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Posts posted by notherplace93

  1. Green was a TRUE FRESHMAN last year, of course he wasnt ready to play. He will be vastly improved this year if not just knowing the mechanics of the playbook. I think in the first few games we may see some split time between Green and Lee and by the time the regular season starts we will know who the starter is. I think too many people are getting on Green's case, we have to realize he was a TRUE FRESHMAN. Not many guys can come in and start as a freshman. This guy isnt the second coming of Tommie Frazier, so why is everyone expecting him to play like it?

    Agreed :clap Cut the guy some slack. Yeah, he struggled. But he was a true freshmen who was barely 18 years old. Give him some time. He might be good , he might not, don't throw him under the bus after only two starts.

  2. Your right EZ, I just read that the Texas coaches have been imprssed with Traylon Shead and Antwan Cobb to put all of their eggs in Malcolm Browns basket. And if they wiff on him, they will push even harder for Johnathan Gray, who is the stud running back in next years class.


    Typical for them. If they dont get him, they "didnt want him."


    Hows that for a Big Ten team to land 3 of the Texas top 25?

    Haha, EZ-E you seem a little annoyed with the notion that big ten teams cant recruit texas. But yeah, good point it would be funny.

  3. Just saw on the front page of scout that Nebraska has the the #12 class in the nation according to them. This must have been posted or done before they upgraded Tevin Mitchel to a four star cause their evaluation says we have only 5 4-stars, but with Mitchel being upgraded we now have 6 4-star prospects. If anyone who knows how to link it wants to that'd be great cause i don't know how.


    Also, does anyone now when rivals Team rankings come out?

  4. At first glance you might ask why this is in the recruiting section. Well that's because most recruits around the country still see us and believe we are a running/option team (luckily i think the BTN will help us shake that stigma). obviously this seems to turn off wide reciver recruits, but if paul could get 1,000 yards and maybe be an early second round or late first round pick that could really help, becaue we all know he has the measurables and the talent, he just needs to put it all together. :corndance


    The early love from the scouts could help. Now Niles just needs to help himself and stop taking a leak in the middle of busy intersections. <_<

  5. I honestly believe Green won't pull the trigger simply because the fact that deep down he is still somewhat a fan of Texas. He probably grew up watching them and liking them. <_< I think he knows Nebraska is the right place for him and i believe he wants to come here but Texas might have always been a big love of his. I dont think Cal or FSU has a snowball's chance in Hell to be honest. I think they are just their so he can have a top four. Idk thats just what it seems to me.


    But here's to hoping:


    EDIT: So okay my theory was wrong i looked back into the onld pages and USC was his childhood favorite, not texas

  6. I don't really have an entire answer, but this is my best shot:



    I will most definitely encourage my son(s) to compete in athletics, namely the big ones, football and basketball (and later track). I will make them at least try it for a while, even if they don't like it at first, because I have better perspective than them (I hated football when I was younger, absolutely despised playing it, but grew to love it). After giving it a fair chance, if it's not a passion of theirs, I'll drop it. However, if it is something they love doing, I will sure as hell push them to be the absolute best they can be, as a respectful competitor who gives everything before actual athletic skill.


    As others have said, kids learn a lot from sports. Without football and basketball I would not have any semblance of work ethic at all, and it's only because of them that I have SOME idea of what it really means. Dedication, loyalty, respect and so many other things are only character traits of mine through what I've learned in sports.


    • Fire 2
  7. My 2 cents: Make 'em try it once, Let 'em play but don't make 'em play. (but at least have them finish out the year) I have seven siblings, and each one of us is very different. My two older brothers are a perfect picture of different. My oldest brother is a ultra-competetive, athletic, crazy guy who would like to rip your head off. He loved football and still tries to play for a local team. (idk the name)The other brother likes sports also, but not nearly as much. He'

    s very athletic also but he is not competetive. And he never had a killer instinct so football was awful for him. Then comes me. I'm in between both of them. I am decently athletic and somewhat competetive but i would rather watch a sport than play it organized. (pick up games are amazing and i would play them anytime) But nonetheless for a plethora of reasons i had played football from 3rd grade to my junior year (last year). But now after almost three years of hating football i have decided not to go back out for my senior year (and i was the starting QB last year just to show i'm not quitting because i don't play) because i have always played for fun and its no fun anymore.

    So my advice is is to have a kid at least give it a shot (my parents had me try football, basketball, baseball, soccer, wrestling...etc) and then let them choose what they love (this year all i'm playing is soccer, cause i love it) let them work for it and always make them finish out the season, and then if they don't want to play again, don't make them go back out. :rant:wacko:

  8. Given the realignment I think the hype needs to be brought down a notch. The con doesn't like us and won't want us leaving as con champs. Teams will be out to get us and I honestly doubt the games will be called down the middle.

    :yeah but at the same time i think we will also be out to get teams in the Big XII (try to beat everyone one last time) Bri9ng it on Big 12-2 :box

  9. i pray that it is notre dame


    I'd take notre dame, they have a top tier program and I absolutely hate em.


    Problem is that we don't no if theyll join the big10 especially with all all the super conference talk dying, and they'd need to improve their current level of play.


