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Posts posted by RedRex

  1. Here is footage of my son watching today's game. Guess this makes him a "bad fan"



    Cute kid. Might want to shield him from the current gameday atmosphere unless you want his first words to be "RUN THA EFFFIN' BALL!!!". Look real close and you can see the words forming in his head.

  2. Is the OP a sock? This thread looks like nothing but trolling.

    Atta boy, disregard the content of the post and go straight to attacking the poster. Are YOU a sock? :confucius


    If you're thinking Walks is just a troll it might just work out best if you keep your billygoat a$$ off his bridge. Just sayin... :snacks:

    • Fire 1
  3. Wins are great, but we still played luckyball. Admit you were nervous with a 13 point lead in the 4th. Armstrong's TD to DPE was a dumb underthrow into double coverage when a FG works to push the lead. Junior QBs don't make those sort of decisions.


    Win by luck, loose by luck.

    Glad for the win and what it may do to help the team's psyche, but anyone who says their butt wasn't puckered after Minny got the 2pt conversion is either lying or whistling past the graveyard. Minny didn't look like the team they were last year, but we'll take the win for whatever it brings.

  4. Our Identity.... I picture this.


    A 50-60ish yr old man wearing a "Back to Back" t-shirt with Wisconsin cheese and Colorado urine-bomb stains he tries to ignore. He has a pair of red pants over one shoulder, a white pair over the other. He can't decide which works better so he wears neither.


    He wanders down "O" street mumbling the Go Big Red chant to himself stopping occasionally to randomly pump his fist or spit on the sidewalk and scream "BO" or "CALLY" interchangeably. He stops to talk to young people about the proper 3 step drop/throwing motion and after several failed attempts to get it right, pantomimes an option pitch not realizing they've gotten creeped out and walked away.


    He's a bit schizophrenic and buys into every rumor. He sees Scott Frost and Jim Tressel in every passing car and doesn't understand why they won't stop and pick him up. So instead he chases every passing bus for half a block before realizing it's not heading in the direction he wants to go. He's not even sure which direction he wants to go but knows he'll figure it out by Saturday. He wakes up Sunday, his feet hurt and realizes he's right where he started and Dr. Tom is no where to be found. Oh, well he decides as he spies a young man who looks like he's dying to hear about "That one time" he remembers.

  5. That's pretty wild. I hadn't seen one yet. It's whole new phase for the game you're gonna have to practice. Saw guys using walls to pass to themselves you couldn't get away with normally. Seems like you really need to pick your spot for shift changes. Penalties? If you take a penalty I don't see you getting anybody on/off the ice without getting caught. Looks pretty cool so far! :thumbs


    This West Coast offense crap doesn't work at Nebraska. It was proven with Callahan and it's being proven again now. The more I listen to Riley, the more I feel like he's just telling fans what they want to hear. Then, he goes out and does something totally different.

    Why won't it work at Nebraska? Is our field shaped different than other fields in the Big 10? Is our turf specifically designed for a running game?


    To run a successful offense you have to have proper coaching and talent. Osborne was successful because he was a great coach and developed players to run his system. Not every coach can duplicate that. When we hired Riley, we knew what kind of system he wanted to run. It's going to take time to implement.



    We?...Who was "we" ? Perlman, Eichorst, and the turds in their pockets? eyeswear2allthatsholy

  7. Thanks Duke, been looking for something like this while looking at all the "Who do we get?" threads. Made me think, What do I want to see? I'd like an offense that utilizes what we produce here, in Nebraska. Farm-tough kids. Every little hiccup of a town fields a football team even if they're limited to 6-man. Those are tough kids, kids with heart. The kind that make great O/D linemen, FBs, TEs, and LBs. Not ever school can hire the coach with knowledge of how run the WCO, or Spread but he can damn sure get kids to run the ball.


    I never get it when people act so surprised when a local walk-on shines. As if you have to come from the a specific place to play the game. People are screaming about waiting to get "Riley's recruits" but Rivals doesn't measure what we need most and the most of right now. Heart and the desire to be HERE. The kind you learn day by day whether it's 90 degrees and 85%humidity or 25 degrees with a -10 windchill. You still gotta do the chores and you better do them right the first time or you have to do them over.


