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Posts posted by notherplace93

  1. you know, when i heard about T-magic i was like "its about dang time" we got a QB. I was getting tired of the juco transfers, and 1 year starters. As good as he is now, by time he is a jr or sr, he will be untouchable. T-magic reminds me of the forrst gump football scene when forrest runs right out the stadium.

    That was one of the things that annoyed me most about Callahan. I understand getting junior college players, but at QB it sounds like a terrible idea. Especially with a complicated offense. We had 6 QB in 8 years if I'm counting right.

    Callahan wasn't around for 8 years <_<

    JOEY- that should be said more like this: Callahan wasn't around for eight years!!!!!!!! :corndance:thumbs:thumbs:band:horns:horns2:clap:woo:woo:hellloooo:w00t:w00t:corndance:corndance:nutz:cowbell:

  2. I don't like his attitude in the interview. If he stops fumbling the ball then he can talk.



    i agree, he needs to stop his damn whining and be a team player!...cause the first time he gets a chance and blows it, he will be eating $hit!

    I agree for the most part. But you do realize this is the same niles paul that went to Ron Brown and asked Brown to help him become a more physical blocker. How many recievers would do that willingly?? Otherwise, yeah i agree

  3. No not really,Im just getting really annoyed by the nonstop talk about sdsu. Does anybody have anything better to talk about then sdsu? That's the only thing that people have been talking about the whole bye week.

    prob cause they were the last team we played.

  4. I say K-state pulss a shocker. :facepalm: gosh i said it, now i need to throw up. I have a bad feeling about this game, but i also had a bad feeling about UW so who knows

    This is like saying oh.. I have a bad feeling about western kentucky.. man those hilltopers scare me with all those unranked 0 star recruits.. Oh man what are we going to do, k-state has those beastly junior college transfer recruits..

    haha, i know i just really haven't started drinking the kool-aid yet. if we beat texas, i'll be rolling around naked in the kool-aid.

  5. He took blame for everything tonight, even though that was the players lack of execution. He din't freak out, barely even raised his boice. This man has come along way. That was classy. Anyway, eceryone continue with the :ahhhhhhhh

    • Fire 1
  6. I am concerned about size and the ability to take the pounding from an Ingram. We have yet to see that.


    I to think we are long ways from playing our best, it we have seen we are in trouble I think.. We played a very over hyped team that was not a top 25 team. We do the same thing to Texas, then maybe we can talk about being back and close to being at the top of our game.


    I think we will, but that level has not been reached or proven. The chance will come in a few weeks.

    Ik its not very popular, but i agree with this. I don't think we are in trouble though, i just didn't necessarily see anything eye-popping from this team. Washington's defense was horrible, their offense was mediocre... there a long ways away. I still say 11-3 or 12-2 this year, but with lots of potential, just depends on how much we improve. BTW, has ronss posted since the Washington game? he dept saying we were gonna lose and that we were still 2-3 years away. Wonder what he has to say about all this??

  7. :cowbell: Hear ye, Hear ye: Prediction time: I predict that Cody Green will never start a game at quarterback at Nebraska. BUT, somewhere down the road, MArtinez will get banged up, even if its only one game, and i believe all this preping green will pay off as he will lead us to a victory. It may not be this year or even next year, but by the time he graduates, it will have happened. I am taking this one to the back. hope i'm not wrong :corndance
  8. I feel for cody, from all sounds of it, he has taken the QB race very well and has continued to practice hard. He seems to love the program. On both of his fumbles today he was just busting his butt trying to make something happen. Regardless, he is still the second best quarterback on this team (no, its not Lee). Otherwise, great game :koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2:

  9. I've never really endorsed one QB over the next because I've wanted to wait and see how they play, but I don't think there is any doubt that Martinez is the guy. His passing seems to be just as good as Lee's is and his running is obviously on a different plane. I felt like we were watching him mature through the course of the game - there was none of the hesitance we saw out of Lee or Green last year. When he messed up or made a bad decision or got sacked, he stepped right back up and continued on, which I think is a bigger marker of success than his 4 TDs. If he keeps this up he will be one of the greats.


  10. I've never really endorsed one QB over the next because I've wanted to wait and see how they play, but I don't think there is any doubt that Martinez is the guy. His passing seems to be just as good as Lee's is and his running is obviously on a different plane. I felt like we were watching him mature through the course of the game - there was none of the hesitance we saw out of Lee or Green last year. When he messed up or made a bad decision or got sacked, he stepped right back up and continued on, which I think is a bigger marker of success than his 4 TDs. If he keeps this up he will be one of the greats.


  11. Would it be wrong to have her inside and if we struggle kick her? Considering how tame and harmless she is, I anticipate us having no trouble this weekend, she's a coward.

    When i first saw this thread i thought you meant something a little different.

    Something a little more along this Line: :leghump:

  12. After every cupcake win in which we don't play a near perfect game, the mods should start two threads. One titled, "We're in trouble when we play the real teams!" and one titled: "The sky is not falling!" That way we won't have to have 20 threads saying nothing dedicated to each those two points.

    Haha, JTrain's right, i guess i really didn't have to make a whole new topic on this. :LOLtartar

  13. This is the same thing that happens every year. We freak out after 2 games. Bo will get this fixed. Bill Ca******N is not our coach nemore. these things will be fixed.



    The last time i checked the sky is still up there.


    We need to stop all the :ahhhhhhhh The pessimism on this board is funny. Everyone needs to drink some :koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2: with me.

  14. Anytime you play against the best RB in the league in his house only a fool has no concerns. I really fear many of our fans have taken the idea that we are an elite football team because media idiots deem us so pre-season too seriously. We have issues on both sides of the ball that need clarity prior to playing a real football team, which I suspect KSU will be this year. They defeated a much better opponent in their opener than we have played. You can bet BP is concerned about it. Texas should be far from the only worry for this team.

    Billyball, I've been reading you're posts for the last year or so with much concern, it appears as though you do not drink enough of this:












    JK, i agree with you, but your posts are always so depressing.

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