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Everything posted by johnnyrodgers20

  1. So my uncle was wrong when told me he came home from Vietnam and he was sreamed at by hippies and antiwar protestors. Things like Baby killer and murderer, and it was his imagination when they were spitting on him I guess too.
  2. Our government (with the consent of the people) can set the groundwork for an economic system that can go from the top 1% owning nearly 100% of the wealth (Fascist capitalism) to owning about 1% of the wealth (communistic socialism). It is the role of the people to pick a government that will lay the groundwork for a government that creates a groundwork for the right economic mix of capitalism and socialism, while avoiding fascism and communism. In my opinion and per the opinions of most OWS demonstrators, we have to much capitalism that is starting to overlap with facsism, and not enough socialism (for the people) in the mix. With the bank bailouts, there is plenty of socialism for the banks that were deemed too big to fail. We can agree on something. We should not bail out any corp. they should stand or fall on their own merits!!
  3. How in the heck did the T party take away people's right to vote?
  4. I believe Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. That is what I thought about the defensive calls the thrid and fourth quarter. His calls weren't working and then I was screaming for some kind of pressure, the dline was not getting to the QB- dialup something. Carl's d calls have been suspect all year but I thought he called a horrific game and was just too consevative for me. Especially on the last drive (the fourth and one).
  5. This just shows that they do not want peace. Militants fire rockets to upset negotiaitons for a peace treaty. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/30/outbreak-israel-palestinian-violence-continues-despite-reports-cease-fire/ An exerpt: The latest round of violence was set off by a rocket attack last Wednesday by Islamic Jihad. The group said that attack was meant to mark the 16th anniversary of the assassination of its founder by Israel. Both sides, meanwhile, have braced for further strikes. As a precautionary measure, Israeli officials closed schools in southern communities within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of Gaza, as well as Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba and several colleges, which were to have begun their academic year Sunday, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Police brought in reinforcements from other areas of the country. More than 1 million Israelis live within the range of rockets possessed by Gaza militants. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/30/outbreak-israel-palestinian-violence-continues-despite-reports-cease-fire/#ixzz1d2Yl52Py The whole reason for the attack was because someone was killed 16 years ago. Have you seen how many Israeli people are at risk, can you imagine if one of our big cities were at risk of attack by a foreign terrorist org.? Crazy isn't it?
  6. That depends what you mean by "both sides". Tony Snow totally disgusted me because evrey word he uttered was a dishonesty designed to misrepresent the truth. And there is no thing I dislike more than dishonesty. Then you should really hate BO!!
  7. The left has always supported the troops better than the right. The neocons sent them into war at times with insufficient equipment to die for oil profits, then cut their benefits when they came home. Link please!! We haven't taken a dime form Iraq for all the costs that have incurred so show me some evidence of this!! And yeah... let's start a civil discussion by implying that OWS demonstrators are "anarchists, Marxists, and insane and/or homeless people". Are you saying no marxists or anarchists are in these crowds? Really? Does this site have a bozo filter (ignore feature)? Ah we certainly need one with some of your posts!!
  8. I would be afraid of Kucinich because he has a very liberal view of fiscal policies!! That scares me we need to reign in spending first and foremost!!!
  9. YOu are critizing Cain you are a racist!! Don't you know you can't do that.
  10. Have faith my friend!! That usually happens with an open run for the presidency. It happened with the dems when BO won. They will come together when it is all over and unite to defeat BO. As for Newt he has steadily climbed in the polls from around seventh place to third and it is very early in the race. I think when it comes down to the end he will either win or come very close to winning the nomination. So have some faith!!
  11. Yos is that you? Now all we need to do is get Bronc on here. We are getting the band back together (Blues Brothers for those of you who don't knwo the quote)!!! Great to see you posting big guy!! Buenos Dias, JR20. Yes, it is I...the real Modo. Not the quasi-Modo. It is truly a great day for this site!! Yos has come back into the fold. Your nemesis is already trembling in fear. And the progressives who don't know you will soon see your wrath!!
  12. It's human nature... they will all include bias. And I'll take Maddow's opinions, they are based in reality and backed by facts. yeah right you keep thinking that, WOW!! I have watched her and Oberman and they slant the little bit of truth they uncover so much that it is like a propaganda show for the liberal progressives!!
  13. By the nature of statistics there will always be one percenters. The question is... how much of the nations wealth will/should they control? And what percentage of the population is suffering due to losses of home and other basic services, and will the rest of the 99% care about their plight? In a free market society it is not your call how much anyone should make unless they are doing it illegally. You start with a flawed premise!!
