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Everything posted by Cactusboy

  1. ehh...he lost me when he starting talking about the Fed govt is only suppose to protect our borders. If that's the case we'd have segregation.
  2. No need for correction, you are correct. But it should also be noted that the next F-15 to go up against the S300 will be the first. They are not going to bend over and take it from Israel. And Israel also knows that mutually assured destruction is gauranteed. Sorry that I can't convince you of that... only you can. If you want to investigate that for yourself, look up Iran's capacity for refining gasoline. and the fact that WE encourged them to dev nuclear energy in the past. I think it was Cheney or someone in that crowd. Obviously this was before 9/11....maybe the 80s or early 90s.
  3. I PMed you, no response He didn't get it. You should PM him again every 30 sec until he does. =) PS - There's not much too see in the woodshed.
  4. Good for you, that you haven't been subject to economic injustice. That your job hasn't been outsourced, and that you have not lost your savings, your health care, or your home. However many people have lost those things, and see the control that the wealthy have over our politicians and the laws and regulations they have pushed for. In addition I see our hawkish foreign policy as another outcome of the wealthy owning our government. As a former member of the automotive industry, I got hit pretty hard a few years ago. In October of 2008, I started laying off 2-3 people every month. In December, I was told that my number would likely be coming soon. By January, I was laid off. While I was gone, the company stopped the pension program and the 401K match. Is it ok if my opinion is different than yours? I left automotive in 2006, we continually had to do the impossible with less people. The previous two companies I had worked for moved to China and Brazil, and my last company started oursoursing more work to India, China and S Korea... along with moving the entire operation to western Tennessee. I was told to make life unbearable for six of my engineers so they would quit before the layoff happend, and I refused. There is alot more to what happened, but I was laid off a few months later. I was doing fine, and started doing contract work for a few companies, including some defense work. When the economy showed signs of collapse late in 2008 (all but one of my contracts were to lapse), I took another full time position. I had been doing very well then, and am doing fine now. My wife also has a great job. Despite putting three children through college (one graduated, one's a senior, one's a junior) and having two newer cars, the only debt we have is a mortgage. But it is not my situation that concerns me, it is that of my neighbors and of the unemployed people I used to work with. I have great health care, a nice home, savings, etc... but that is not the case with a growing segment of our population. You are a great man and we need more people like this. It's easy to get riled up and fight when you're doing it for yourself. It's much more when you do it for others. There's a really good quote about this but I'm too lazy to look it up right now.
  5. BUT...how are they able to make these modest increases? 2 earner families...longer hours. And modest is subjective, so it's hard for me to attack that word, but when you include inflation wages have been virtually stagnant. Sure people have more possessions, etc...but then look at the increases in personal debt that allowed a lot of that.
  6. Yes, what you do mean? I shouldn't have joined another board or do you think I said something bad in my post? I just think there was no reason to take a shot at the guys on HuskerMAX. Yeah, you had some issues with a few of them, but it ended well with others. That's all. HB people were curious about what happened and asking questions and HP people had been curious how it was at HM. All I said was there is bad, funny, and informative stuff there and to go check it out for themselves. If I were to take shots though I don't see how you can say it wouldn't be justified after seeing that "meltdown" thread they have in the cafe there. It may be the most disgusting thread I've ever seen. Scratch that...2nd worst after when some of the most popular on that site made fun of an HP mod, who has a HUGE heart, for being deaf. Yes, made fun of him being deaf. You probably missed that one.
  7. OWS, generally speaking, isn't against "capitalism". They are just against how capitalism is today. They would be more than happy w/ how things were back when the orange and blue line were relatively close together. This is one thing I don't get. Why are people so focused on how much someone else makes? As long as I'm doing well, and perhaps getting some forward momentum going, I'm happy. If someone makes more than me, good for them. I don't begrudge them and they aren't taking money out of my pocket. Because at the same time that 1% line and CEO salaries/etc went up so high... ...things like 401k plans disappeared...and real wages of the working class stayed stagnant. There are not an unlimited number of pieces of pie available....and as the graph shows the top 1% have been taking way more than they used to.
