagan State either.



    Scores & Schedule - All postseason broadcasts are subject to availability

    Date Opponent Time/Result Audio/Video

    Fri, Aug 31 (24) Boise State W 17-13 --

    Sat, Sep 8 at Central Michigan W 41-7 --

    Sat, Sep 15 (20) Notre Dame L 3-20 --

    Sat, Sep 22 Eastern Michigan W 23-7 --

    Sat, Sep 29 (14) Ohio State L 16-17 --

    Sat, Oct 6 at Indiana W 31-27 --

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