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Everything posted by BigRedMachine

  1. So do we snag the FLA kids even w/out Bo?
  2. Yeah I dont see Turner returning. Probably get offered some deskjob just to keep his name and HN appeased. but he wont and shouldnt take it. he deserves better. Yes BC's son is a qb at UCLA. redshirt soph, and the backup so who knows how good he even is. but I think its safe to say he is automatically a better pure QB than anyone we have currently.
  3. Although STeve ultimately had to be the one to hang in there and get it done - a la Callahan taking "grudens team" to the superbowl - Steve really isnt to praise for this. Similar to a Mercedes use car salesman, steve was ancillary in this whole process. The fact is Nebraska shouldnt need a "salesman". The program sold itself. And it should. It really does seem like it was an instance of "destiny" if you will, where both parties had a need at the same time. Yes if BC becomes one of the greats, Im sure SP will get most of the cred, but he actually deserves very little. He came VERY close to botching the whole damn thing. seriously, we ARE very fortunate. Yes Steve made the tough decision to wack Frank, but we truly did square dance our way into this one. Oh well, not trying to stick my di** in the mashed potatoes here, so welcome Bill Callahan, you will not find a more proud group of people than Husker fans. All we ask is that you do it "the right way", and we will support you through it all. Good luck and GO BIG RED!!! brm
  4. I was also glad to see this hire, and to see everything settle down so we can get on with the real business. Bill Callahan seems to be prepared to do good things in a place like Lincoln with all the resources at his disposal. Steve is going to give this guy everything he needs to suceed, b/c they have a mutually fulfilling or unfulfilling relationship. I like the fact that he has connections to Alvarez, who is a good character guy. Im not concerned about his previous turmoil in choakland. Those guys are such overpaid spolied brats that its not even worth discussing. Sure he may not have gotten along w/everyone, but of course those are what the media focuses on. I dont see Bill retaining Gill. With his talks of the West Coast Offense, it wont be tough for them to say he just doesnt have the experience we need. Convenient I should say. For SP that is. Its been obvious that he wanted most of the staff gone since the Solich wacking, but knew his public image couldnt afford another hit. He figured he had nothing to lose by waiting until after he hired a new coach to let him do the dirty work, which is somewhat expected and Callahan wont take too much heat for it, b/c "he has to do what he has to do", and "its his team now, and Turner just doesnt have the skillsets to run the WCO.. " blah blah blah. It will be a lot easier for people to swallow coming from the new "man", rather than "The Man" who ganked Frank. I also see Cotton wacked. If BC is calling his own plays, what need will he have for the old BC? Yes many changes are still on the way folks, and Im afraid they have been decided for quite a while now. And since they are inevitable I say sooner rather than later. Probably by early next week Id say, b/c now Steve has his new "face" in BC, who can afford some black eyes. Steve is fresh out of eyes, and better cover that third one just in case. I heard HuckFuskers is on the loose.
  5. Nice to see so far. Anyone know how Tennessee, Minn & ASU are doing this year? Those were our big wins on paper, but like eric said Im not sure what theyre made of.
  6. Signing day is in Feb sometime. Thats why Evridge split. Its getting ridiculous and insulting to the kids. Esp since he didnt even give a timeline after an entire month. still refuses. such an ass. And didnt the other coaches say the program is in lockdown mode? so that means NO recruiting until jerkoff stops jerking everyone off. Still think Bo is gone. If he truly wanted one of them as hc he wouldve done it by now for the sake of recruiting - theres no way he doesnt at least understand that. at this point he wants to save some face so wants to hit a homerun - regardless of if its a big name or not, he wants this to be "his guy", so he can get the credit. Neither Turner nor Bo are SP products. I really think that has more to do w/ this mess than we even think.
  7. Patrick, Thanks for the insight, I actually hadnt heard about the decline by Zimmer yet. As for your query about our overall sentiment, we've had quite a few discussions about these same topics, so Im not sure if many will respond in depth. I'll try to summarize my feelings for you, but until then here a couple of older threads where similar stuff was discussed: http://www.huskerboard.com/forums/index.ph...p?showtopic=145 http://www.huskerboard.com/forums/index.ph...p?showtopic=139
  8. Wow, this does hurt. Maybe his mind will change when things stabilize w/ the new coach. I know he really wanted to go to NU, but was hesitant b/c of the instability. I dont think it would take a whole lot to change his mind, he probably just wanted some peace of mind, and plans to go to KSU unless he is "wowed" by the new coach. Comeon Steve-o!!