  8. I have a hard time believing he said "Skull busting is underrated". HNC is a cop afterall.
  9. OWS, generally speaking, isn't against "capitalism". They are just against how capitalism is today. They would be more than happy w/ how things were back when the orange and blue line were relatively close together.
  10. Yes...and too many bad cops lately are giving the good cops a bad name. This is just black/white, no brainer stuff...the not allowing her friend to get her ID. This part really stands out. Who exactly is he protecting and serving here?
  11. Fair enough, just wanted to make sure you understood my reasons. GBR! Is Cactus Boy OG short for Cactus Boy OH my GOD" or Cactus Boy "On Guard"..............??? Duuuuuude.... some wanna be signed up w/ "cactusboy" yesterday morning so I'm going OG.
  12. Ahhh...didn't see the sub-forums in here. If this thread should have been made there please move it mods. My bad.
  13. I don't know if they hate capitalism, but it's def legit to charge for a sports bbs.
  14. Woah....could you imagine if this happened to your daughter? Click link for rest of the story. It gets even more outrageous. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45135682/ns/us_news-the_new_york_times/t/student-jailed-nights-when-she-cant-show-id/#.TrGzNnL4LxM
  15. Umm...there is a single thread on the subject and it's now in a very dead non-fb forum. As long as it stays here I don't know why you'd be upset. I mean you have to actively look for it to see it... Just sayin...
  16. Fair enough, just wanted to make sure you understood my reasons. GBR!
  17. I took it as his mod position ended, which in my opinion is a good thing. For those that asked where i went, I was always there, I just stopped posting. After being banned for calling out a known multiple troll (who for some reason was obsessed with the fact that I posted on Shaggybevo), I really never felt the desire to post. I would equate it to this. I went to a wedding about 10 years ago that had an open bar. I really liked rum and coke at the time and drank it quite often. I really have no idea how many I had that night, but the fact that I was sick for 3 days after tells me it was probably too much. I've never had the desire to drink it ever since. Glad to see so many familiar faces. I look forward to meeting some new ones. MP, I PM'd you not long ago about this, maybe you didn't read it. As mod my main priorities were to be fair and consistent..and to be open about things. I 100% agree the guy you are talking about was a troll as did virtually everyone...and they didn't want him there. When you went off on him I either had to suspend you or give you a free pass and if I give one free pass what do I do when the next guy wants one for goign off on some guy he doesn't like? How do you define/rule on who is a big enough troll to allow people to go off on? So the most fair and consistent thing was to just give you a token suspension. It's like a cop that sees a dude break a guy's nose w/ a punch and the guy was asking for it w/ his mouth etc. The cop has to arrest the guy, especially when there are witnesses all over...even if he wanted to punch the guy too. It wasn't much later that he was banned. I realize it didnt' happen as soon as some wanted...but I feel I handled him the way I do all posters. I'm sure if I was sitting online in the fb forum all the time I could have acted sooner. Hope my ramble make sense and you can see where I was coming from.
  18. Yes, what you do mean? I shouldn't have joined another board or do you think I said something bad in my post?
  19. I'd say if anyone is curious enough to know what the HM guys/bbs are about go do some lurking. Some threads will most likely disgust you, some make you laugh and some will have quite a bit of quality info/insight. At any given time 1 of the 3 seems to drown out the other 2. Sure I could tell some stories, but I don't think this board is wanting that and it probably wouldn't be too productive anyway. As I said...if go skim some of the popular threads there in the fb forum AND cafe if you're curious. BTW - I see someone signed up as cactusboy yesterday morning. I'm sure that was done w/ noble intentions.
  20. Wow, never expected this many to be here. Like I said on HP before the end....not sure what I'll end up ultimately but I at least wanted to drop by for a bit.
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