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never summer

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Posts posted by never summer

  1. I agree with what your saying on the execution of a few plays, and I guess that's why I'm saying that right now this offense shouldn't be considered too complex to run yet. Right now we are only running a limited number of plays, and I guess I assume these are plays that they've practiced numerous times. I guess if we are already running limited number of plays, how much more simplified can things get?


    Oh, and the name is from a snowboard company in Colorado. I'm a big snowboarder, as well as a big husker fan.

  2. Yes the names are long but the names of the plays are basically a second language. It isn't like its some kind of random name that they threw together. Each on of those words means something so in essence if you can memorize what the words stand for you can figure out what the play is.


    And its funny how now people don't like the motion because it is too complicated. In the last two games everyone was complaining of about how vanilla Callahan's playcalling was, now its too complicated? I read on a different board that this team is basically running a lot of the same plays just in different formations. So you can preach all you want about how "complicated" this offense is but lets be real here. This offense is still watered down a lot so being complicated isn't even the issue, yet. Just because us fans don't understand the verbage doesn't mean that it is too complicated. It just means were uneducated about the subject.


    I think the last big thing that people are forgetting right now is what happened last year with Joe Dailey as QB. I think that this offensive coaching staff right now is not willing to take the chance of calling big plays. There are very few called if you've noticed. It seems that most of the plays called are meant to be safe, and by that I mean safe from turnovers. Joe threw tons of picks last year and because them lost us several games. So I think its these coaches' goal this year to make sure that the teams we play beat us, not by us giving it to them with turnovers and good field position. Much better to take a sack and be able to punt the ball away than to throw a pick and put them in scoring position.


    Anyways that's all for my first post.

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