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Posts posted by RHCPaul

  1. Is anybody else having trouble getting into matches? My god! I spend more time trying to find a match to get into then I do playing.

    Yes. There are times where I do find a room that either A.) It takes forever to start the game or B.) The game starts and then the connection is horrible and everybody gets booted out of the room.

    It's 2:30, I have to quit playing because those small maps are really starting to piss me off! The last match I played I had 2 kills and 29 deaths! :ahhhhhhhh


    Just go hide in a corner next time :LOLtartar And Zoogies, the storyline in Black Ops was kinda hard to follow for me. There was a lot going on and it was kind of weird I thought. I was confused about it half the time, but maybe it was just me.

    Speaking of being confused, I'm trying to get the campaign mode over with, anybody know what the objective is when your in Vietnam on the hill try to push back the NVA?


    There's some barrels of Napalm near the bottom of the hill that you can push over to really help out in that part. What I did (on Veteran) was wait until the first plane strike after the talking sequence, then kill as many people as i could on the left side of the hill and make a run for the bunker that the other marines are running to. Once you get there, pop a china lake shot into the weapons cache on the right side of the hill. Make your way over there and load up on guns, then it's just luck on whether or not you can knock over those napalm barrels (run up to them and hit x or circle) and try and get into cover as soon as you do. The enemies respawn infinitely so try to time it out.

  2. I actually just signed up on this board in hopes of finding a group in San Luis Obispo. I'm moving out there in a week to finish up school and I would be lost without someone to watch games with. I'm a 20 (very soon to be 21) year old college kid.

    Well I will let you know if we find a group I have heard there is a place in Orcutt called Rick's Pizza the owner is a Husker fan and ALWAYS has the games!!!!


    That would be great! I don't mind a little drive to get to a place where I can catch the PPV games.

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