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Posts posted by Wolvie3758

  1. I would highly doubt that ND gets added as a hockey-only affiliate to the Big Ten.


    The BTHC is likely to materialize within the next 5 years after Penn State's program is fully operational and has a bit of experience under its belt, but the Big Ten's presidents were hesitant in the past to add hockey-only affiliates and could never agree on whether to create a BTHC with the 5 other hockey members and ND or a mix of Miami (Ohio) and others...


    They decided to push off the decision based on tradition, since unlike the Pac-10, which has affiliate members for sports such as the Olympic sports, the Big Ten presidents have never been able to reach agreement on allowing affiliate members; several of the members are extremely hesitant due to tradition-based reasons.


    Now that Penn State will be a potential 6th member, enough for a BTHC, I'd expect the presidents to simply bypass that contentious issue and create a 6 member BTHC that allows enough non-conference games to allow the CCHA and WCHA to continue to receive visits from the marquee Big Ten teams.


    Finally, a BTHC will possibly put pressure on Notre Dame to eventually consider it to be a major plus to joining the Big Ten. Notre Dame is building a brand new, expensive arena that has a much higher capacity, so they will need visits from the Big Ten teams in order to sell their season ticket package. Obviously, a CCHA devoid of Michigan, Michigan State, and Ohio State may play a secondary role in convincing Notre Dame to eventually join the Big Ten, since their hockey program may struggle without it, and hockey is perhaps the 3rd most important program there even though it is a distant 3rd...



    Zeek, I agree with much of what you say EXCEPT the time Line..I think it will be Much sooner...say 2 MAYBE 3 yrs max

  2. Words of caution to the Big 10. NU will play for the conference title next year. I will not go on record to say NU will win it but I say we play for the title. NU will have a dynamic QB that will run wild but have a defense that can play with the most elite teams in the country.


    Put Bo's defense with Dennard at Michigan. The would be an elite team.


    The alignments for the new divisions, which have yet to be named, are as follows:


    – Illinois, Indiana, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue and Wisconsin in one division.


    Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska and Northwestern in the other.


    I see NU playing either OSU or Wisc. If Pryor returns for his senior year OSU will have a slight advantage over

    Wisc based on Wisc losing their QB. I just don't see much Carne in the bolded division above. Sorry Wolvie, NU plays for the title of the Big 10 in their first year.



    If I had a dollar for every Penn St fan that said that Id be a VERY rich man....

  3. I thought I remember reading about the plans for the new arena being designed closer and not big enough for ice.


    Big10 hockey would be fun. I would support it.



    After going to Yost and watching Big Time College Hockey I was hooked!!! the atmosphere is electric.

    really hoping Nebraska adds it...It just seems Like a good match!....Penn St adding it is a great sign

    and Im hoping more B10 schools add it..113,000 for a outdoor game is almost incomprehensible

    to me and after watching it Live yesterday, reading all the blog reports and seeing the pics

    It was a Huge success and they made a Ton of money off it

  4. I live in Denver and am a Univ of Denver alum so I love WCHA hockey. Hockey is the biggest revenue drawing sport at DU.


    I knew that Wiscy and Minny were there. It would seem odd to me to pull them out of the WCHA. All of the other Minny schools are in the WCHA. That being said the WCHA did just add 2 teams (UNO being one of them. Maybe it was bc/ they knew they would lose the B10 schools?


    There is a husker club team. They watched the NU/Kansas game with us at the Fox and Hound in South Denver on their way to a game in Colorado Springs.


    I think you could use this thread as a show of interest in hockey at NU.



    its all about $$$$$ with the BTN a B10 Hockey conference is almost all but certain in the nxt few years...they are also talking about adding Notre Dame

    for Hockey Only if they form the B10 Hockey Conference ...I think if that happens it might be a subtle way to get Notre Dame into the B10..u know

    baby steps ....I could care less if ND joins or not personally..now that Nebraska has joined Im satisfied with the B10

  5. Univ Nebraska-Omaha has built a pretty solid program that just recently joined the WCHA.

    I can't see UNL building one but I could be wrong.


    I didn't think there was a Big10 in hockey. Isn't it the CCHA?


    ...and hockey talk thread on huskerboard will last all of 1 more thread.......if you post in it again.


