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kid nickels

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Everything posted by kid nickels

  1. I agree Bo won't be fired, not at the end of this season at least. But if we don't win something next year, with all the talent we'll have, then he's gotta go.
  2. Damn, maybe that dude is a messiah or prophet... he said TM was the best thing and then he scored on the next play... LOL
  3. Worst part is, the teams we are losing to aren't even that good. It's our own self-destruction. It's been going on for years with no signs of changing or getting better.
  4. I admit, Flu was right with pretty much everything he said. With that said, shut up Flu.
  5. I swear I'd eat a handful of my own sh#t to have the coaching staff from the mid 90s return for 5 years
  6. I like the unis, just would've preferred matte helmets
  7. OK, let me tell you what they're going to run... a fake handoff to Ball, play-action pass
  8. Man even I can figure out what Wisconsin is going to run, why can't our coaches and players figure it out???
  9. This is sad. Everyone in the stadium was expecting play action.
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