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Posts posted by 4skers89

  1. 6 minutes ago, funhusker said:

    Granted, I've only watched it once about 2 months ago.  But what are your thoughts?


    This doc (as i remember) basically says we're screwed unless we control the population.  Is that what you think?

    The film was interesting because of what the guy found out about solar, wind and how biofuel plants are the thing now.  If you look at the equation for CO2 emissions, it uses energy unit per person, CO2 per energy unit, etc... but the first term is P (population) so it's hard to ignore if climate change theory is to be believed.  I do think there is a lot of groupthink on global warming and one prominent environmentalist has came out and apologized for his role in creating the hysteria. Activists say global warming is backed up by SCIENCE which means people created a bunch of models.  COVID is a good example of the reliability of models.  I almost went to graduate school under a professor whose decades worth of work was discredited due to a mathematical error in his early papers.  That was a far more rigorous field that could be backed up by math, climate SCIENCE is not.  Recently Al Gore made a comment about the ozone hole scare being a trial run for global warming.  That was a blast from the past and people started asking whatever happened to the ozone hole?  Turns out it hadn't really changed and they suspect countries (China) are still using the old freon.  Trump was right to pull out of the Paris agreement.  All countries should be held to the same standards since it's a global problem. If all countries can't abide by the same standards then it must not be that big of an issue.  Alarm bells go off when activists contend that wealth redistribution is necessary to solve climate change.  We need to dial back the hysteria and consider the options.  Activists tend to advocate the most difficult and painful solutions and like most on the left, are historically wrong.  I'm a proponent of nuclear energy which solves the problem.  I think that's a good test for activists.  If they reject a reasonable solution then maybe climate change isn't that severe. The problem with population control is something you hear anytime you watch the news- economy grew by ... which means either population grew or consumption increased.  Some countries use immigration as a lazy way to grow their economy.  If economies aren't growing, neither are investments, on average.  I'm a conservative and there is a finite amount of fossil fuels which are irreplaceable in construction, farm and large transportation equipment.  If there is a reasonable way to conserve fossil fuel with an alternate power source for cars and trucks then I'm all for it.  The alternative needs to be honestly evaluated and all factors considered.  I think the film made the point about solar when you figured out the amount of energy required to produce them you might as well just used the conventional energy in the first place.  It's kind of like recycling.  It doesn't conserve resources when all things are considered and it's only benefit being it makes people feel better since they believe they are doing something good.

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    19 minutes ago, Notre Dame Joe said:


    Trump's foreign policy hasn't failed so your premise is wrong.  He's actually won the argument because Biden is not campaigning on globalism and outsourcing.  At least he's not boasting that that is what his AOC policies would engdenger. 



    Obama never ran a business and didn't invite anyone who had into his government.  


    There are Court records of Obama's 15 minutes of experience as a trial lawyer.  They involve Obama's firm suing a bank because it didn't make enough high risk loans to minority borrowers.  Pre-2008 that was considered the real problem. 

    It's going to be terrifying how fast Biden rolls back the sanctions and tariffs against China.  I believe Trump is trying to get Russia included in next G7 to talk about action against China in regards to their outright lying over CCP virus.  I've heard some disturbing things about the latest Biden policies.  We should discuss those in detail.  Biden took a far left turn and we should shine a light on them.


    LOL you must be talking about the '95 lawsuit against Citibank.  As Larry Elder said "The good news is he won a settlement, the bad news is he won a settlement".  Only 19 of the 186 people still own their home.


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  3. On 7/9/2020 at 9:18 AM, DevoHusker said:

    It appears that they issued a retraction, but not because their data was wrong. Just that it is constantly being "misconstrued" for political purposes.




    As Cesario and Johnson note, the article earned heavy criticism for its methodology. The article led to an exchange of letters in PNAS in January, and then in April, the journal issued a correction to the paper in which the authors acknowledged flaws in their analysis but stood by their central argument. 

    That research appears in agreement with Roland Fryer's research at Harvard.  After Ferguson he wanted to find out how bad police racism was.  To his surprise he couldn't find any proof of racism when it came to lethal force but some indications when it came to non-lethal force.  Here's a video of him talking about the study.  


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  4. 20 minutes ago, commando said:

      tell me how many is enough to raise your concern?

