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gobiggergoredder last won the day on September 20 2019

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  1. We might have had the same coach. Football coach wanted my info. I wasn’t on the team.
  2. Keep them for what? What are you saying about attractive kids?
  3. I think this is a great observation. I’d even add to it. Shouldn’t the consumer say’ “I’d like to go buy that shirt/jersey”? It seems like when they do black you see them around. No one is buying that unless they can’t figure out a gift for grandpa at the nursing home.
  4. This athletic departments choices of alternate, in general, is mind boggling. Everything doesn’t need a meaning or significance! Just do a cool uniform. There’s guys all over the interwebs that have made tons of cool helmets and unis.
  5. I wasn’t aware of that, but it all seems to make sense. Huskerboard resolved my curiosity. Thanks.
  6. Must be required because there’s really no reason to have it on there. If I’m being fair, I doubt 99% of people care.
  7. I appreciate you clarifying the obvious. At the time of their spring game they were done with playing any games in the PAC 12. unless they were contractually bound, I’d make every effort to have that covered up. I would have spent the $100 for paint at Menards and $400 in OT for a member of the CU grounds crew. It comes off to me as lazy by the athletic department.
  8. I guess so. I get not having big 12, but wouldn't you make an effort to cover up Pac 12?
  9. Beat this up, but I think Rhule and company have been pretty creative about finding ways around rules. Can a coach suit up and practice? What would prevent a school from hiring on field practice coaches for the meat squad. Pay em. If one of them pans out, get them on the 110. We have 30 on field practice coaches that work "in the trenches" with the team.
  10. Per WebMD, I'm not a doctor, HIV is spread from the body fluids of an infected person, including blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal fluid. How are you able to get that via a message board? Asking for a friend.
  11. How does Coach Prime get out of this? After this season. Health problems? More time with family?
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