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Posts posted by ohiohusker

  1. First of all, I got this wild idea last Tuesday night, that since I realized we are only 5 hours from Ann Arbor, that we ought to go to the game! My husband wasn't working, so I started looking for tickets. Ended up just ordering from the University of Nebraska ticket office. We decided to leave Friday night and drive to Findlay, OH and leave early Saturday morning from there. The drive up was OK, until we got closer to the stadium. My Equinox has a Nebraska bracket around the plate and a huge "N" decal in the back window. We started getting Michigan fans pointing at us, making gestures, and honking their horns. We really had no idea where to park, so just decided to find a reasonably close spot and walk. We ended up parking in a frat house driveway for $30. Figured some college guys could use the money. (They even let me use their bathroom....and that is another story!) Anyway....on the walk to the stadium, we had comments about "corn", "farmers", and inappropriate comments directed towards Nebraska women. We noticed quite a few Nebraska fans too! The Michigan team buses drove up about that time, and we stopped to watch it. It doesn't compare to our Unity Walk at all. We needed to find the Will Call window, so asked an usher who was very nice. Welcomed us to "The Big House" and hoped we had a good time, etc. We got our tickets, but I had to throw away my 4 x 6 purse because NOTHING is allowed into the stadium. I had to take my license, cards, money, etc, and put them in the inside pocket of my coat. We walked a short time and headed to our seats. We were in Section 9, row 95, but at least with the Nebraska fans. All was good, until the row behind us filled up with Michigan fans. Rude, loud, drunken, obnoxious men. (I could not bring in my purse, but they had bottles of liquor.) From the time the teams were introduced to the end of the game, they did not shut up. The whole stadium booed us when the Huskers were announced. The smart a** comments were non-stop. I finally turned around and asked them to please chill out. A few other Nebraska fans asked the same thing. Their answer was, "Guess you didn't choose very good seats!" The weather was in the 50's and cloudy, but we enjoyed the experience. No doubt, we were disappointed in the outcome, but there is always next year. On the way out, the usher for the Nebraska section said, "I have been doing this for 12 years, and I can without a doubt, say you all are the best fans we've ever had here!" We were asked how we were treated and hoped we felt welcome there. There were also SWAT team members all over the place, but I was told that is normal, "after all, this IS the Big House" is what I was told. I suppose I might go back there, but I sure appreciate Memorial Stadium so much more now! Am I naive to think that that is the way football stadiums ought to be? A place of family, respect, being good hosts, and mid-western hospitality? Love our Huskers and let's hope for a big win over Iowa on Friday afternoon! Go Big Red!

  2. I, too, am thankful for so many things!

    * Thankful for the Big Ten Network! (Sorry, Directv, I know I spent lots of money the past several years buying games!)

    * Although I thought I was too old to change traditions and rivalries, I am thankful for the new teams and living in Ohio, I hope I can go to some away games!

    * Couldn't agree with you more, Landlord, I am thankful that I was born and raised in Omaha and am proud of the things we stand for!

    * I am thankful for each and every member of our Husker team! I can't imagine how hard they work every day to do everything that they do!

    * I am thankful that I have gotten to watch Husker football for 45 years! Been lots of ups and downs, but I wouldn't have missed any of it for the world!

    * I, too, am thankful for Huskerboard. Have met a few of you all, have tailgated with some, and have enjoyed the posting with you!

    * I am thankful that Mom and I have had many years of our "Mother-Daughter Football weekend".

    * And......I am thankful for my family, my Mom, husband, 2 boys (the good son AND the Buckeye), daughter-in-law, and the cutest granddaughters in the world!

    Happy Thanksgiving and Go Big Red! Let's finish up with a win against Iowa!

  3. We are just about ready to head up there! Got a wild idea a couple nights ago when I realized we are only 5 hours away from Ann Arbor! Things are falling into place very well so far! We will be in the SE corner, wearing red, and yelling loud! Go Big Red!

