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Posts posted by HotGrillonGrillAction

  1. I tried and tried and tried and tried and TRIED to follow along with this thread....and from the 3rd word on I became more confused the more I read.....seriously! Grammer/Sentence Structure/ENGLISH PLEASE!


    I wish I would have gone directly to the end and say the train wreck message first...


    +1 to banning the word source BTW

  2. Few surprises....but interesting note about last year (Ingram over Suh).....


    Seriously tho - B. Sanders - 11 games and those numbers!!! Holy Moly.


    On to Husker Relevancy:


    26. Eric Crouch, QB, Nebraska (2001). It's mean to say, but Crouch was easily the least impressive winner of the past 25 years. The option quarterback ranked 46th in the country in total offense (218.8 yards per game), rushing for 1,115 yards and 18 touchdowns while completing 55.6 percent of his passes for 1,510 yards, seven touchdowns and 10 picks. He won in large part due to a touchdown catch on a trick play to beat then-No. 2 Oklahoma.



  3. Fantastic post and message. Quite honestly - you may have saved my message board life. Frankly - this board and the Red Sea Scrolls have down right exhausted me this season....and it's really my first year lurking on them so often.


    I for one couldn't agree more with all the thanks you gave. Great work.

  4. i kinda agree. when saturday's roll around, i'm all about watching the Huskers. I don't really watch a whole heck of a lot of other 'smaller' games, just the top 25 now. Certain announcers bug me, ESPN Gameday is a joke to me, I mean 3 minute fluff segments with 5 min of commercials? And they don't really do any film breakdown or teaching of the game. It's just conjecture and some injury updates. It's like Good Morning America. Not to mention I have never ever bitched about refs before. Then this year I almost had mulitple strokes watching us get butchered.


    But, the season did go by way too fast. I mean, we only get about 12-13 games a year if we're lucky. I love following the team and all it's players past and present and future. I hope a move to the B10 will alleviate some of these headaches.

    Funny reading this post - I just sent this to a buddy...


    "Sadly – I’m closer to being ready for the season to be over with than I ever have been (which isn’t to say I’m actually ready for the season to be over with)"


    I am with you...just about spent on the whole thing.

  5. First off, I'm new to HUSKERBOARD.com. So I will say Whassup to all members who've come before me :throwdabones1:



    Now as far as possibly playing in the Insight Bowl or even the Alamo Bowl,etc.... To be quite honest, I'd rather pass on any bowl that's not a BCS bowl. This season was all about going to the BCS Nat'l Championship Game or at the very least the Fiesta Bowl on our way out of this god forsaken conference. Now that its definitely not going to happen for either the BCS NC or Fiesta Bowl, I really don't care to go to any bowl game. I'm sick and tired of going to the Holiday Bowl, Alamo Bowl, Cotton Bowl, or whatever TRASH CAN BOWL that is miles beneath the standard set by this program many moons ago..... If it ain't the BCS NC, Fiesta, Sugar, Rose, or the Orange I'd rather Dr. Tom and Bo sit it out, especially when our talent level is BCS Bowl caliber.


    Remember, Husker Nation is one of the few programs in college football who's measuring stick is Conference Championships and Nat'l Championships. Everything else is irrelevant, particularly when we are loaded with talent like we are this year.


    If we were a rebuilding program, then lower tier, trash can bowls are Ok, even understandable--as it serves as positive stepping stone for big and better things in the future. However, we're not rebuilding, we are a championship, BCS Bowl caliber unit and the Insight, Alamo, Holiday, Cotton route is unacceptable and should be declined on principle alone.

    I'm sorry - but this is just silly and makes no sense. Come on man.....let's not lose perspective - a 10 win season is not a bad season......and pretty impressive to have back to back 10 win seasons.


    I for one am EXTREMELY disappointed - but am thankful for having a competitive team in EVERY game.......I can say with high confidence that NU will never be blown out as long as Bo is at the helm.

  6. If he wants to play, he needs to nut-up, drop the tude and start playing


    If he wants to transfer, pack your crap, turn in your jersey and start your search now. Save the rest of us the drama.


    Either way, this crap needs to end and it needs to end soon

    I think it's very possible that he isn't the problem.......posts like this are!


    I'm most likely wrong...but just sayin'!

  7. Something tells me, we're going to have to beat OU, exactly how we beat them last year. Get great field position from a turn over, capitalize on that, and play ridiculous defense.

    Honestly - if whoever it is that inspiried EVERYONE on the offense to play the way they did against CO is around, then it doesn't matter who the heck the OC is. I know it was CU - but there was better effort during that game last week than I have seen in an NU team since TO was in charge...everyone, from the Oline, the backs, receivers, TE, QB...EVERYONE. With the talent NU has - if they could muster up that same effort every single game - they'd never lose.


    Whoever did that to the offense last week - do it again and we could have Homer Simpson running the offense and we'd still win.


    Inspired play has been lacking pretty much all season - until the CU game - and it was damn fun to watch.

