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Posts posted by RedRex


    Anyone else find it strange he did an interview with KETV yesterday? I thought he had a "policy" about not speaking about the team during the season?

    I think it's an indication he's feeling a certain degree of heat regarding Riley and the team's performance. I believe he referred to 90% of the e-mails he receives being positive. I'm not sure what his definition of positive is, but.......


    Yeah I'm calling BS on that statement. Who jumps up to rip off immediate emails of approval? Was his inbox "flooded", no doubt, but I'm thinking he had trouble fiquring percentages in school.


    At least now he gave up his "tell". When he cranks his eyebrows way up, you know what is coming out of his mouth is such putrid BS that he's straining not to close his eyes from the burn. :rickjames

  2. I want this Husker team to run the ball on every single first down today.


    Forget the change up, forget catching them off guard, run the ball on every single first down.


    Then if 2nd down is 5 or less, run it then too.

    Sounds nice, but we'll have to wait and see if the tiger can change his stripes. I'm sure they've had intentions to utilize the run game, it just gets sidelined in the process. I picture this:


    Setting, crowded coaches office where the game plan is set and scripted. Riley starts out with the bold announcement, "Alright guys, this week, we pound the rock!" *nods and grunts of approval*


    "I say we start out giving the Wiscy Defense a gut check, send the Janimal up the middle". *more grunts of approval* "Then we're looking at 2nd & 5 or 6, we hit the edge, DPE on a jet sweep" *slow nods all around*


    "That sets up 3rd & say 2 or 3, time to burn that redshirt for JS. Any thoughts?" *glances exchanged around the table until Riley locks eyes with Langsdorf. Seeing that gleam in his eyes Riley slowly nods as a grin widens*


    "Downtown...we have Tommy go for it all, right? *Langsdorf nods and grins enthusiastically* "They'll never expect it", says Langsdorf adding "and you know...faking the handoff to Jano and hitting him on a screen would really open up the chances for that long pass..." *Now Riley is nodding vigorously as his eyes widen in revelation.*


    "You're absolutely right! Also, can we really risk DPE getting caught behind the line or even getting injured? What if we switch that to a fake jet sweep and have Turner pull up and throw it over the middle to Westy? We'll have them reeling and off balance the whole time, never knowing what's coming next!" *Room erupts with chants of "Pound the Rock" and high fives all around*

  3. enjoy that while you can motherf*cker...


    If you didn't have Parise, who for my dollar might be the best player in the league, you guys lose...

    Just can't wrap my head around you being an Av fan. With Roy being in charge I'm just waiting for them to reintroduce themselves as the 'Diques and ban English from the locker room. chuckleshuffle


    Oh and did you see Abdelkater's trick? Nice to give Babcock a healthy dose for his return to Hockeytown. :corndance

  4. I wouldn't get all worked up over this unless and until there is real proof of actual wrongdoing. Just because the radio trolls on USC say they "know from someone connected to the program" is not proof. Kind of funny how people are ready to swallow rumors from the radio but if someone came on here and made that claim they'd get curb-stomped for not providing a quotable source. :bs:

    • Fire 2
  5. I think they're trying to send a message, because this isn't 41 games worthy...



    Not sure where the middle ground is on this. Deliberately targeting the head will get somebody killed or crippled. You don't want to see guys end their career from a dirty hit. In that sense, yes you need to send a message that gets through to the teammates/club of the offender. They're the ones who have to be saying " We don't play this way". I always loved the way the NHL players policed themselves, whether that was through enforcers or shunning.


    On the other hand, the NHL is NOT a "No check" league. If you take the ice and don't have your head on a swivel you are an idiot and a casualty waiting to happen. Guys playing now have such a wide range of sizes you're going to get bad results when mismatches meet. Chara (BOS) is 6'9" 250lbs, how does he check a Zucharello(NYR) at 5'7" 180lbs that doesn't look like a head hunting murder attempt? :dunno


    I don't know the answer I just hope something gets figured out before the bedwetters start screaming for criminal charges again.

  6. Kinda funny how Pedy and Eich were eager to jump up and issue stern, bold declarations about how HE will not allow this program to "slip into mediocrity" or "become Iowa" and then have nothing to say while we plunge downward so fast it pulls your lips back from your teeth. :confucius


    As for why Harv would allow a lawyer to pick the coach? Harvey = Lawyer :leghump:


    As the story was related to me, the Booster Illuminati had to get together and put the financial gun to Harv's head to replace Pedy with TO. A move he tried to thwart when first asked by locking up those big buyout and contract extensions for Pedy and Cally. Harv may not be able to carry a tune but he damn sure can carry a grudge, evidenced by the exclusion of any input from TO on a successor AD.

  7. Wow...now there's a textbook example of double standard logic. The "commitment" you refused to be held to yesterday is now demanded from others today. How do you people keep all that horses#!t straight in your heads?


    RADAR, you need to be more careful where you go looking to pull quotes from, the places you're going to for stuff like this is picking up more hairballs than a wad of gum rolling across a barbershop floor.


    and Lux.. if we're all "children" for refusing to march over the cliff with the rest of you lemmings, I guess it's because of crappy excuse-making, enabler "parents" like you.

    • Fire 1
  8. Talent reasons alone - I think there's an argument to bench him because his accuracy is bad, his decision making is questionable, and he really looks like a RB trying to play QB in a passing offense - and that has never worked for any team.


    But, I think the biggest reason for Riley to consider a benching is due to that 3rd down play. If Mike Riley and the OC really called a Bootleg Run with no passing option and Armstrong freelanced himself into a pass - then to me that is simply insubordination by your QB. You cant have your QB not running the plays that are called on any football team. Everyone has to be on the same page. And this isnt high school football where a kid makes a mistake and its ok we'll get em the next week. Its not. This is big time D1 football and guy's careers are on the line.


