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Huskers Fan Too

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Posts posted by Huskers Fan Too

  1. This article makes me want NU to win Saturday night that much more. One last time! We can leave this conference with a trophy in hand and heads held high looking to the next chapter of Big Red football. Just because NU got a great chance to be part of something bigger, it just shows me the lack of maturity (and maybe some jealousy) of some of the teams remaining behind. Rather than looking at the history of the last century and everything that NU brought to the table, some people are stuck in the childish mentality of "if you leave then I wish you the worst", rather than "thanks for the memories and good luck". It is truely sad in my book!

  2. actually i think the conference would have made more with a NU win bc we would have had two BCS teams


    Excellent point, but then the precious TexAss wouldn't have had their spotlight chance at the NC again (which they deserve being that they are Texas and being in the NC game is the only place they belong). It is a double edged knife, because sure two BCS games is way better for the conference, but at the cost of all the credit going to Texas rather than only 50% of it.

  3. I'm not going to read the whole thread, so this is probably a repeat.




    1. Play the f*ing wildcat for crap's sake. Green is TERRIBLE, and it worked against ISU (until for whatever reason they stopped playing it)

    2. Pelini needs to chill the f* out. Take some Xanax if you have to. I don't care what Martinez said. He's 20 years old, he's just had his heartbroken, find a way to get him to shut up without screaming at him for 15 seconds.



    I COMPLETELY agree with you!!!! I have nothing else to add!!!!

  4. I think it will be awhile now until the next commit too. With only a few more spots open, the staff is really going to have to get selective now and heavily recruit the ones that are true favorites and also share a similar interest in NU. But, to answer your question, I am going to say Bryant.

  5. Just updated the board with Charles Jackson's commit today/ Projected commits for the remaining open slots.

    I made one minor adjustment to the numbers today: With us taking Braylon Heard and Bronson Marsh and assuming Bubba Starling makes it to campus, I am projecting that we take 6 more commits. I took a spot away from the DL to make room... since we took 6 DL last year and have 1 graduating this year I feel we will take a max of 3 at that position. Look for us to target 2 DT and 1 DE when all is said and done in February. With Kevin Williams commit, we will take 1 more DT and 1 DE and be finished with the DL. See above for visual.


    Awesome breakdown! Thanks!


    I was just wondering about this. I was thinking that the staff will really try to make the push for a DT and a DE now that we have all the other needs handled.

  6. It doesn't matter who won or deffered right? If you kick in the 1st half you recieve in the 2nd half yes?

    No, you have the choice to receive, defer, or defend a certain goal, plus you can defer in the 1st half.


    So, esentially we said we don't want to recieve the ball at the beginning of either half? Is that even an option?

  7. Does anyone know why Charles is leaning towards Arkansas more than NU? I would think that we have them beat in any category you can think of and I think the early playing time can be found at both locations. Does he have family/friends/relatives that are Arkansas people? I would think that being close friends (at least teammates) with Santos would have him leaning more towards NU at this point.



    It's simply a matter of him already taking a visit to Arkansas while he's just now coming to Lincoln for this weekend.


    Not really anything other than that.



    Thanks! That's all I could think of as well, but I wasn't sure if there were any of those underlying little details that you never hear about.

  8. Does anyone know why Charles is leaning towards Arkansas more than NU? I would think that we have them beat in any category you can think of and I think the early playing time can be found at both locations. Does he have family/friends/relatives that are Arkansas people? I would think that being close friends (at least teammates) with Santos would have him leaning more towards NU at this point.

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