  8. All I know at this point is that for once I'm not dreading the weeks ahead without a game. Now the team has time to take a breath, prepare, and most important get healthy.


    Yea the time off will help them get healthy and that's important but I'm already missing not watching a game next week. Of course there's always that NFL thing.

    What are you guys talking about? We've got the CCG next week. And what does this have to do with whatever bowl game we'll play in?


    :hellloooo - No joke! It's only the biggest game of this season coming up.....and 7 days to prep!!!!!

  9. So IF Taylor is going to be very limited due to an unstable high ankle sprain (reported in Zac Lee thread) and Lee is done with a torn labrum, now what the hell do we do? Neither of these injuries are going to heal quickly.


    Option 1: Cody Green and continue a similar gameplan.


    Option 2: Rex Burkhead in a mostly wildcat and let Rex throw the ball enough to keep the defenses honest.


    Option 3: ???


    Is there another QB who is currently redshirting? Carnes? Would it be worth burning his shirt at this point in the season? I'm guessing it is not likely to happen unless Green gets hurt but is it an option at all?


    We're in a pretty bad situation right now.


    Option 4 Cody Green and not the same game plan. Let this kid use that cannon hooked to his shoulder occassionally.


    Uhhhhhh - :yeah

  10. The good news is he can't really hurt anything more by coming back too early.


    It seems like every injury an athlete sustains carries this disclaimer, which is odd because whenever I've had sprains, tears, tendonitis, etc, the doctor never told me 'well, you might as well go play some more basketball because you can't hurt it any worse'. The motivation behind this seems to be a way to put the onus on the player. Basically saying he can play through the pain if he's tough enough to do so.


    Everything I've read about high ankle sprains seems to contradict this assertion, and an unstable sprain means the bones can dislocate, which seems like a bad idea.


    Yea - I've heard the same about sprains. Fortunately for me - even through 12 years of FB and BB I never did have a serious injury so I can't speak to it personally.....seems to me that ankle is pretty important to the future of NU so SAVE IT if necessary!

  11. So IF Taylor is going to be very limited due to an unstable high ankle sprain (reported in Zac Lee thread) and Lee is done with a torn labrum, now what the hell do we do? Neither of these injuries are going to heal quickly.


    Option 1: Cody Green and continue a similar gameplan.


    Option 2: Rex Burkhead in a mostly wildcat and let Rex throw the ball enough to keep the defenses honest.


    Option 3: ???


    Is there another QB who is currently redshirting? Carnes? Would it be worth burning his shirt at this point in the season? I'm guessing it is not likely to happen unless Green gets hurt but is it an option at all?


    We're in a pretty bad situation right now.


    Nick and Schick just mentioned Ron Kellogg would be the 3rd Qtr QB if things get out of hand....who knows tho?

  12. I'm new here - finally posting! Been reading for years.


    Just got this email from a reliable source...take it for what it's worth.



    Sorry, with this type of info, I think you need to reveal your source. Or at least the number of steps it went through before it got to you.


    The morning of the first game, I had someone tell me their "good source" told them that TMart was starting and that CG was in the process of packing his bags to transfer.


    You have a valid point WDIK - I don't have a bee line to the source - I'll be honest. But it is one hop to me and 9 times out of 10 it's dead on dating back to the hire of TO days in advance of any press knowledge. Understand your concern though man - which is why I said take it for what it's worth.....it could VERY well be inaccurate.


    Love being able to post/discuss now BTW.

  13. I'm new here - finally posting! Been reading for years.


    Just got this email from a reliable source...take it for what it's worth.


    Here's supposedly what's happening with all of the injuries....


    Quarterback injury update



    I don't usually have the good info or the inside info....one of my colleauges talked with an assistant(they are good friends) last night and this is what was shared:


    Our defense is healthy.....good news.

    Zac Lee's career as a Husker is over...torn labrum. Don't know when he did this but it was either the Mizzou game...or a practice right around that time.


    T-Mart has an "unstable high ankle sprain." He can run fine in a straight line, but if he has to cut at all, it just kills him. They are planning on him playing some this weekend just to see what he can do. I guess when he cuts though, it hurts like hell. That being said, he still wanted to play last week.


    The docs are saying that realistically it will take months to heal this type of injury completely. The good news is he can't really hurt anything more by coming back too early. Bad news is he may not be healthy enough to play the rest of the year....including the bowl game.


    I don't really have any more info for you. Just thought I would share.


    FYI on the ankle sprain:


    When a high ankle sprain is diagnosed, the doctor will determine if the injury is stable or unstable. Stable injuries are the less severe high ankle sprains when the placement of the tibia and fibula stays normal.

    Unstable high ankle sprains occur when two or all three syndesmotic ligaments are torn and the tibia and fibula are free to move around.

    Unstable injuries require more treatment, usually surgery. During the surgery one or two screws are inserted in the lower leg for a few months (usually three) or until the ligaments have reformed and are able to hold the bones in the proper position.[4] When surgery is needed recovery will take 6 months or longer.

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