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Posts posted by HuskerShark

  1. Well....since I'm one who always is revealing what a total dip sh#t trump is, you must be talking about me.


    I have said many times on here I will not i any way ne voting for hillary due to all the issues mentioned here.


    The difference is this board doesn't have anyone coming on here with a total load of BS trying yo convince everyone she is the greatest person in the world and totally ignoring all those warts.


    If someone on here wants to admit they think she is so great, I'll gladly have those conversations explaining why she isn't.


    My comment is referring to the fact that in the Huskerboard poll, there are 18 PEOPLE who said they'd vote for Hillary Clinton if the election were held today... Talk about dipsh*ttery at its finest.



    If Trump can remain disciplined enough and on message, he will win in November. But that is a big if. He was so impressive in his speech yesterday that the far-left magazine "Slate" even discussed how effective he was in prosecuting Hillary.




    Meanwhile, it looks like Hillary's email troubles are going to linger this whole campaign, with her IT staffer pleading the 5th again, while




    Both campaigns are going to have ups and downs. Hillary was on a high the past 2 weeks while Trump was on a low, and it appears the tide is turning a bit.

    Nobody on this board wants to talk about Trump having a strong moment lol


    In other news, how is it that Hillary is being allowed to run for President? Even more than that, how is she not rotting in a jail cell?



    I agree. I'm not a huge Trump fan, but it's laughable that many come here to bash him non-stop while hardly saying a word about Hillary. They both are not ideal candidates and have flaws, but many of Trump's flaws stem from his mouth/words, while her flaws are from her actions/policies.



    Oh absolutely. I can understand why someone wouldn't want to vote for Trump, though I might disagree with them on certain issues. But there is no conceivable reason or justification for voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Doing so is enabling corruption, greed, globalism, and yes, evil, in our government.


    If Hillary indeed is the Democratic nominee, this presidential race ought to be between 2 people - Trump and Gary Johnson. I can understand voting for Johnson. But good Lord, people, DON'T VOTE FOR HILLARY!!!

  3. If Trump can remain disciplined enough and on message, he will win in November. But that is a big if. He was so impressive in his speech yesterday that the far-left magazine "Slate" even discussed how effective he was in prosecuting Hillary.




    Meanwhile, it looks like Hillary's email troubles are going to linger this whole campaign, with her IT staffer pleading the 5th again, while




    Both campaigns are going to have ups and downs. Hillary was on a high the past 2 weeks while Trump was on a low, and it appears the tide is turning a bit.


    Nobody on this board wants to talk about Trump having a strong moment lol


    In other news, how is it that Hillary is being allowed to run for President? Even more than that, how is she not rotting in a jail cell?


    Very interesting article on the Gun Control vote, NRA and what real power Trump has.


    The man isn't even President yet. Not to mention, you expect him to convince the NRA to budge in 1 meeting? That's super unrealistic, don't you think?... If anything, he ought to get some props as a dedicated gun rights supporter for being open-minded enough to consider restrictions which so many people on this board have been arguing for.



    And a lot of the money the Trump campaign has spent is going directly back to Donald Trump. In May, according to Federal Election Commission filings, Trump spent about $1 million of his campaign’s funds on products and services from business he owns, including:

    • $423,372 to rent out Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach club
    • $349,540 to Tag Air, his fleet of private jets
    • $29,715 to rent out the Trump International Golf Club
    • $35,845 to rent out the Trump National Golf Club
    • $72,800 in rent on Trump Tower

    Earlier this year, the Trump campaign spent thousands to stay at Trump hotels, eat at Trump restaurants, and serve Trump bottled water at their events. The Associated Press calculated that, in all, $6 million of Trump campaign money has gone back to the Trump Organization.




    To be fair to him without any bias whatsoever, he is extremely frugal on a lot of his buildings and investments. He has a great reputation for building projects well under budget (many times ahead of schedule). I was watching a video of one of my business mentors (Grant Cardone) and he was in Trump Tower marveling at how nice the place looked and how cheaply he had it built.


    (Cue the comments about how he doesn't pay his workers so it's all an illusion)


    208k on hats? Is he planning on sending one to each household in America or something?



    To be fair, he sells them for $30, so that partially funds his campaign. He probably bought 100k hats, so he's making pure profit. Which I actually really like that strategy, though others might not.

  7. When the game turned into a wrestling match instead of basketball, that's when the tide turned in favor of the Cavs. And Curry obviously was not himself all series, whether that had to do with being injured or getting hugged all game to keep him from getting open or just not being mentally right... Probably a combination of all of those.


