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kid nickels

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Everything posted by kid nickels

  1. Stop them here, and we still have plenty of time to score again before half
  2. Doesn't matter -- we can't stop the play action to save our lives. Sharknose will surely continue to run it all night against our smaller DBs
  3. Abdullah is the key -- dude grabs anything in his vicinity
  4. Burkhead is being eaten alive. Time for Abdullah to shine.
  5. Yeah you're a real oracle Seemed pretty spot-on to me, sadly
  6. So far Martinez is making that Wisconsin DE's comments look 100% accurate -- "skipping rocks"
  7. OK, time for our high-powered ultra-fast offense to take control I predict another fumble
  8. Hate to say it but that guy Flu was pretty spot-on with his assessments of this team
  9. Makes me ill to think of all the people on this board who continue to drink the Kool-Aid and say how much we are improving
  10. We have some of the dumbest players in the country. How do these guys qualify academically?
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