    That's a difficult thing to answer.  I've seen CFRs of 5% but with some antibody tests indicating a much higher number of infections dropping the CFR all the way down to 0.05% which is normal flu territory.  Some areas of New york may have 68% infected so herd immunity may be achieved so perhaps fewer more deaths in Ny, NJ and Massachusetts which account for 43% of the country's deaths.  It's summer which tends to reduce the spread of the virus and therefore reduce the initial viral load which will lower deaths.  Same logic with masks which are now being touted.  HCQ+ Zn has shown to reduce deaths by half and if used earlier should reduce deaths even more.  FDA needs to issue EUA for HCQ, again.  Remdesivir is also showing promise by reducing deaths 68% for more seriously ill patients.  Pfizer has a vaccine that shows promise and could be available by end of year.  Pandemics do what pandemics do but we now have some tools to help.  So short answer, I'd be surprised if we have another 30K deaths. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Which is jack s#!t other than tear our country apart and make us the laughing stock of the developed world.  And....doing it all while constantly lying to the American people and doing everything he can to benefit himself.

    Are you seriously blame bad orange man for the riots?  These are woke leftists communists throwing a temper tantrum which are being allowed by Democrats.  How is Trump benefiting?  Dude isn't even taking a salary.  Trump isn't flying his son to China to pick up a $1.5B check. 

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  6. 19 minutes ago, RedDenver said:

    The Vox article sums up the paper pretty well, and the paper actually supports my point. Grid storage batteries are already commercially available for $156/kWh, so we can replace 95% of the existing grid with just wind/PV plus batteries available today. In fact we can probably do better than 95% since we can use other technologies like high voltage DC interconnects and load dispatching. From the article:


    I just don't see it.  These batteries are the same damn batteries in a cell phone which I don't get more than a few years from.  Are these batteries recyclable?  I remember reading that lithium is actually not that abundant and couldn't possibly supply the needs for BESS and electric cars.  As with all things I believe the market should decide these things.  If climate change is to be subsidized, all technologies should be subsidized equally.  Also, all products should be made in US.  It would be incredibly stupid to use taxpayer money to subsidize green projects made in China.


    But there’s a problem with this rosy scenario. These batteries are far too expensive and don’t last nearly long enough, limiting the role they can play on the grid, experts say. If we plan to rely on them for massive amounts of storage as more renewables come online—rather than turning to a broader mix of low-carbon sources like nuclear and natural gas with carbon capture technology—we could be headed down a dangerously unaffordable path.


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  7. Just now, teachercd said:

    Ha...Okay, i might have open office hours!  


    Profs are spineless because getting that gig is a pain in the a$$...but the payoff once you are part of the club is awesome.  Work 15 hours a week, 5 hours a week of office hours...

    If you don't do research which is how these guys make the big $.  Especially if you get federal funds from US and China at the same time :cop:

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  8. Just now, teachercd said:

    I suppose at the college level you have some really crazy left people and a lot of professors lean that way but I do wonder how legit it is, I think it is often times just the lesser of two evils.  


    If I was a prof (and had that sweet sweet gig), I would pretty much sway whichever way made my life easy.  I would also have insane office hours that pretty much would guarantee no students could ever come see me.

    The cancel culture is a real problem.  Look at that economics professor at UCLA that followed school policy which was that students weren't allowed to skip exams because of the Floyd protests.  He was almost fired when he told a student he had to take the exam.  Maybe he was fired, I didn't hear how it turned out.  College presidents are shockingly spineless when it comes to the mob which are formed by people on the left.


    BS, you'd have open office hours to lure in the coeds.


    There are some concerns in your field too.  Apparently a lot of Antifa people go into education to indoctrinate high schoolers.  I've seen a couple of Antifa thugs arrested for the riots were teachers and I know that young conservative Venzualan was lured into Antifa by his high school teacher.  He got out and now speaks out against communism and Antifa.

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  9. 26 minutes ago, commando said:


    so.....you disagree with trump here?



    Wow!  Long overdue that someone in government has spoken up about this.  It is a big problem which has led to the issue I've described.  Free speech on campus has essentially disappeared.  Look at Eric Weinstein at Evergreen State College.  Rather than stand up to the mob, the school president caved.  Also,  the president had an agenda to make the school more woke.  Although Weinstein testified before congress, I never heard of anything being done to address the hard left radicalization of colleges as cancel culture cultivators.  Weinstein predicted such behavior would spill out onto the streets which we are seeing with the riots.  The mob is radicalized but not very educated based on the choice of statues they pulled down which is what Trump is saying. This is clearly a shot across the bow of college presidents.  Obviously Trump will have a difficult time getting this through but I applaud him for getting the issue out there and people will discuss the problem.  It's similar to the reparations bill which I find to be absolutely preposterous.  I support it being brought up though because through discussion other people will understand how preposterous it is too.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 57 minutes ago, Ulty said:

    Let's start with your definition of "leadership." 


    What qualities and values do you look for in a leader, and what would values are important to you as an American?

    I think the most important attribute Trump has as a leader is his brashness.  In the age of PC and cancel culture I like a leader that speaks his mind.  The most troubling trend lately is the left's shouting down of dissenting opinions.  

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