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Posts posted by alexhortdog95

  1. On one side, you have a large group of people that attempt to use their pious nature and religious belief to look down on those that don't have the same belief systems that they do - while behind the scenes, they are as guilty as...well...sin (no pun intended).


    On the other side, you have a large group of people that are atheist/agnostic and are tired of the other group looking down upon them merely just because they don't have the same belief systems that they do.


    And, In the middle, there's those that have a believe, but also believe that life is too short, hell is too hot, and we have too much drama in our own lives to worry about the spiritual well being of another 24/7, so we'll tell someone about our belief, and if they so CHOOSE to listen, then let's talk, otherwise, keep it movin, and I'll still invite you to the BBQ no matter if you have the same beliefs I do or not.


    It's like the Great Chicken Sammich War of 2019 all over again...



    • Plus1 1
  2. On 6/18/2021 at 1:20 PM, Frott Scost said:

    Over the past couple weeks, engaging in conversations with folks in this subsection, there have been many conversations where people who identify as Christians are defending billionaires, billion dollar corporations and their own greed and way of life. People who s#!t on others not so fortunate to defend people so greedy they would take everything if they could. They say they will not change their own lifestyles for the benefit of others. There are a lot of things in the bible that can be up for interpretation, but when it comes to wealth and being rich (and slavery) the bible makes it pretty damn clear what Jesus thinks about wealth and being rich and people who think this way. Im not sure if these people have not read their bible or they just dont care, but here are some scripture passages to review so you can at least attempt to live and think the way Jesus wants. Or just denounce your christianity and live and think the way you want. But you cant have both because Jesus is pretty damn clear on this issue. Like Gandhi once said “Id be a Christian if it were not for the Christians. I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ”

    Luke 16:14-15

    First Timothy 6:10

    Matthew 6:24

    Matthew 19:23-26 “"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”





    I'm a Christian, and very involved in my church.  Been waiting on a post like this, because I think it validates exactly what I'm about to say on so many things.  Very happy that yesterday's sermon preacher was right on this road with the following quote:


    "Religion can get us part of the way, but our belief and faith in God comes first.  Religion has us all torn up!"

    So true! 

    Paul wrote to Timothy and stated that the Bible was for "Doctrine, reproof, rebuke, instruction in righteousness.."  Keep in mind, that Paul (a preacher) was writing to Timothy (a YOUNG preacher)...context matters.


    For those that are keeping up, that means

    • Instruction (Strong's) : 1319 didaskalía ("teach") – properly applied-teaching; Christian doctrine (teaching) as it especially extends to its necessary lifestyle.
    • Inner Reflection (Strong's) : 1650 élegxos ("test") – inner conviction focuses on God confirming His in-birthing of faith
    • Admonishment (Strong's) : 1882 epanórthōsis ("correct,  make straight") - correction, reformation, setting straight (right) again.
    • Spiritual Teaching with Growth Toward Spiritual Maturity: 3809 (paideía) properly, instruction that trains someone to reach full development (maturity), AND 1343 ( dikaiosýnē) - judicial approval (the verdict of approval); in the NT, the approval of God

    Nowhere in Paul's letter to Timothy did he say, "If these people are out of line, then you judge them harshly."  People use the Bible like a crutch when they want to make something they say stick when it comes to religious beliefs - but they misuse the context. 


    Paul also wrote and told Timothy the following:


    2 Timothy 2:15: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

    So, the #1 problem with folks as described above?  They don't know the Word of God like they SAY that they do.

    If they did, we wouldn't be having this conversation....right?


    So...with all of this being said, here are a few points that are basic beliefs to a true "Christian":

    • God granted mankind free will over his actions.
    • Man's ability of free will gives him the ability to make up his own darn mind.
    • God does not FORCE anyone to believe in Him....it is a conscious choice that one must come to on a personal level.
    • Jesus Christ was run out of his own home for having some very progressive ideas, but those in power chose to hang onto that power.
    • God has outlined the role of mankind as it pertains to His message of spreading the gospel to others.  Nowhere in that charge does it say, "Make laws and judge so that you can tell people how to live and what to do."
    • The average "Christian" has done little to no original language study of the Bible (or in that matter, study).  Context matters, and Ye Old King's English wasn't the original language of the Bible.



    • Plus1 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. On 4/15/2021 at 9:58 PM, ScarletRevival said:


    Here is a really simple concept: When you get pulled over by a cop,  treat the officer with respect, and comply don't die.


    I'll bite on this one.

    African-Americans make up roughly 12% of the US population - but are 20% more likely  than any other ethnic group to be pulled over by the police.  Why?


    • Plus1 1
  4. Trump probably could have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and mounted a much better defense than these guys.


