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Red is Power

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Everything posted by Red is Power

  1. It doesn't matter wh I said something about this earlier. I think he pissed off one Tommie's loyalist. If the Tommie/Bo kerfluffle is why this tape was released today that makes it even more absurd. That was a non-story destined to die off in less than 48 hours. You have this tape, you hold it for just the right moment the last couple of years, and you release it... today? Then you, person who released this, are an idiot. Maybe he is, but he's getting exactly what he wants. We'll see. I'm sensing a turning of the tide already. Bo has much to answer for, but I don't think this person's intent was to see Bo called on the carpet. This person wanted blood, and I doubt they're going to get it - not today, not from this stunt. Exactly. Look, I want Bo to be successful just as much as any other "true" fan but now is the time for results. Also, the person that recorded it and leaked it now is a total scumbag. Obviously it's a person that is gutless who can't even come forward. Had this happened on Saturday, I don't think there would be an issue if said person came forward but since it was such a long time ago, they're just trying to stir things up by getting the fan base riled up. I hope the person who did this realizes they are a piece of dog turd and will never be anything but that.
  2. I am not sure. Your avatar makes me sad. Can. Not. Look. No one is forcing you to look It's big on 27in screen, lol hard not to miss it the jersey is sweet but the memory... Still fresh. Eek.
  3. I am not sure. Your avatar makes me sad. Can. Not. Look.
  4. This is what should mean the most. When these players know Bo a lot more than we do. Hardrick didn't even get that good of playing time when he was a high profile guy. And he did not hesitate to say good things about Bo. Like i've heard before, every single college coach has said something or another that never gets to the public. Unfortunately some ass hat tipped off deadspin. I'd be pissed too at all of the f&%ktards who leave the game early. Hell you can go back and see me bitching in the woodshed about the people who left with 7 minutes left in the Wyoming game. We sure do like to have the best of both worlds here. We may be the greatest fans as far as gestures toward opponents go. But damn we don't hesitate to rip this program to shreds if it doesn't go our way, myself included. All of his players love him. You say they know him better and that's probably true. But that is Bo's fault. All we get to see is the prick that gives short answers to the media and says "what do you think? you were there, why don't you tell me" instead of being a grown up that makes $3 MILLION a year and answer the question. I'm no Omaha media homer that thinks they do no wrong (personally I can't stand Dirk), but the guy needs to show us something that's likeable if he wants to be liked. I always thought Carl was more approachable than Bo. Maybe that had to do with the fact that Carl has a bachelors degree in English literature. At any rate, I've always thought Bo was a jerk and I get tired of hearing the same excuses "We'll fix it, we gotta get better, we didn't execute, a lot of missed tackles." Btw that last one he has been using that excuse for his defense since 2008. Even in wins he is not proud of he comes off as a jerk at times. He really ought to invest in taking anger management and communication lessons during the off seasons.
  5. You will if we finish 13-1 with a B1G title on his resume but this won't happen so you probably won't cry, lol.
  6. I'm curious if Perlman and Eichorst are still thinking things through. I mean, the way I see it nothing good can come of this. It could end up being a cancer for the players and the way the offense has been below average so far with all the experience it has and the youth on defense... this could be Bo's first season we don't win 9 games. So I'm all for Bo scrapping ideas now and mixing things up on both sides of the ball now rather than later. He learned last year he didn't burn red shirts when he probably should have.
  7. This was an inside job. Perhaps someone close to Pelini?
  8. So Eichorst' comments sounds like they already met with Bo to which Bo issued a press release. Looks like this thing may blow over. If anything, he is going to have to really prove his worth on the field. If that means changing things staff wise, personnel wise or scheme wise on offense and defense, so be it. Do what you have to do to win not try to force what isn't working or something that hasn't worked i.e. the 2-gap defense and going man to man against a QB like Hundley. And bench Martinez if he is hurt or if you feel he isn't giving you the best chance to win. That is why you recruit players.
  9. If Benning says media knew about that recording 2 years ago then he or they (the media) must know who leaked it? Bo may even know who leaked the recording...
  10. Depends, he could face civil action on some sort of invasion of privacy claim, but Pelini would have to prove he was in a private setting where he had not agreed to recordings, and that's tough to say in this case. I guess so since it sounds like Greg Sharpe was in the recording but yet Pelini has someone else that belongs to the university present as well so that person could argue where the recording had taken place.
  11. Craig Bohl....if we pay him enough and buy out his contract at NDSU. I think he's the only option we should even consider. Thanks for the comedy relief. "The only option we should consider" Priceless. No one else will take it. Whoever we hire will have to be an ex-player with ties to the program. Yeah some guy named Frost.
  12. When you record someone aren't you supposed to tell them they are being recorded? Legally anyway that is how it works, right? So in a way, the douche who did this could face legal trouble if one were to find out who did it.
  13. Since when did Facebook represent the entire state as a whole or the world for that matter?
  14. I wonder if Bo isn't fired he leaves at the end of the year after this whole situation blew up. This thing could be such a huge distraction to the players that we come out flat and get upset by SDSU.
  15. Yeah and last week he was egging the fans on to get louder. Go figure.
  16. Coaches do a lot of things they don't normally get caught doing. What they seem to forget it is the fans that pay them.
  17. Good point. Guys on this board call out players, coaches etc, but we get angry when a player makes a comment about the fans or the coach tells us to go f ourselves. Again, unleash this Bo again. Direct correlation of Bo getting more savvy and team sucking, The problem is that we as the fans are the ones paying for his salary, so it's not a totally fair comparison. Either way, I think this is blown way out of proportion. He was caught in a heated moment which we all know he is apt to do. I'm not concerned with his demeanor. I'm concerned that this will just become a huge distraction for the team Oh it will be a distraction. At that point Bo will take the "Us against the world" approach with his players to an even higher level.
  18. I think someone with OWH leaked this. They were the first local paper to break the story.
  19. What about those who played during the Devaney era, or Solich era, or Callahan era? *edit* I read your post wrong, lol. I should say, let's not forget them too. I'd like to see someone who has not played for Bo say something. Some may say they have his back but me thinks they will take an unbiased approach to this matter...
  20. Reading Brian Rosenthal's tweets... I think Bo is done.
  21. Of course former players who played for him will stand up for him. It's like being a reference for Bo. Now on the other hand, it will be interesting to see what players during the Osborne era have to say about this whole thing.
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