  14. The branch of the Democrat Party you are talking about is the Blue Dogs... who are basically socially liberal conservative Republicans. Serious question... please name the "leftist extremists" who are running that party. Note: Even one will do! Bernie Sanders
  15. Pretty much the same thing... I'll go with Bernie Sanders' take on it: http://sanders.senat...02-1F0B9F827B71 If you believe a self proclaimed socialist then you have more problems then I thought!!
  16. I always find it funny how progressives talk about how mean conservatives are and then post this crap. The tea party members were well behaved and that drives the progressives crazy because they align with these knuckleheads that are burning and deficating on police cars, you know showing their class as it were!!
  17. Yos is that you? Now all we need to do is get Bronc on here. We are getting the band back together (Blues Brothers for those of you who don't know the quote)!!! Great to see you posting big guy!!
  18. They all give their opinions. However the opinions of some commentators correspond with facts, and others do not. But you know and I know reporters and anchor men are supposed to give you the unbiased news. If you are under the premise that these guys ar ejsut giving you facts then you have a certain amount of trust that they will do the right thing. If you see an analyst like Hannity or Maddow you know their program is going to have THEIR OPINION, big difference.
  19. Name the right wing media. The major networks, the big three are very liberal,so is CNN. The only TV network that is conservative is Fox and as I stated earlier, everyone is bring up news analysts not anchors or reporters!!
  20. One major difference, the people you listed on fox are news analysts. They are paid to give THEIR OPINION. The other news orgs are news anchors and should give the news in an unbiased format. You are comparing apple to oranges. If you said the fox news analysts and people like Maddow and Oberman then that would have been correct.
  21. That is because paintings of him started to appear around the time of the renaissance. The major painters of the time were Da Vinci, Michelangelo & Caravagio among others (the Dutch Painters, Rembrandt etc). So the depictions are abviously going to look European. I think from there many in Europe place their own traits on him so as to feel closer to their God. I think most believe today that Jesus had Jewish traits that include dark skin, Curly black hair and more ethnic facial features of the jewish population. It is a progression as the west realizes the differences more and accept this to be true Possible face of Jesus, based on on research. I saw that show and that is what a jew in Jesus's time may have looked like. So though it may be possible i would say it has some of Jesus's traits and not his face.
  22. That is because paintings of him started to appear around the time of the renaissance. The major painters of the time were Da Vinci, Michelangelo & Caravagio among others (the Dutch Painters, Rembrandt etc). So the depictions are abviously going to look European. I think from there many in Europe place their own traits on him so as to feel closer to their God. I think most believe today that Jesus had Jewish traits that include dark skin, Curly black hair and more ethnic facial features of the jewish population. It is a progression as the west realizes the differences more and accept this to be true Possible face of Jesus, based on on research. I saw that show and that is what a jew in Jesus's time may have looked like. So though it may be possible i would say it has some of Jesus's traits and no this face.
  23. That is because paintings of him started to appear around the time of the renaissance. The major painters of the time were Da Vinci, Michelangelo & Caravagio among others (the Dutch Painters, Rembrandt etc). So the depictions are abviously going to look European. I think from there many in Europe place their own traits on him so as to feel closer to their God. I think most believe today that Jesus had Jewish traits that include dark skin, Curly black hair and more ethnic facial features of the jewish population. It is a progression as the west realizes the differences more and accept this to be true Possible face of Jesus, based on on research. I saw that show and that is what a jew in Jesus's time may have looked like. So though it may be possible i would say it has some of Jesus's traits and no this face per say.
  24. All too often the most knowledgeable people on the Bible are ex-Christians. Here's an article to back that up. http://articles.lati...survey-20100928 Although I wonder if it has more to do with Christians who actually get into the composition and history of the Bible tend to either be liberal Christians or ex-Christians. It's like the old joke. Question: How do you stop believing in the bible? Answer: Read it. 'Free Choice' really is not part of the Christian concepts. Free will can not coexist with a 'divine plan.' It can't really be a choice if the outcome is already known to someone. Unless you want to get into the theories that every choice made by each person splits off into another parallel universe and there really is a 'multiverse instead, and thats really getting out into fringe science. Just because he knows you are going to do it doesn't mean you don't have the choice to do it. For example if you are thinking of robbing a bank he knows what choice you are going to make. That doesn't mean he intervenes and stops you, he allows you to make that choice. He still knows what you are going to do though.
  25. That is because paintings of him started to appear around the time of the renaissance. The major painters of the time were Da Vinci, Michelangelo & Caravagio among others (the Dutch Painters, Rembrandt etc). So the depictions are abviously going to look European. I think from there many in Europe place their own traits on him so as to feel closer to their God. I think most believe today that Jesus had Jewish traits that include dark skin, Curly black hair and more ethnic facial features of the jewish population. It is a progression as the west realizes the differences more and accept this to be true
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