    To be fair, though....they are taking the case on like 6 days notice AND they aren't constitutional attorneys by trade....

    But damn....he's paying for that?!?


    Oh wait....no he isn't.....:laughpound

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Archy1221 said:

    And so do words used 


    I've been around for some time.  Seen Carter, Reagan, H W Bush, Clinton, Dubya, Obama, and now Trump.


    Only one of them has started a freaking riot with words that have come out of his piehole.  That's 40 years of NO riots or insurrections.


    • Plus1 6
  6. The reason why this country is the way it is isn't because people are denying an election outcome on November 3rd.


    The reason why this country is in the condition it is in right now is because it:

    • Refuses to look at the bitter history of this country
    • Refuses to admit that Politics are intertwined in Race Relations
    • Refuses to even ADMIT that much of the history in this country has happened
    • Refuses to TEACH much of the country of said history.
    • Puts "patriotism" on a pedestal
    • Ties one's "patriotism" to their religious beliefs
    • Plus1 3
  7. On 1/9/2021 at 11:30 PM, BigRedBuster said:

    I remember in 2016, Trump said he would pay the legal fees for anyone who fought for him. 

    wondrr how that’s going to work out for these idiots.  


    President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


    Rings so true...because many of these people that are going to jail have given money to the sitting President of the United States' "legal fund," but won't have enough money to mount their own defense to stay out of prison.


    • Plus1 3
  8. In case you haven't seen it (graphic warning):


    This is up close footage from the instant where the rioter was shot and killed at the Capital on Wednesday.




    If you pound on a barricaded door, and then try to climb in said barricaded door, and guy on other side of barricaded door has a pistol (and another rioter pointed that out in another clip), then Darwin would like to meet you.

    • Plus1 1
  9. Just now, FrantzHardySwag said:

    I can't believe there are republicans still stumping for him. Republicans don't mean anything to Trump. No one does unless they are of value to him.  He's burned bridges with family, friends, colleagues. You could prop him up for 4 years and the day you lose value, he will literally throw you in front of an angry mob. 


    That's probably one of the reasons why she changed her vote earlier tonight, lol

  10. 9 minutes ago, ZRod said:

    My parents were of age and lived through Vietnam and Civil Rights. They sad this was completely different and worse than that. They said this was a direct attack on the country and it's institutions. They too sad the 60s was more like the protests in 2020, and this was just unbelievable to them.


    It's so f#&%ed up, but it's like on 9/11 when my parents talked to their parents and compared it to Pearl Harbor.


    My mom is 71.  She lived through the Civil Rights riots.  She just told me that she's never seen anything like this before.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Notre Dame Joe said:

    That's the kind of Manichaean political view that ensures there will be no change. 


    Don't think so, but I'd agree, there are issues on BOTH sides.


    Cept one side seems to have supported a blubbering, idiotic child the last 3 years and gave him an automatic rifle and a bandoleer belt of ammo.

    When that child actually shoots someone, this is the response by that side:




    • Plus1 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Branno said:

    The last thing we need is teams forced to play a game when it’s not safe to do so. 

    This conspiracy none sense needs to stop. Covid is spreading through Wisconsin and it’s football team like wildfire. Let’s stop worrying about a damned game and worry more about public health.



    Darn you for making sense.  :laughpound


    Look folks - I have two high school age kiddos, one a freshman, the other a senior.  Here in Omaha, they sent high school kids back to school on 10/19.  FOUR DAYS LATER, I started getting emails about COVID positive cases at the first school.  Then, three days later, I started getting COVID positive case emails from the OTHER school.


    I'm all about football.  Trust me, I rather enjoyed watching Michigan lose to "Little brother" today.

    That being said, I'm all about football when it's not becoming a super spreader event.


    Kids are going to want to play, of course.  The grown ups need to make the right decisions here, for everyone's well being.


    This isn't a political issue, no matter who or what tries to make it into one.  This is a PUBLIC HEALTH SAFETY issue.



    If this is REALLY about the kids playing ball/sports....then how come I don't see a single article/post/story/outrage about kids being able to save THIS year of eligibility?  If this is REALLY about the kids....do we think it is fair to make them waste a year's worth of eligibility on games that they can't play in because of sickness (albeit their team or other team's sickness)?



    • Plus1 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, ColoradoHusk said:

    I think the target will be around 10 per game for each player. Robinson is not a RB anymore, so getting 10-15 receptions per game is unrealistic.  I know there could be situations where he gets a couple carries a game, but even 6-8 receptions a game would be a lot for him.


    McCaffrey definitely has big play ability, and is a glorified Wildcat QB right now (not saying anything is wrong with that). I like how Frost got him involved early, and in a variety of plays. 


    Robinson can still get 10 - 15 touches on sweeps, screens, and reverses.

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