    Credit to the Cavs & Lebron - Especially Kyrie Irving, because he was an animal all series, and hit the game winner so Bron Bron wouldn't have to.



    The double standard comes, I think, when you look at the societal context of those two faith groups.



    You can't exactly treat them the exact same way because they don't have the same cultural standing. Islamic faith/culture is still considered "outsider influence" to most in this country; it's foreign, it's weird, it's unfamiliar, and it's not American. Christian culture on the other hand, is weaved into the fabric of pretty much every f'ing thing in America. Our society is SO heavily built upon Judeo-Christian pillars that a lot of the times we probably don't even realize.


    If your average person attributes WBC or other extremists to Christianity, all us white midwestern heterosexual folk immediately and subconsciously dismiss that as not really being in the same camp as true Christianity, because we know what that is. We live in it or around it. But if someone attributes radical behavior to Islam, there's a much higher propensity for someone to actually believe that that is representative of Islam as a whole, because of their ignorance and because of their amygdala firing up with an immediate fight or flight, us or them paradigm.


    While it's factually true to call ISIS radical Islamists, it's not helpful in a country that has been an incubator for such a fear-based perspective towards this culture that we perceive as "them".

    I agree that people have to be cognizant of those things, but to be fair, it's hard to defeat an enemy that your "leaders" refuse to acknowledge. The enemy is radical Islamic terrorism.

    Hopefully people in 2016 will understand that not all Muslims are bad people. Ameer Abdullah, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, etc. Kind of set the stage for that idea.

    Maybe you should watch The President's press conference from last week... might get you a little better informed.


    You mean the one that he got scrutinized heavily for? By both Democrats and Republicans? I've seen it, and while his ability to be a really smooth and affluent speaker makes him sound good, he's way off base.

  9. The double standard comes, I think, when you look at the societal context of those two faith groups.



    You can't exactly treat them the exact same way because they don't have the same cultural standing. Islamic faith/culture is still considered "outsider influence" to most in this country; it's foreign, it's weird, it's unfamiliar, and it's not American. Christian culture on the other hand, is weaved into the fabric of pretty much every f'ing thing in America. Our society is SO heavily built upon Judeo-Christian pillars that a lot of the times we probably don't even realize.


    If your average person attributes WBC or other extremists to Christianity, all us white midwestern heterosexual folk immediately and subconsciously dismiss that as not really being in the same camp as true Christianity, because we know what that is. We live in it or around it. But if someone attributes radical behavior to Islam, there's a much higher propensity for someone to actually believe that that is representative of Islam as a whole, because of their ignorance and because of their amygdala firing up with an immediate fight or flight, us or them paradigm.


    While it's factually true to call ISIS radical Islamists, it's not helpful in a country that has been an incubator for such a fear-based perspective towards this culture that we perceive as "them".

    I agree that people have to be cognizant of those things, but to be fair, it's hard to defeat an enemy that your "leaders" refuse to acknowledge. The enemy is radical Islamic terrorism.


    Hopefully people in 2016 will understand that not all Muslims are bad people. Ameer Abdullah, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, etc. Kind of set the stage for that idea.

  10. "People, Not Guns":

    To not allowing certain weapons of killing would be the enslavement of a free people to the shackles of tyranny.


    Better instead to have the government install a surveillance net, control movies and video game content, and profile anyone who might be deemed "suspicious", to keep everyone docile and in line.



    I choose none of the above. And it doesn't have to be one or the other. That's just the way Obama would have it.



    We are simply recognizing it is an issue found in other religions, namely the predominant religion in the United States. The religion that many people claim our nation was founded on.

    I certainly agree with the that, I'm just not sure it's more beneficial to focus on that than the actual issue.


    Can you imagine if the reaction to something awful a Christian did was "hey, Muslims can be shitheads too!".


    While that's certainly true, it wouldn't be helpful in understanding the actual processes that led to the heinous act.

    I agree 100%. Focusing on the religion of a "psycho" may help determine some of the "superficial" aspects like "who he targets" and "who he claims allegiance to" but it doesn't solve the real issue of how can a person be so disconnected. Brings us all the way back, why does it matter if a terrorist is called Muslim or not?


    Regarding the bolded: if Muslims made up the majority of the population and wanted to keep Christians out of the country and put FBI agents in churches, I think it would get the same reaction, and rightfully so.

    If a large portion of Christians were radical, i think it would be justified. This is coming from a Christian.