  9. A few quick hits. Thanks to Nzone for bringing this up. regardless of if you feel this way or not, many people are thinking it. I agree with Dave in his response. Race is used far too often in all walks of life, which only perpetuates the prob. Eric provided some good counterpoints, many of which I agree. He cant turn sh#t into orange juice. lets just hope Steve Pederson CAN. But I still feel he hasnt proven himself outside of that realm - QB coach, thats it. I dont want Turner gone, just not as HC. lets see what he can do w/ a Joe D and other more naturally talented QBs. There is a lot more to the college game, so just b/c he could pass in HS doesnt mean TG didnt help him improve already to this point. Good discussion...
  10. So he has denied being contacted by NU? Or did he already get a raise outta the deal? Man Huskerboard is getting powerful!!
  11. Heres his bio, not objective of course so take it for what its worth: http://calbears.ocsn.com/sports/m-footbl/m...ord_jeff00.html
  12. Green Bay's actually not a bad pick. Theyre hot as ever. NE looks unstoppable on the other side.
  13. Pretty good game. wouldve liked to see OU at their best though. Man they just put a clown suit on White. Now all the hacks in the media feel their arguement is validated that White shouldnt have won the Heisman. I still say he WAS the best player throughout the majority of the season, the award isnt a popularity contest. the media does that every year. and OU was the best TEAM the majority of the year, so they DID deserve to be there. The system is what it is, and its the best we have right now, so you have to accept it. anyway, kind of disappointed in the Big 12 bowl performance. OU is gonna be mean next year though. they should be good and pissed off by the time we roll down to Norman
  14. Have to agree. They brought in good athletes playing QB and outputted good athletes playing QB. Turner really hasnt manifested much of any "pure" QB skills - but then theres the argument of were we really looking for that type of pure QB at the time? I think we are now, i.e. Joe Dailey - the QB first, athlete 2nd, but werent so focused on that in the past. And I dont know that there are any QB coaches that couldve developed Crouch into an NFL QB. Another reason may be that Turner has always only been a position coach. Bo was a coordinator, and Gill never seemed to have much desire to be much more than just that. Did he even attempt to land the OC job? I just dont think it seems very logical in the chain of command for a QB coach to jump to HC. The natural progression says it should be a Coordinator of some sort, so the default train of thought is Pelini or Cotton, and Pelini just has a better personality, or at least a more voracious one. thoughts? brm
  15. I dont know much about him, but that Clark guy seems pretty down to earth. The others just seem like typical white stiff suits. That's why Bush won last time. people identified with him. Gore is too "white".
  16. Nice sound FX Dave!! Those were high tech man. I think Bo is gone in 3-5 yrs regardless. He has strong NFL ties and seemingly aspirations. I think SP knows this, and doesnt seem to completely appreciate his brazen style. Almost somewhat of a Jerry Jones - Jimmy Johnson conflict. Steve may want someone he can dictate, or at least more of a schmoozer. Bo doesnt seem to have time for this. I believe that some recruits may be gone, but everything is give and take, so others will also be attracted who werent w/out the new coach. I didnt like SP's attitude yesterday though about how "the players just get emotional, and they'll bounce back no matter who is the coach", intimating that their feelings dont really count, and almost treating them like objects. BRM
  17. This is according to NZone posted in the coaching forum: Thanks for the insight.
  18. So this isnt DON Zimmer from the Yanks? Damn!
  19. And Steve knows it. It was funny when he said yesterday that he wished he could have done it all over. What a moron. I cant believe that he expected it to go the same as Pitt!! What a jackoff.
  20. OU is looking rusty tonight too. Wow, just blocked a punt on the 2 yd ln. nice. I think TTech and NU are the only teams that have won. Pretty weak. OSU and KSU lost, who else played again?
  21. But would he want that clause in his contract w/ us too? we dont need someone who has ulterior plans. plus it sounded as if UM was a pompus ass. Said he wouldnt want to be involved w/ a school like Nebraska b/c of the expectations we had, and he wanted to completely overhaul the current staff. fug em. regardless, I dont think that 2 mill number is accurate. even if it was, based on the reaction from regents, booster, fans, media - it wont be an option anymore. did anyone think for a min that SP and Nutt may be in bed together? The number is "released" to the media, which 1) gets Nutt more $$, and 2) gets SP a reaction from Husker Nation to test the waters - plus maybe he will get a commission!! either way though, I say we still offer the gig to his wife!! She's kinda cute..
  22. hmmmm... good question!!
  23. Well congrats K State Wildhacks, you are finally approaching the top. Felons and all!!! Good for you. FEel good about yourself? YOu shouldnt. losers. Nice chokejob in the Fiesta bowl too by the way. OSU stinks. you gave that game to them. played like garbage. Raperson cost you the game b/c his head was elsewhere. how bout them apples jerkoffs!!???!!!
  24. This is the latest rumor. Dont know much about this guy. here is his bio: http://olemisssports.ocsn.com/sports/m-foo...fe_david00.html
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