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Red is Power

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Everything posted by Red is Power

  1. I've seen him in person at Pizza Hut a lot so it must be the pizzas. Mind you, these visits were sporadic for me as I rarely order pizza.
  2. To sum it up for point 1, some things are better left unsaid.
  3. +1 Me too... Don't compare Pelini to Osborne. Just don't, please. I don't even have to present an argument on that. I compared Osborne to no one. I simply referred to Osborne's legacy and his 25 year stint as head coach. If I correlated Pelini to anyone in my post it was to Callahan for the blowout losses. I'm not interested in an argument. That is all we have at this point is a legacy. We have to stop living in the past. But yeah, I guess you can compare Pelini to Callahan for the blowout losses.
  4. Did we run Callahan out? No his W&L record did that to him. Are we running Bo out? No his epic blowout losses on national TV and telling the fans to F' off did that. The only person who has any gripe would be Solich and there are plenty of rumors surrounding his demise. Cosgrove? Watson? Bohl? Carl? Callahan? These guys won't even talk about their experience at NU, why is that? It's not just W/L. My dad met Cosgroves brother a couple years back, said some actions by the fanbase toward his brother were in the nature of rumors that Dan Beabe vocalized from his experience. Were those coaches successful here? Nope, not really, but why won't they talk about their time here? We're going on 12 seasons of inconsistent mediocre teams and every offseason a group of fans want the HC gone. 12 years of overrated teams is a trend that is far separating us from any elite status and is making an already difficult program (which I'm proud of) look less and less appealing for any coach to consider us a "dream job," except maybe Scott Frost. Look at Texas Tech, Kansas, and USF after their coaching debacle, programs that may never recover and were on the cusp. I just see this getting worse before getting better. That goes with high end football, college or Pro. People wanted Les Miles fired for going 13-1. Can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen. Dealing with/ignoring this type of thing is part of why they make several million dollars a year. And seriously, you are really putting NEBRASKA in comparision with TT, KU and USF?!? And TT looks like they might have hit it good with Kingsburry. What has NU done in the last decade? TT and KU each had a shot at a natty more recently. And we had shots at conference championships 3 times recently 4 in the last decade. Have they?
  5. +1 Me too... Don't compare Pelini to Osborne. Just don't, please. I don't even have to present an argument on that.
  6. This will probably happen. Some form of a press release but people won't forget it.
  7. Maybe this explains Perlman's hiring of Eichorst. Get an outsider who won't be tight with Pelini to protect his investment. So far that investment hasn't paid off.
  8. The fact that he said "f*** all of 'em" would seem to indicate that he wasn't exactly just directing it at the ones who left. As far as I'm concerned, his reaction is NOT okay. That night, Husker fans did something very out-of-character, because they believed that the team had given up. Really, how often has something like that happened, in our entire history? Bo has the luxury of not having to deal with that on a week-in, week-out basis, and yet, over ONE incident, he blows his top. No excuse for that. While you're not wrong here, it should be noted that it wasn't just one incident at that time. That was one of the most difficult game stretches we've had in years, combined with outside stress from the local media attacking one of his players. That doesn't excuse Bo, but it bears pointing out. Yeah its like pick your poison. Sideline demeanor? Check. History of cussing at refs and his players? Check. Being the guy who has coached the team to its worst 5 game stretch in the history of this program? Check. Having almost as much embarrassments in games than Bill Callahan? Check. I think he as one upped Bill in the embarrassing games on national TV department. Am I missing anything?
  9. Yep, and those 300+ "guests" include members of the local and national media. What we're saying here is being used to craft story lines. It isn't just Bo who needs to be aware that what you say is out there, always. Fans have to think that way, too. Hi Sam! Hi Steven!
  10. Tom Osborne for interim HC to bring Frost in as HC? One can dream...
  11. Bo probably doesn't think before he says anything. Which could be why he stutters and says "you know" a lot and some of his responses are flat and if you study his body language he obviously is not comfortable in front of people.
  12. Well first I'd say he better adress this in a press conference. By stepping down as head coach of the University of Nebraska football team.
  13. The only thing the fans can hang their hats on is our legacy, our sellout streak and our notoriety of being the greatest fans on earth. Not to mention, this is spreading like wildfire on Colorado Buffalo boards and everywhere else. This is embarrassing.
  14. Why was the audio recording taken down? *edit* nvm they changed the player is all. Didn't see that.
  15. Interesting timing to say the least. He is butting heads with Tommie Frazier arguably the greatest Husker football player ever. I've met him numerous times and I love the man and what he did for our university he is a hero. He did call for Pelini's head. He may have gotten his wish with this audio leak.
  16. Listen to it.... It's Bo.... I know it is. The real question is, will the local media now turn this against him now that it has gone public? Our local media can't grow a pair so this will blow up on ESPN.
  17. Mitt Romney knows full well what can happen when you're being recorded. The problem is there is no video with this recordning. Perhaps Shawn Eichorst will seek an audio specialist who will determine the authenticity of it? If there were video, I'd say this is the nail in the coffin but regardless this does nothing good for our program. Didn't Bo say when he was hired over at Oklahoma that our first string defense at Nebraska wouldn't make third string at OU or something to that nature?
  18. Let's not forget, we're irrelevant to the national media and we've been embarrassed on national TV in big games, embarrassed by Pelini's sideline demeanor. There's youtube videos of him cursing at his players and his players cursing at him back. Now this? We haven't quite fully come out from underground from being buried by Solich/Callahan. Bo has buried us even further. This is going to get interesting fast.
  19. I agree. Everything you say or do in life can come back to bite you in the rear end. The timing of this isn't good at all. Not good for Bo.
  20. Get over yourself sister.... Really? Really?? And you're ok with this. No, it is going to be harmful to the program.... I just didn't take it personally like some of you girls on here.... Would your boss be ok with you saying this about your job?
  21. I think Tim Beck would be the obvious choice for interim HC. You've got a new AD. Once he hears this, the sh#t is going to hit the fan...
  22. Guys, this kind of attitude is unacceptable. Obviously we know the problem. It's Bo. His attitude reflects on the players. Their performance is a direct reflection of their head coach. This recording is huge and could cost him his job. Anything said or done in recent memory can cost you your job. How should this be any different? F#ck the fans? No, we pay you. The boosters probably won't be happy about this either.
  23. Yeah, I forgot they were independent, lol. But money talks, you know? Can BYU realistically match what we can offer? I say no but if he gets a massive pay raise like to say 1.5 mil a year, I don't think we can pay him $2.5 mil a year. At that point, we'd have to really whip out the check book. I realistically can't see anyone we could really steal away from another school.
  24. Can't link Deadspin you have to google it. Could this be the end of Pelini?
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