    I'm also skeptical that Trump ever really thought things would go this far. It seemed to be a PR stunt right from the start, sure would help explain why he has no real plans as president. Perhaps he has bought into the campaign after somehow winning a party nomination but the whole thing just reeks of an attention whore.




    Writing for the website xojane.com, Stephanie Cegielski said that when she was brought aboard as communications director for the Make America Great Again PAC last summer, the instructions from Trump Tower were to make sure that Trump finished a respectable second in the GOP primary. It was made clear that Trump was running not as a serious contender, but as a “protest” candidate.


    Article here



    Man... He sure didn't run the primary like he wanted to finish second...


    I will say this, Trump has a few key issues in his platform that he's very firm and passionate about, but there are a lot of surrounding issues that he is not extremely knowledgeable at this point in time. I believe he's got the ability and lack of quality competition set out for him to win the general election in a landslide, but he's going to have to really dig in and learn a lot, develop stances and strategies on issues, and not waiver back and forth anymore. I think a lot of the waivering on some of the issues are because he doesn't have a strong opinion on a lot of them and therefore hasn't established his viewpoint yet.


    He has a lot of work to do, and a lot of damage control as well with putting his foot in his mouth way too much. We will see what happens.

  13. Does this sound like a guy who's prepared to greatly decrease the scope of the government?




    Yes, and I'm not sure how you could interpret it any other way... Bringing power back to the state level and privatizing health care... Are you trying to prove me right?





    we are a few steps away from a tyranny in America. It's scary stuff when you really think about it...

    Agree 100%. Trump must be stopped.

    I have no words for the stupidity of this comment.

    I know.


    That's what makes it scary.

    No, what makes it scary is that Hillary is the one that will continue to balloon the government until we live in a tyrannical socialism and Trump wants the scope of the federal government greatly decreased.


    What is also even more scary is that people would rather believe a ton of media and political propaganda that makes them believe it's the other way around.


    No existing law would have...





    Now, yes or no?



    Seriously, you still don't understand what I am asking? This thread is about gun control, about something needing to be done (as in new laws). What NEW law would prevent this from happening, prevent this guy from getting a gun?



    Well considering he was on a terrorist watch list and still was able to buy a gun a week before he shot the club up, this comment is completely off base.


    we are a few steps away from a tyranny in America. It's scary stuff when you really think about it...


    Agree 100%. Trump must be stopped.

    I have no words for the stupidity of this comment.

  17. I can see Trump as a very polarizing figure who people either love or love to hate, but the idea that there are people so uninformed that they'd vote for Hillary is seriously mind-boggling. I don't trust any polls, especially 5 months before the election, but wow...


    I get you are for gun control, but please don't pretend guns are not the most important factor for why this country is what it is.. FREE!

    And here I thought our freedoms that made us free.


    It was being able to own anything we want, all along!


    Wait, that's not true. We can own many things, but none of them are treated as sacred constitutional protections.


    Except guns. So our ability to own this one kind of product in particular. That's the key to our ever-loving freedom.




    It was said jokingly earlier in this thread, but in a very real sense. Don't make anyone mad in this country. They'll shoot you.


    That crackling of eggshells beneath your feet is the sweet tune of liberty, friend!



    This is extremely off base. Absolutely wrong, and I agree with huskerfan2000 100% on this one.


    Here is the one overwhelming idea that the genius men who framed our constitution intended, that SO MANY people today do not understand and dismiss:


    The government should fear the citizens of the country, NOT the other way around.


    People fearing the government means that the government has exceeded its intended scope, and we are a few steps away from a tyranny in America. It's scary stuff when you really think about it...


    THE LARGEST MASS SHOOTING IN US HISTORY HAPPENED December 29,1890. When 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota were murdered by federal agents & members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY AND PROTECTION”. The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children.

    Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

    The Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States.

    Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families.




    gun control and what it can lead too



    To be fair, I, like you, am vehemently against any attempts to get rid of or severely hinder the 2nd amendment. What a lot of people lose sight of (which I did for a long time as well) is that there are very few people who are advocating that people turn in their weapons. And the ones who are advocating that ought to know that it's not feasible and would lead to mass bloodshed across the country.


    BUT, as many have said already, it's WAY too easy to obtain a weapon right now, and something needs to be done about that (within reason and the confines of common sense).

  20. Bnil,


    I don't get into the left, right, red, blue, Republican, Democrat thing. None of it matters, and i don't like labels. Honestly i voted for Obama in 08 because he was a really smooth talker and preached a positive message. It became pretty evident in his first term he wasn't doing what he said he'd do, so i voted against him.

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