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Posts posted by MichiganMan



    The hot seat is getting hotter.

    hot? dude its on fire. Hoke is a lame duck coach.


    Serious question. What do you think happens first, Mich wins a game, or Mich has an interim head coach? With how inept that offense looks, and how turn over prone it has been, the rest of the schedule looks really rough. The zero offensive TD's vs the two quality teams defies logic. A similar showing vs Minn next week is possible, they have been living on defense.


    Interim head coach. Coach Nuss or Mattison need to take over. Hoke is a joke.





    Penn State

    Michigan State




    Ohio State



    Only potential win I see is Northwestern.



    I will find it extremely funny if there ends up being a one loss B1G team at the end of the season and the PAC12 and SEC champions both have 2 losses.

    ohio and Michigan will be lucky to be make it to .500 and go to a bowl



    There are other teams in the B1G.


    a win again Illinois is basically the only thing that's a guarantee.

  3. Jim is a great coach but does better at the college level. His personality is he likes to be the most important person in the room. In the pros he works with players that pretty much are multi-millionaires and run small businesses so to speak, so they clash.


    I don't think he would come to Michigan. David Brandon is a micro-manager boss who will watch film with you. Jim turned David down once.




    Fred Flintstone has got to be done at UM. I've never seen the conference this weak top to bottom.

    How? One bad day... all you people need to chill.


    Ohio State is tied, by the way. They'll take care of business. They've taken it to VT.


    you spoke too soon lol


    If you want to save our conference, you better start rooting for the enemy man hahah.


    Never! let the conference die today. let the rose bowl drop us. at the rate we are going the conference champion will be going to the pizza pizza bowl


    Fred Flintstone has got to be done at UM. I've never seen the conference this weak top to bottom.

    How? One bad day... all you people need to chill.


    Ohio State is tied, by the way. They'll take care of business. They've taken it to VT.


    you spoke too soon lol

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