    I want a run based offense. 70-30 ratio ball and clock controlling offense. Couple that with a defensive minded head coach who wants to dominate physically and throw 20" wrenches into the gearings of the modern clock-work offenses. Recruit your skill players elsewhere if you can't find one close, but at least take the time to look thoroughly.


    I'm not sure who that guy is but I've seen enough to know it ain't MR. Nice guy, but it's obvious to me he doesn't know or get us here. He's not the first to have that problem but I'd like him to be the last as HC for DoNU.

    • Fire 3

    nope to both saunders. not really sure how they got them, but they aren't dealers nor are they affluent

    So, they're rifles, not automatics. That's what I was getting at. I have an AR-15, and it's functionally identical to the mini-14 hunting rifle I learned to shoot with 20 years ago, and they have been in existence for 60 years. Automatic weapons are no longer manufactured and sold to civilians, so the only ones out there for civilians are the limited number of pre-ban ones (and are in the $15-20K range) or have connections. Any automatics built after 1986 are only available for corporations, police, and military, government entities.


    Ease up on them Saunders, it's a given that most of your Gun Control Experts actually know jack sh#t about guns or existing laws. Providing them with facts they don't like/understand just forces them into other illogical forms of arguments ; Moral Equivalence, "Civilized 1st World Nations", Door stickers that magically stop guns, etc...


    They like to recite tragic history, mass shootings a particular favorite. Toss Lexington & Concorde at them and let them research that thoroughly...


    I'll stick with one argument. MOLON LABE

    • Fire 3
  9. That's a very interesting . . . observation. (What I did there, do you see it?)


    Seems like it would be worth a shot. The question is, will that vantage point help him:


    1) break his Newby addiction and feed Ozigbo/Jano/Wilbon?


    2) draw up more creative run plays than "Run Into Pile" and "Run to Sideline"?


    3) call more QB runs?


    4) Avoid distracting calls from fans on 3rd and short to "RUN THE DAMN BALL!" so he can concentrate on playing games with Eli Manning on his iPhone. :nanalama

  10. Um...no. Being very familiar with DB's "coaching" credentials at Omaha Northwest I can see how he feels a bit of kinship with MR. They both like to bury their heads in the sand and hope problems will sort themselves out and can never figure out why every opponent they face takes full advantage of their vulnerable position and puts foot to ass. :facepalm:


    DB's "successes" have always been under someone else's calls. He's never been good at sorting out head and heart issues. He'll always go with his "feeling" over what facts tell him, especially when someone else pays the piper.


    He's got the ideal position now as a talking head/radio troll where very little backsplash will ever reach him. Maybe Gameday will come looking for MR to replace Corso? Now there's a reason to hope. :cowbell:

    • Fire 1

    It made absolutely no sense whatsoever to pull his redshirt six games into the season. They just wasted Stevenson's entire Freshman season. Coaches should have told him "no way".

    How does a player dictate if he plays? Is this serious? Did Stevenson request to play and Riley granted that request? That's absurd, if true.


    A player certainly has the right to say "I want to preserve my redshirt and NOT play this season". But a player can't dictate that he gets in the game. If he's the best player at that position AND he wants to play (doesn't care about the redshirt year) then you play him. Is he really the best kick returner we have?


    The other bad thing about burning the redshirt is it makes it a little easier for him to transfer since he can use his redshirt the first year and not lose any eligibility.


    If he's the best at his position and the team needs him to be on the field, burn the redshirt. Otherwise, keep him out of the games and use the redshirt.


    I think this is what JS is thinking and he's probably shopping a transfer school as we speak. :zoom

  12. Guessing it's all talk, but thought I'd share.


    This just in.....word among a handful of boosters....Langsdorf demoted to QB coach...Riley takes over play calling...Brian Stewart out as Secondary coach...next year can't come soon enough.... Nebraska is irrelevant and that type of money does not stand for that....boosters are figuring it out for you....Eichorst is scrambling....I'm not liking what I'm hearing... We're in a dark place as a football team...the money is pissed off!


    This is where the real influence lies. I don't know about the coaching moves, but I have heard of the booster grumblings.