    IMO, I think Riley and his staff should use yesterday as a teaching moment. He should hold Armstrong accountable for his actions and at least bench him for the 1st half of the next game and maybe even the whole game depending on how the backup plays. He needs to make it clear that freelancing is not acceptable. That playing smart football is 100% necessary at all times. And that blatant intentional willful insubordination will not be tolerated. The QB runs the plays that are called period.


    There's too much at stake here and if I was the coach, I'd have a real problem trusting Armstrong from here on out. If he cant even run the simplest plays correctly, how can he be trusted for other things? I wouldnt allow him to make that mistake again. I'd try the next guy.

    Yeah that's.....um, no :rickjames




    ***Langsdorf was asked if in retrospect he wishes he would have stuck more with the running game.


    "I think we had almost 200 yards rushing - I think we did that," Langsdorf said. "But it's hard to go convert those three runs in a row. The third down runs are tough when you're third and medium, and we did not convert there. That was really a bad situation for us."


    There is no future with quotes like these


    Reminds me - in a bad way - of Frank Solich.


    Still remember early in his HC/OC tenure where Solich was asked after a game why he was running the fullback so much. His response was something to the effect of "you have to run the fullback to keep them honest against the option." I just sat there dumbfounded. The only thing I could think was "you've been here for how long - as a RB and RB coach no less - and you haven't figured out that we ALWAYS run the option all game until they forget about the fullback then bust a couple big runs up the middle late?" Never had any doubt after that that he was in over his head - for sure as an OC and probably more.


    I see the same thing in these comments. If you came out of this game thinking you did a good job sticking with the running game, you're beyond hope of ever getting it.


    Agree with the sentiment but I don't think Solich forgot, just poorly worded response to the question. Remember the issues we were having with the RB's then muffing the pitch or just plain screwing the option play altogether. Judd Davies WAS his most reliable back.


    However, like you said the FB trap works best when you've got the def. cheating to the edges from a healthy dose of option.

  10. Tired of hearing about this... The "Sell-Out Streak" has been nothing more than an accounting trick since Callahan's days. Excess tickets are simply bought at face value(donation fee excluded :thumbs ) by NU. Then the Uber-boosters are leg humped into donating to cover the cost retroactively. Boom! Sell-out. If those boosters declined to cover it, money from general funds and undirected donations would simply be moved over to cover said costs. The streak won't end till we run out of accountants.


    He not saying any thing his whole fan base hasn't been saying for 6 weeks. Should the fan base lose their posting rights?


    Now I'm not saying he is right but the same people on here complaining about him are the same people posting and crying about his team and coaches.


    It's not the whole fan base, it's a handful of vocal douchebags. And it's too bad Alex doesn't know better but then that's the perspective cultivated by the former coach.


    Yeah, it always those other vocal douchebags causing trouble.... :facepalm:

  12. Two sad things about the state of Husker football:


    1. There was one thing I thought these coaches brought to the table, which is one thing I thought was holding Nebraska back. I thought we would stop being the stupidest team I have ever seen in situational aspects of this game, and would end the days of being our own worst enemy. This game showed clearly, that these coaches years of experience means nothing to that aspect. I don't care if this is your first year of your 40th, you don't manage the clock at the end of the game like that unless you are seriously overwhelmed, out of your league, and dwarfed by the situation. Riley, and more importantly Langsdorf, displayed incompetence and lack of composure that I've only seen once before here, by the previous staff.


    2. After we failed to run the clock down and looked like a clusterf#@k of a football team giving Illinois the ball back, I knew we were gonna lose. I knew it. There wasn't a doubt in my mind Illinois would score those points and win that game. That in itself is sad, but true.

    :yeah +1 ...and the worst part about #2 was the feeling that MR is losing this team. What A.Lewis did wasn't great but he wouldn't have pulled the fire alarm if there wasn't smoke in the room.





    Could be or we could come back really strong next week here at home and beat Wiscy. I wonder how I would feel if that happens?

    No chance in hell. We might be looking at 4-8. Wisky, Iowa, Minnie, NW, MSU...........


    I could care less how this "staff" does. Didn't like the hire form the jump, but still said he deserved a chance. Well we are becoming OSU of the B1G. Winners win no matter where they go or are. Losers lose and average, well, just stays average. 5 games in we are seeing why there was no washing of teeth in Corvallis when he left....

    I do care how our players do, though. How will this poor start effect recruiting? Have the coaches lost this team?

    Who knows. One of the captains (lewis) apologized to fans at the game for sucking, the other (Tommy) refused to do interviews and went straight to the bus.


    Things aren't looking good though.

    Can't really blame Tommy, after Riley threw him under the bus.


    That's the thing that gets to me...Why do that? Either he's a sack o' s#!t who's covering his/Langs a$$ by lying about the call or he's a douche for shoving one of his players out in front of the "Energy Bus". So much for building trust in the locker room. :facepalm:

  14. Nebraska has plenty of $$, don't be fooled. They just prefer to take the economical route as opposed to throwing $5 mil per at a big-name coach. Bring in a guy like Tressel or similar to turn this thing around.

    Kyle freekin Whittingham...go get Frost for an OC if you want.

  15. Now we were sold on this notion that MR was a seasoned , learned coach who had seen it all. So when TO told him that a strong running game was essential for dealing with weather conditions in the Midwest, did he think TO was just bulls#!tting him to puff up his own ego? I seem to remember some comment about them having rain and wind in Oregon too. eyeswear2allthatsholy


    Mediocre success and the occaisional upset worked well with the low expectations at OSU and he has let it soak in to the bone. No need for changes. Seems like a perfect resume for an Iowa State coach...not gonna fly here. :rickjames

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