    Right Now UM, MSU, OSU are in the CCHA and Minny and Wis are in the WCHA....with Penn St adding Div 1 Hockey that gives the B10 enough

    teams to field a Conference so most people in the know say that will happen in the next year or two..At Michigan Hockey actually is a revenue

    producing sport..They sell out every game at Yost which is considered the best venue in college hockey..It would Be GREAT if the huskers

    added Hockey..I mean Nebraska seems like it would br hockey state..UNO is good...Im really hoping UNL adds it..I guess you probably have to have a club team

    first..I dont know if UNL has that....Michigan is adding Lacrosse in the near future..Our club team has won the National title 3 yrs running so they

    are going Div 1 in the next year or two it appears..was hoping Neb had a club hockey team that could be elevated

  6. Any chance Nebraska will field a Div 1 Hockey team in the future?? I know Penn State is adding it...Last Night 113,000 watched Michigan-MSU in the "Big Chill at the Big House

    and it was AMAZING...heres a link to the photos...Absolutely stunning event last night...I know UNO has a team but anybody know if UNL will field one..It appears with the addition of Penn St the B10 is going to form a B10 Hockey conference...






    check out the photos truly amazin

  7. I just cant wait to see these Big 10 towns turn RED!


    Its going to be ALOT harder than you think...Most B10 stadiums sell out..its not going to be as easy to find tickets to the games...Of course I know that

    wont stop fans from going but its not like there will be tons of extra tickets avbl at most B10 Venues...The good thing about places like Michigan and OSU and Penn St

    all over 100,000 is that tickets are usually a little easier to obtain on the street right before game time...

  8. :corndanceThanks for the welcome. I am still looking for a knife in my back, nothing personal, just Leary.




    Dont get me wrong..Once you join rivalries will form and digs and jousts will come thats natural....Maybe even some good old fashioned hate between rivals..but thats OK!!!

    but the bottom line is We acknowledge getting Nebraska is a COUP for our league and makes Us ALL better...as far as getting stabbed in the back? Not going to happen...

    When u represent the B10 all B10 fans will get behind you...In Bowl season we all root for another even most UM and OSU will pull for the other..(although to be honest it is at times begrudgingly)..but stab yu in the back..Nah..wont happen...one for all and all for one

  9. Words of Caution...This is the same type talk we heard when Penn St Joined the Conference..It usually doesnt work that way. It took Penn St a few years before they won their

    first B10 Title and in the 20 yrs since they joined I believe they have won 2 or maybe 3 titles...I wouldnt expect to walk in to Ann Arbor and waltz away with a win..MANY a undefeated OSU team or Wisconsin team that were on paper far superior left AA with a Loss...costing them a National title...Michigan gets up for the Big games..the Offense is really clicking and I gtd u

    the defense will be better..GROB will not be back year. and Wisconsin is a TOUGH TOUGH place to win...Good Luck and welcome to the B10

  10. Buck up Husker fans your world is about the change FOR THE BETTER.....1st of all your joining THE Premier Conference in the Nation. You will be a member of some of the most

    prestigious Universities in America, Academically and Athletically. You will be making ALOT more dough, your potential bowl destinations in the future will be more desirable and

    prestigious. Your other athletic teams will mesh nicely into the B10...just last night Michigan competed in the College Cup Soccer Final Four and OSU played in the women's soccer final Four. You already have many nationally competitive sports and your Exposure on the BTN will just bring bigger and better recruits to your sports team....THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember?

    You are going to a conference where you are WANTED and RESPECTED...look around the B10 ALL the schools are excited about having Nebraska! When I compare the welcome of Penn St vs Nebraska I believe Nebraska is head and shoulders above what Penn St was at the time they joined...Having a conference with Michigan, Ohio St, Penn St and Nebraska..along with Iowa and Wisconsin? are you kidding me?


    I know its been a rough and tumble last year in the Big12 and frankly the way Nebraska has been treated by the Big12 and its member insitutions is awful..The other teams are

    acting like spoiled little children and it seems retribution for leaving is their primary focus...I say F them..Welcome to the Big10!!!!get ready for a bright future!...Dont expect to walk in the conference and mop up..Penn St did and it took a few years before they won a title but we all know Neb will be competitive from the get go!


    The Big 10 is a group of like minded schools banded together who respect each other and each school is equal..No school gets more than the other ..we are all equal from Michigan

    down to Northwestern. Decisions are made based upon what is good forthe collective not the individual and all are treated fairly and eauitably...I could be wrong but Im guessing

    that sounds pretty good about now...