    As related to me, a booster who supposedly spends 3k/homegame setting up something in the way of tailgating and hospitality is fed up. "Advertising outside Memorial Stadium right now is like having someone in a costume dancing on the street in front of a funeral home, it ain't worth 3k a pop." I haven't been tailgating this year so I can't vouch for the mood outside. :confucius

    • Fire 1

    I do think some comments and the people who offer them on this board (I don't know what is written elsewhere as I don't take the time but presumably there is a similar tone and content as this board exhibits) are fair or right and could be accurately described as shameful. I am not ashamed of our team or program or the coaches or administration.


    I do, however, understand the strong questioning of how or why we selected Riley to be the future of the program. We needed as a Head Coach at Nebraska someone that has the following capabilities:


    1. A great X & Os guy.

    2. A person of great, demonstrated personal character for honesty, integrity, sincerity, intelligence, well spoken, with a desire to be the coach at Nebraska as a long term career.

    3. A coach with considerable experience (at least 10 years IMO) as a head coach of a program of significance with large budgets, of a D-1 level program.

    4. A coach with experience as a former player who can relate to the work, effort, trials and tribulations of being a collegiate and or pro athlete in today's world.

    5. A coach with a national reputation and well known to most of the college football world.

    6. A good judge of character who can relate to today's youth and be a good role model and leader of them (this is not easy certainly).

    7. A person with extra thick skin who can handle criticism and responds well to challenges and believes fervently in his system.

    8. Someone who is adaptable and can adjust to the changes that occur over time as things are always in a state of constant change.

    9. Someone who will NOT embarrass the University through his personal actions or violate the rules or attempt to cover up the same.


    The question is: How many of these basic descriptors do you feel Riley fits? Can we find someone who fits better?



    I thiink Riley somewhat fits numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 (maybe?), and 7, and 9. I think he falls short of meeting 2, 5 and 8 and again 6 is ify at best.


    How the hell does he fall short of 2 and 5?


    I'd say the potential for 2 and 5 is there, we'll know next Saturday. Oh wait, you meant...nvm :devil

    • Fire 3
  14. Obviously Eichorst had Riley throw this game since he hates Nebraska so much and is just waiting for the Wisconsin AD job.


    I can't believe anybody has said this yet, so I did it for you. You're welcome.

    "..and the dreaded Strawman was slain...and people rejoiced throughout the land..." c'mon man you're a Mod ffs :facepalm:

    • Fire 2


    Not if the fans stop showing up and it becomes blatantly obvious the AD is having to fudge the sellout streak.

    Not if the fans start lambasting Eichorst, et al, publicly in the media.

    Not if the fans stop buying merchandise and vote with their wallets.

    Not if the fans stop buying tickets to the games and don't attend.


    Vote with your feet and wallets. Make it a point to lambaste the coaching staff and the AD for employing them when it's painfully obvious they're not able to do the job they were hired for.


    There is no excuse for dropping the BYU, Wisky, or Illinois games. None. And anyone pumping sunshine and saying the staff needs time makes it THAT much harder for DoNU to come back and recover after folks finally wise up and jettison Riley and his staff. Hires like Harbaugh make it painfully obvious that quality coaching *DOES* matter, and it is available. We just need competent leadership to go out and get it. ye


    yes, fire a coach less than a year after firing a 9 win coach. naia division 2 position coaches will be beating down the door for a paycheck. because no one would come near nebraska if that happened.



    Then you haven't been paying attention to college football for the past 30 years if you think this way. :-|


    We can get a quality coach at DoNU at the end of the season if we open the wallet. Riley was a dime-store hire, and we're getting dime-store results. And opening the wallet doesn't mean throwing 10m a year at a coach (like Texass wants to do with Saban), but it does mean we may have to pay a quality coach $4-5m a year.


    And considering that Nebraska's mediocrity will have a significantly negative impact on merchandise sales and brand value, it's honestly shocking that our leadership didn't make a quality hire last time around.




    And folks need to start lighting Eichorst's office up. We may need to use Miami-level theatrics to get our point across...hire a plane and banner to fire Riley, get national media attention. But something needs to be done, and the fans need to start speaking up and not accepting this s***show.


    Going about it wrong... yelling at Eichorst is futile. You want to make real noise? Light up the company emails of the Boosters and sponsors. When the stink gets high enough to bother the Booster Illuminati, you will get some action. Got to go for the big boys, Daub, Kiewit, Sokol, etc,,, til then, we sit and spin. :ahhhhhhhh

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