  4. Prayers to the Moore family! I know how hard it is to lose your Dad, but can't imagine the difficulty Terrence is going through. After reaching out after so many years to try to connect again......and then losing his Dad in a matter of a few weeks. But now.....Mr. Moore will have the best seat in the house to watch his son play. Have a good game Terrence! We all support you!

  5. Thanks for all the info! We are leaving tomorrow night and going half way......will get to Ann Arbor early Saturday morning! My last minute plans are going well so far! We are meeting some people from Cortland, NE at a tailgate before the game. The pre-game festivities look very interesting too! Even looks like nice weather! Let's hope for a great game with Big Red taking the lead and showing them what Husker football is all about!

  6. That's because there were too many blue-hairs. Keep the blue-hairs out and let younger people have their seats.



    Here we go again........ What the hell are you youngins going to do when you reach "that age"? Since I am 55 and apparently now a blue hair, does that mean I am not worthy of being a Husker fan? I get to go to one game a year with my 80 year old Mom, and for the record, we BOTH stand and yell for the whole game! We love our team as much if not more than you all do! Have a great day......and Go Big Red!








































  7. Guess I am a blue hair........since I am 55? Anyway, I took my 80 year old Mom to the game last week. She was a bit slower going up to row 71, (thanks to the younger guy who put his arm through hers and walked with us). Just for the record.....she also stood most of the game and cheered until she was hoarse. Interesting that a guy in front of us thanked 3 senior citizens for being the base of our fans. He said they are the foundation for the tradition that we have. Not sure how many more Mother-Daughter football weekends we will have together, but I am proud to be a part of the blue hairs! We love our Big Red as much, or maybe more than you youngins!

  8. It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

    ~by Theodore Roosevelt




    I have to admit that last week's game was horrible, and I haven't been much of a Martinez fan, and I was the first to b**** about the results, BUT I have been a Husker fan since the late 60's and I will continue to be a Husker fan for the rest of my life! Each and every Saturday I put on my Nebraska gear, put out all my decorations, and get ready for the game! Living in Ohio for the past 35 years has been no big deal......until now. I have always been proud to say my team is the Nebraska Huskers! Now I am especially getting comments about being from Nebraska, but I love it when somebody has something to say! As for me and my family......we are partying at my oldest son's house tomorrow night (he's the Buckeye fan) and planning on celebrating a huge Nebraska victory! My 80 year old Mom (that I am taking to the Nebraska/Michigan State game, who will march up 73 rows, and who stands and yells throughout the whole game), my husband, my "good son" (the Husker fan), and myself will be cheering from almost 1000 miles away......no matter what! GO BIG RED!! I challenge everybody else inside and outside the great state of Nebraska to support our team! "We'll all stick together in all kinds of weather for dear old Nebraska U!!!"

  9. Yeah.....I made it. Had an old T shirt that I cut and basted it on to the front of her sling. She obviously is not supposed to move her arm away from her side and she would be so disappointed if she couldn't be in Husker attire tomorrow, so I had to come up with something! I am going to alter a T shirt too somehow. 80 years old and worried that she won't have "proper" gameday clothes! PS.....she stands and yells at the games too!

  10. Yeah.....I made it. Had an old T shirt that I cut and basted it on to the front of her sling. She obviously is not supposed to move her arm away from her side and she would be so disappointed if she couldn't be in Husker attire tomorrow, so I had to come up with something! I am going to alter a T shirt too somehow. 80 years old and worried that she won't have "proper" gameday clothes! PS.....she stands and yells at the games too!

  11. Hey Huskerboard! I haven't visited for a while, and since it's only a day before football starts, I thought I'd say "hi" to everybody again! My Mom (and best football buddy) is staying with us for about 6 weeks. She had rotator surgery (again) and came out to recuperate here! Since she will be in a sling for about 6 weeks, I thought I'd surprise her with this! Can't wait to see what she says! Go Big Red!

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