    Just a few short months and you will be ONE OF US!!!...good luck and Welcome

    • Fire 8
  11. Woooa! Anybody think NU is gonna be hated after the divisions are announced? Boo-freaking-hoo to the morons who need a wake-up call who are so concerned about OSU and MU having to play each other twice in the same season. Guess what? It ain't happening. Only one of those teams is any good and can hold their end of the bargain. The other one can't beat App State at home. Wolferhineys will be lucky to stay off probation, let alone contend for anything important. Thanks Rich! Huskers aren't here to make friends, we're here to dominate. Or to piss people off. Or both. Suck it.


    So your one of THOSE type fans..well guess every school has a few embarassments

    • Fire 2
  12. It will NOT be a east-west split and Wisc and Iowa will be split..Nowhere has anyone said that

    Neb. Mich. MSU Wisc and Iowa will all be in the same div..NOT going to happen...It will start

    with UM and Neb in one Div..OSU and PSU in another..Wisc and Iowa split between the Two Divs and the

    rest of the teams filled in

  13. Word around Ann Arbor is that UM and OSU will be split and THE GAME will be moved up a few weeks to avoid

    a rematch a week later in the event both qualified for the CCG..Both ADs at UM and OSU within the last 24hrs have

    made statements that indicates this is going to happen..If true that likely means UM and Neb in one div and OSU and PSU

    in another...Taking that one step further it likely means Iowa and Wisc will be split with ILL NW joining UM NEB and Pur IND joining OSU PSU...Minn & MSU split......soooo..heres my best guess estimate based on that...


    Div A..Michigan, MSU, NEB,Iowa NW ILL

    Div B.OSU,PSU,Wisc,Pur, IND, Minn


    u can flip flop Iowa/Wisc and or MSU/Minn

  14. I do not know if you can see this online or Not...Since Nebraska is now B10 territory I would be shocked If all the cable networks in Neb dont carry the BTN..Dont fret

    It may come down to the last few months before the start of the season..These negotiations between indv companies usually go down to the wire but they get resolved.

    Its my understanding the B10 Network will cover some Nebraska sports prior to 2011..

  15. I was watching the BTN last night. It was the Michigan season preview from Ann Arbor. During the Commercial I saw my First Big Ten Network Nebraska Promo.. Totally Cool and

    it was welcoming Nebraska to the Big Ten..It was a commercial so it didnt last a long time but great visuals and great commercial..Made it Real for the first time..Nebraska is in the Big Ten!!!

    I know Michigan and Nebraska have a sorta of unspoken rivalry but I think Everyone around the conference is delighted!!! I personally think UM and Neb will end up in the same division and play

    every year..were about to find out shortly..GO BLUE!!

  16. Im in Atlanta and the BTN is carried by the local Comcast Cable network..Its part of a upgraded sports package but the cost is minimal WELL WORTH IT...I get to see alot of Michigan sports coverage living in Atlanta...There is a large UM fan base in Atlanta..

  17. As a longtime Michigan man and a BO/MO/Lloyd fan I am mildly dissapointed in RR. Having said that I think he deserves another year maybe two to get it right. I seem to be in the minority here. There are alot of factions that have been out to sabotage RR before he ever arrived...I DONT want to happen here that happened at ND...Give RR this and next year after that? If he cant get it done after 4..hes toast and LeS Miles will be the next UM coach..Id love to see Les the HC at UM...win win

  18. I think Having Nebraska in the conference will be, as my Son would say.."totally cool" ..and "whack"


    After hearing the latest reports that the leftover 5 are going to give any exit money over to Texas,OU and A&M..my jaw dropped!..Do these schools have NO PRIDE? WOW...If Michigan ever did that Id be howling...its sad and embarrassing for those schools...I can totally Understand the frustration Nebraska must have had in this conference...Its not fair, equitable and puts ones schools value over another..It makes those other schools look desperate(which they were) and inferior...Im glad to see that Nebraska stood up to that and I have even more respect for NU today based upon those reports....

  19. Welcome to the Big Ten Nebraska..we are THRILLED you have joined us. We think you are a PERFECT addition to the conference and you bring ALOT to the Table..Youll find in the B10 everyone is treated equally and nobody runs the conference. Im guessing after watching the B12 bow down to Texas you feel good about your decision. Cant wait to see you In Ann Arbor...Again WELCOME!!! we couldnt be happier!!!

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