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Posts posted by CoachKevin

  1. http://journalstar.com/articles/2007/11/25...1e475924012.txt


    Source: Pelini to interview with NU officials


    Sunday, Nov 25, 2007 - 04:33:30 pm CST

    A source told the Journal Star on Sunday that LSU defensive coordiator Bo Pelini is set to interview with NU officials.


    It was unclear as to when or where the interview will take place, but a private plane that departed Lincoln Municipal Airport on Sunday afternoon arrived in Baton Rouge, La., shortly after 3 p.m.


    The airplane, which is owned by Norfolk Iron and Metal, was scheduled to depart for Atlanta later in the day. The Journal Star learned Saturday that an Atlanta-based firm, Parker Executive Search, was assistant NU interim athletic director Tom Osborne in finding a replacement for Bill Callahan.


    In announcing Callahan's firing, Osborne said Saturday that he would like to talk to four or five coaches over the next few days. Former Husker great Turner Gill will be on that list. The Buffalo News reported Sunday afternoon that Osborne had asked permission to talk with Gill, the Bulls' second-year head coach.


    It's unclear as to when and where a meeting with Gill will take place.


    Pelini's interview comes during the week of preparation for the Southeastern Conference championship game. LSU, which lost in triple overtime to Arkansas on Friday, faces Tennessee on Saturday with a BCS bowl bid on the line.


    Dick Robinson, president of Norfolk Iron and Metal, declined comment Sunday as to why the company's plane was headed to Baton Rouge.


    “We have a policy that we don’t reveal that type of information,” said Robinson, who in 2006 was presented with the Clarence Swanson Memorial Award.


    The award honors a person "for outstanding contributions to the University of Nebraska and the Husker athletic department."


    Told of the flight, LSU athletic director Skip Bertman said, “Are you kidding me?”


    Bertman said nobody from Nebraska has contacted him regarding Pelini, LSU’s defensive coordinator.


    “I don’t think Tom Osborne would do it any other way,” he said.


    However, Bertman added, "It's probably not absolutely, positively mandatory for an assistant. I don't suppose he felt he had to contact me, I guess."


    This comes a day after three sources told the Journal Star on Saturday that a private search firm had contacted Pelini about the Husker job.


    Nebraska fired Bill Callahan on Saturday after four seasons. He was 27-22 in that time.


    Reach Brian Christopherson at 473-7439 or bchristopherson@journalstar.com.

  2. I disagree 100%, no way no how was Cally gonna stay once Osborne took the title, I think it was a done deal early---weeks ago. Today was smoke & mirrors, political jargin. Tom is not a liar BUT he is & was being politically correct which is fine by me. People, it's just not always black & white and I feel sorry for you if you think it is. He does not have to answer to any of us and he can spin this anyways he feels is best for the University...simple as that. To blow your mind even more, I'd bet my left arm that THERE HAVE been talks with potential new HC's. Neither you know or I will ever know that but it's 2007--not everything is always what it seems.


    So if the won 4 in a row, you think Osborne would have fired him?

  3. The entire LB group didn't hold up to the hype brcause of the front 4.

    In most defensive schemes, the front fours job is to keep the OL off the Backers by taking up blocks. The Backers than should flow to the ball or fill gaps.


    But when your tackles get pushed around and don't require any double team work, than your Backers are going to have a long day/season.

  4. wow no replies, you cant tell me I was perfect! lol

    No some of us are just being realistic. No way to gauge who will be where UNTIL we have a HC hired.


    I think that there is a boatload of talent, no doubt about it. Now we just have to hope that the talent matches the new coach--if it doesn't, there will be more sh!t hitting the fan for three or four years.


    The excuse of Players matching the system is just that. It was used to buy time the lest 4 years. A Kid can either play or he can't. A Kid can Run, Block and Tackle or he can't. If he can't than it is the Coaching staffs job to teach him. If Nebraska has the speed to compete and the Coaches can get them to play hard, they will be in a Bowl game next year.

  5. Offense has a big game and people say maybe keep Callahan and just fire Cosgrove. Few weeks back when the offense didn't do great, people wanted Callahan gone. Keep in mind the number of possetions in some of those games that Huskers scored some decent amount of points but were still blown out. The offense gets more chances to score when Teams are having 4 and 5 play scoring drives over and over and over.

    Keep in mind when the Huskers put up a few scores late in games against 2nd/3rd string players.

  6. Why should anyone other than the person that made the threat appologize?


    It will mean nothing coming from people who were not involved.


    If HuskerT hit you with a club and I come along and say I am sorry, would it mean much?

  7. Yes, they will get in if they move up 1 spot in the human polls and maitain in the computers.



    As much as we are Husker fans, most of us would agree we'd like to see the Big 12 look good on a national stage... soo...


    If Kansas wins out (and beat OK in the big 12 championship, thus eliminating OK from the BCS Championship)... do they get to play for the National Championship?


    Two likely scenarios (IF LSU and Oregon also win out)


    Kansas wins out and is the only undefeated team (hawaii maybe but come on, hawaii?), but the computers keep them out, thus needing the human portion to push them into the championship game over Oregon (I think most would agree that LSU is in if they win out)




    Kansas wins out and the computers put them in but will the human votes keep them out because they can't see to put Kansas in the championship game because Oregon and LSU are "traditional" powers.