    IV said it once and I'll say it again, if we do get a top main rival, it should b Penn state, but we don't need a rival either so we shouldn't force a rivalry- especially with lesser prestige iowa


    A PSU v Nebraska rivalry would probably sit pretty well with a lot of folks (like me) that were around in '94. To the younger guys (and current student body) it may not mean as much. While I'm thrilled to have Nebraska in the Big Ten (it just seems like a great fit when you say it), I do not have a lot of love for Nebraska as a result of '94. Clearly, what happened is the fault of nobody on here and nobody that was around at the time. But rivalries are often built on emotion that have no rational basis. ;)


    I respect the program. And separating the academics out of the equation, you guys clearly have a University to be proud of. But putting football into equation...yeah, I'm all for slamming you when the honeymoon is over. :)

    I really agree with this. i dont really know what went on in '94, but i do remember in 2002 when we went to happy valley when Penn state had Larry Johnson and i just remember how awful it seemed like the fans were to us that game. Cause if i remember right i think you guys were mad at Richie Incognito (correct me if i'm wrong but i believe that was the game he threw a punch). So i think it would be a great rivalry based off of the rspect we seem to have for each others programs and also the tiny seeds of hatred that also seem to be present. Here's to hoping: :koolaid2:


    Well, the 2002 match up came 8 years after 1994. It's possible that a lot of pent up anger was being vented at Nebraska during that game. Here's the short primer on 1994:




    After we thrashed Ohio State 63-14 (I think it was 21-0 after the first 6 minutes or so) we actually dropped to #2.


    The NC was decidec by people filling out a ballot. Not Nebraska's fault, but a lot of anger.

    Oh gotcha. I can definately understand that. I also agree with Jtrain, while i wouldn't mand being rivals with iowa, i think a penn state-nebraska rivalry would be much more interesting. :duel

  10. i pray that it is notre dame


    I'd take notre dame, they have a top tier program and I absolutely hate em.


    Problem is that we don't no if theyll join the big10 especially with all all the super conference talk dying, and they'd need to improve their current level of play.


    IV said it once and I'll say it again, if we do get a top main rival, it should b Penn state, but we don't need a rival either so we shouldn't force a rivalry- especially with lesser prestige iowa


    A PSU v Nebraska rivalry would probably sit pretty well with a lot of folks (like me) that were around in '94. To the younger guys (and current student body) it may not mean as much. While I'm thrilled to have Nebraska in the Big Ten (it just seems like a great fit when you say it), I do not have a lot of love for Nebraska as a result of '94. Clearly, what happened is the fault of nobody on here and nobody that was around at the time. But rivalries are often built on emotion that have no rational basis. ;)


    I respect the program. And separating the academics out of the equation, you guys clearly have a University to be proud of. But putting football into equation...yeah, I'm all for slamming you when the honeymoon is over. :)

    I really agree with this. i dont really know what went on in '94, but i do remember in 2002 when we went to happy valley when Penn state had Larry Johnson and i just remember how awful it seemed like the fans were to us that game. Cause if i remember right i think you guys were mad at Richie Incognito (correct me if i'm wrong but i believe that was the game he threw a punch). So i think it would be a great rivalry based off of the rspect we seem to have for each others programs and also the tiny seeds of hatred that also seem to be present. Here's to hoping: :koolaid2:

  11. I think Texas A&M saved Texas a** and OU the gutless team to chicken to play with the big boys in the SEC. Stoops I don't want to play NU and Texas each year that's to hard. OU and A&M deserve what ever happens to them.


  12. So lets say everything stays the same. A&M chooses to stay in the Big XII, and the Big X decides to take a short break on trying to get Notre Dame... As it stands, did Nebraska gain the most from the conference realignment?

    Nebraska as i see it gained the most. We are (eventually, idk the exact details) getting more money. Our acedemics are gonna get a huge boost in funding and in respectability just by being in the Big Ten. We finally are in a conference where everyone's on an equal playing field (in terms of power). We also help make the big ten have more traditional powerhouse schools than anyone besides maybe the SEC. And we got rid of Texas :hookerhorns Now i also know we lost alot of tradition and one of the greatest rivalries of all time, although that died at the beginning of the Big XII(which i remember little since i was only four years old)and that rivalry hasn't been the same since.


    Does anyone see this differently? cause if everything remains exactly as it is today, i think Nebraska gained the most. IMO the only other program who gained anything close to what the Huskers did was Texas-and all they gained was more money and their own network, but at the cost of conference prestige (which of course matters little to them because the are Texas)


    I personally wanted to stay in the Big XII, but this was the next best thing, and i don't think it could have gone any better for us.


    But maybe i'm drinking to much kool-aid :koolaid2::koolaid2::koolaid2:

  13. The Big Ten title game will be indoors most likely and if it is outdoors it will be a noon start or earlier. Before Minnesota built their new stadium it was the only place in November that they would scheduled night games.






    Welcome to the Big Ten Nebraska is a great addition and us Gopher fans look forward to padding are lead in the Head to Head series.

    Wait...isn't kevin cosgrove your d-coordinator? And you think you will pad your lead in the head to head series? Not trying to be a jerk but yeah.............. :LOLtartar

  14. Thanks. Best of luck to you wherever you guys go. I personally hope you guys go to the SEC. I think it would lead to some fun matchups. A&M seems to be on their way back up (although i am not so sure about Sherman, he reminds me alot of Callahan) and its nice to see someone from an opposing Big XII team wish us luck, cause it seems as though the opposite has been the case so far.




    Plus by going to the SEC you get ten times the exposure cause espn will say your better than anyone in the nation cause your from the SEC :espnsucks::steam

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