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sky hy ironman

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Posts posted by sky hy ironman

  1. Nice! Real nice. Good to hear. Good to know that 500 coaches will spread the word. Coach Bo & staff had to show some insight about running their program at Nebraska. I hope it inspires a few. Could be a very positive domino effect for potential recruits, also their younger brothers & other family too, as far as their coaches influence to at least think about attending Nebraska. I hope the staff does other clinics like this around the country. You never know.

  2. Welcome to HuskerNation.com's custom thread!! An N-trospective into the greatest fans in all of sports..


    The purpose of this is to share and learn about your fellow members of Husker Nation. We know it sounds kinda cheesy - but it will be pretty cool to get an up close look at the heartbeat of Husker Nation - the fans.


    Feel free to copy and paste the questions below in your reply - & only answer as many as you would like. We are still looking for ideas for other questions to include, so feel free to include any other info you would like.


    1) How long have you been a member of Husker Nation? 43 years


    2) What/who led you to The Nation? Air Force parents at Offutt


    3) Where are you from originally? Aviano air base,Italy...and no I don't speak Italian, I just eat it


    4) Where do you live now? 30 miles west of Chicago


    5) Favorite Husker memory? sitting in endzone as Eric Crouch was catching the td pass against ou, oh, only if that could of happened against barry switzer then God could've taken me right then and there


    6) Worst Husker memory? the dark days of Mordor, we shall not talk of "it"


    7) Number of home games attended? too many to be counted


    8) Number of away games attended? the Notre Dame game doesn't count because I was drowning in a sea of RED with the other Husker Nation Tribe members


    9) Favorite Husker memorabilia/apparel? pristine calender of the first NC season, was my fathers


    10) Favorite place to watch a Husker game? (section in Memorial, bar, friends house etc.) Mars, ha, why else do they call it the RED planet!


    11) Favorite all time player? Come on this IS Nebraska, how can you possibly pick just one


    12) WCO or Option? option, run em over, run em over, run em over, then throw it to the receiver with the jaw hanging down to the turf


    13) Stevie Pederson or Billy Byrne? neither, who was babysitting those b_____ds


    14) Lil Red or Herbie Husker? both


    15) Favorite Husker play? the touchdown ones


    16) Favorite game-day beverage? water--can't drink--gout and yeah it sucks


    17) How did you find HuskerBoard? (referral source) google


    And any pictures you would like to share (upload via the browse button below).


    Thanks for sharing your Husker Heritage!! :thumbs



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