    Less than likely scenario-


    Kansas wins out, LSU and Oregon lose another game, WVA wins out.. Kansas and WVA for the championship?

  8. Kansas wins out they will go to the Championship game. To get there they just need to move up one spot in the human polls. Which they will if they win against Mizzu and in the BIG XII Championship game.


    I think OU and Mizzu would need some help to jump the Ducks.

  9. What happens next year when we are running a new offense, one in which the new flavor of the month ( see Glenn, Castille, Adi, Octo, Thenarse, Dailey) for Husker fans Ganz can't run. What happens then? What if he plays the last few games of this year and never starts another game? What will people be saying?


    What offense doesn't Ganz fit the profile to play? His speed makes him ideal for any type of option attack, especialy the spread. And we all know Osborne likes the spread. Osborne was running some spread option in his last few season.

  10. Ok, so get rid of everybody and start over. Isn't that what everyone wanted when Solich was around? Let's say you do clean house and start over, how much time are you willing to give the new coaching staff to produce a national championship team? 3 years? 5 years? 8 years? Anyone who thinks it can be done in less than 5 years is just fooling themselves.


    Stoops didn't get that memo.

  11. Yes and would love to be having a 7-7 season right now. So our former coaches worse season is on par with the 4 years of our new coach.


    Solich last four years at Nebraska 38-14 (73% Win ratio) vs Callahans 26-23 (53% win ratio)

    Solich career at Nebraska 59-19 (76% win ratio)




    Here is what Callahn said at the Big12 teleconference.


    "It’s one of those years"


    He doesn't understand that before he came to Lincoln, there was no such thing as "It’s one of those years"



    Really, 7-7 ring a bell? That's WHY he's here.



    BEAT KSU!!

  12. Callahan will never have a top 10 program. 1 reason he doesn't develop talent. 2nd reason he doesn't get his 2nd string playing time. 3rd reason he blows redshirt season, he will never have the maturity and experiance of teams who have 5th year players starting for them. 4 he couldn't motivate a 6 year old to eat candy.


    And it is the Head Coaches Job to make sure talent is being developed. The Head Coach makes the practice plan. The Head Coach over looks every coach and makes sure they are performing.


    It doesn't matter, he's done after the colorado game. Callahan will never be a head coach again.



    Okay....here I go.....I understand that by saying this, I am strapping myself into a hypothetical electric chair and will get barbequed by most on this board......


    but hey, I've been there before :)


    Personally, I will not have a problem if TO retains BC and Shawn Watson...... Let me finish.. :) I think that BC has finally realized how to use Watson and will only continue to give him more responsibility, if not all of the play calling next season..... If you can take a back-up QB and go on the road to a top 10 team, who is only allowing a little over 6 points a game, and yet score 39 points, offensively...we played fairly well.....


    I understand he has made some dumbass decisions this season....but he has consistantly been forced to coach from behind or has handed the defense a lead that they can't keep.....


    I would like to see what would happen if a QB (top notch) would have 4-5 years in this system.... he has tried, but had to settle for Daily, Taylor (got better after 2 seasons), and Keller (1 yr).... He has also lost 2 guys Freeman and Beck do to personal issues out of BC's control....


    What would Gabbert/Witt/Lee be able to do if they were in this system for a long period of time....


    Now, Coz must go, as of 3 weeks ago..... He shouldn't even be on the team bus home....should be a case were Coz and Elmo are co-staring in "Planes-Trains-Automobiles" trying to get back to Lincoln......


    I wouldn't lose any sleep if BC and Watson stayed, recruiting class comes back/or stays and we bring in a new O-line coach and totally clean house on the defensive side....


    This is not a "coaching search" topic, but has anyone thought about Ken Norton Jr. as a possible D-coordinator (LB coach at USC, I believe).... a lot of name recognition and west coast ties...


    Okay, flip the swich to ON, and fry me.....

  13. If you do not drill the fundamentals every day, you will not be good at them. You will actualy decline in skill. Majority of College kids think they know it al but in truth they know little.


    The other thing none has mentioned is something called muscle memory. Muscle memory is where your muscle do exactly what you practice. You only get this through doing it for several thousands repetitions. If you drill 100 tackles a week for a year. You will become a great tackler. If you only drill it 100 times total in a year, you will not get the muscle memory to be good at it.


    You also can lose muscle memory if you do not continue to drill your technique.





    By the time a player is all conference or of that supposed level, he should not need to be taught how to tackle.


    I place this on the players as well as the coaches.


    At this level of football if you do not know the basics and have not honed your ability it is absurd to blame the coaches.


    This is a lack of effort, and it began last winter. We are not strong enough nor dedicated enough. That is the fault of the coaches.


    But the players have to make the plays, and they are no for what ever reason.


    I think there is a cancer within the defense, and my guess is it comes from McKeon. This is just my thought.


    Something happened with him. What I have no idea, but there is a problem with his attitude and effort, dedication to the team. A lot has changed this last year with him.

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