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Posts posted by Hogs-n-Huskers


    I don't know if even the SEC would take Texas and all its baggage. I just don't see the SEC schools being willing to accept the LongHorn Network either...



    The SEC would not; Slive has been adamant that the SEC expands only with unanimity on behalf of all member institutions. Arkansas would veto it, and would have that backed by TAMU, if they're included in the conference.


    Happiness, as Husker fans know, is Austin and it's cronies in the rear-view mirror.

  2. If any of you have any lingering doubts about Arkansas to the Big X(II) nonsense, I can sum it up in a way that should put it to rest.


    You've got Chip Brown and Texas, talking about Arkansas being interested. Given your limited 16 year experience with all things Longwhorn, how much stock do you put in something put out by TU and it's chosen mouthpiece? Given the attempt to blame Nebraska for the dissolving of the Big XII, do you really give their mouthpiece credence on this issue, but not that one?


    Brown and TU are working the media hard here, just like they did when trying to lay the blame at NU's feet. As in most cases, the only thing coming out of Texas in June is hot air.

  3. I not trying to propose the Hawgs to the Big 12. I just saying their was talk of it, not sure if it true at all. Ironically, from a travel time perspective the Bia2 12 is a WAY better conference for Arkansas. I cannot imagine dealin with Texas in the days of the SWC, it was all Texas schools and you guys.


    The talk of it is only in Texas, by Texans, for the benefit of Texas.


    The SEC is home, and happiness is Texas in the rear-view mirror.

  4. Now I hearing SAVE THE BIG 12 engine has a little gas. People are even saying Arkansas in the mix. No idea why, but the people saying it are not random people, so I guess we will see. Seems a little late, but what do I know...


    I heard the same thing in a rumor mill somewhere - if true, it would shock me more than anything else that has happened to date.



    Yes, they are random people. They're the folks who make sure that Craig James somehow maintains gainful employment at ESPN.


    Texas and it's lackeys couldn't print enough money for Arkansas to join a revamped Big XII. I hope they do call-- and that Jeff Long records it when he tells Texas to play a game of hide and go ---- themselves.


    You may have been the latest school to practice telling Texas to stick it's conference in it's Bevo, but we originated and perfected it 20 years ago.


    Exactly why I would be shocked beyond all belief. I love that there is a precedence with AR leaving for the SEC as well. I have yet to encounter a Razorback who didn't want to tell 'em to stick it up their Beebe holes.


    You good folks only had 16 years of Texas arrogance to deal with, and you know how much you loathe those burnt orange boys.


    We had 76 years of it. Imagine how you'd feel-- I would estimate that in 2028, if someone suggested you team back up with Texas, there would be plenty of you good people around telling them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine, still.

  5. Now I hearing SAVE THE BIG 12 engine has a little gas. People are even saying Arkansas in the mix. No idea why, but the people saying it are not random people, so I guess we will see. Seems a little late, but what do I know...


    I heard the same thing in a rumor mill somewhere - if true, it would shock me more than anything else that has happened to date.



    Yes, they are random people. They're the folks who make sure that Craig James somehow maintains gainful employment at ESPN.


    Texas and it's lackeys couldn't print enough money for Arkansas to join a revamped Big XII. I hope they do call-- and that Jeff Long records it when he tells Texas to play a game of hide and go ---- themselves.


    You may have been the latest school to practice telling Texas to stick it's conference in it's Bevo, but we originated and perfected it 20 years ago.

  6. i just don't think this is a bad idea at all. texas would have all the power they want, they would be the conference, it would still be fiscally viable. they could easily pick up two or more teams (tcu, colorado state, houston, although it wouldn't happen, it would be great for them to get arkansas, they would be more competitive in the new big 12) to keep the conference championship, because honestly, a conference become irrelevant when they don't have a championship and don't play for a month. you gotta have a championship.



    For any of you seriously contemplating listening to Craig James' delusions about an Arkansas in a revamped Big XII, please put down your safety scissors, and make sure your helmets are on tight.


    Arkansas invented telling Texas to stick it's conference up it's Bevo.


    There's a better chance Turner Gill is a closet Sooner than Arkansas ever going to a revamped Big XII.

  7. I see you folks are experiencing the same thing my beloved Hogs did, when 'Arkansas killed the SWC'; Texas wastes no opportunity to lay the blame at the feet of others, when it comes to the conferences they have warped to favor them fall apart.


    I know you guys would probably join me in telling the Pac-whatever it'll be, to keep their hands on their wallets, if they take in Mexico North.

  8. Hi folks,


    Just heard about the good fortune our friends in Nebraska have experienced, in ditching Texas.


    Some of us tried to warn you many years ago, but it is great to see that you folks have figured out just how much Texas is the biggest crybaby program in the history of college athletics. You've all seen that sorry excuse of a wall, proclaiming them the Big XII South champions in 2008-- and you know well that is how Texas operates.


    Here's to hoping you guys play them in the last Big XII Title Game, and beat them by 70. If you do make it, I'll make an effort to be there, to tailgate with the good folks of Nebraska.

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