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Posts posted by RunMickeyRun02


    My take, I was under the impression Frost wanted play calling duties and Bo didn't want to give it to him.


    Also I recall him being boo'd by Nebraska fans fresh off of Fraziers graduation as we "struggled" and eventually lost to ASU. I doubt being boo'd plays into his decision I just always was disappointed by my fellow fans did that.


    Same deal with Bohl, everyone seems to think he'd come back in a heartbeat but he was run out of town as the scapegoat for the Colorado loss before our last National Championship game appearance.

    I asked him about that and he smiled. It didn't seem to bother him. Then I talked about how all of that changed when they beat UW the next season.


    I always found it sort of a coincidence that I remember him getting boo'd at the UCF game and he ends up coaching there. I'm not surprised he laughed it off, it did bother ME though.

    • Fire 1
  2. My take, I was under the impression Frost wanted play calling duties and Bo didn't want to give it to him.


    Also I recall him being boo'd by Nebraska fans fresh off of Fraziers graduation as we "struggled" and eventually lost to ASU. I doubt being boo'd plays into his decision I just always was disappointed by my fellow fans did that.


    Same deal with Bohl, everyone seems to think he'd come back in a heartbeat but he was run out of town as the scapegoat for the Colorado loss before our last National Championship game appearance.

  3. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/ucf-knights/os-sp-ucf-scott-frost-oregon-mike-bianchi-1202-20161201-column.html




    "When you recruit kids to come play for you and you agree to do something for a program; when you give your word to people, I think it's your responsibility to see those things through."




    "I've been recruiting all week," Frost said Thursday. "On Tuesday, I drove to a [nearby] town in Florida, recruited and was back in Orlando that night. Yesterday, I drove to another town in Florida and was back at home last night. That's a lot different than flying all over the country and sleeping in a different state every night."


    Edit: Sorry, this was supposed to go in the "Other sports" section, not sure how I botched it.

    • Fire 1
  4. Is it just me or does it feel like Nebraska has gone to Florida for a bowl game like 7 of the last 8 years?


    I don't care where Nebraska goes, really, just give us a winnable game. I don't care if we are playing The Citadel in the Gluten Free Bread Classic Bowl. I just want Nebraska to end the season with 10 wins and have less then 4 losses.

    I'm with you on this one. I want that 10th win and more importantly NOT that 4th loss. I don't want to spend all of December dreading going up against LSU or A&M or Florida.

  5. Is that just for rumors regarding Nebraska football? I have to click through "Nebraska Football" to get to it....


    So if say I had a rumor about say..... Men's Baseball for example would that also go in the baseball forum or the rumor forum?


    What about a rumor about another coach at another school, again I have to click through Nebraska football to get to "Rumors" so I would guess not.....where would proper place for those be "Other Sports" and heavily notate that content is a rumor?



  6. I can't think of a single quarterback that didn't start as a true freshman, that wasn't a complete bust. Not a one

    Brook Berringer, Joe Ganz, Gdowski, would Scott Frost count? Jamal Lord wasn't a total bust there are probably more...

    • Fire 1
  7. I wish I had half as much time as some of y'all to speculate on busts who have never played in a game before. Jesus haha "Tommy should've started" "Tommy had to have been benched!" "O'Brien was better!" "O'Brien is a bust!"


    you know what's amazing? if we wait a little bit, we'll find out! It's magical. That's why they play games.


    I know the high school videos you watch really light a fire in your belly, but maybe you don't know everything? We had a good season, some stuff was disappointing, some stuff was so much fun to watch. We could be like "damn I'm proud of the seniors they fought hard we're not over the hump yet but we're closer and this was an exciting season and let's get 'em next year let's support the team and the school"


    Or you could just rant to hear yourself speak with some delusion that what you say has any effect at all on the people who actually make decisions regarding everything surrounding the program. We're FANS. We watch FOR FUN.


    I'd love to be O'Brien and check a message board out on a whim and be like "oh, great. Haven't gotten the chance to take a snap yet, but a poster's friend's facebook friend knows a family who's friend has a kid who plays on special teams who said I've been having difficulty with Cover 2 and now everyone thinks I can't play."



    Last Febuary I pretty much go roasted on twitter I can't even remember what I said. Something to the effect that we should actually wait and see "POB" play before we anoint him as the Husker second coming. I even hoped I was wrong and he was going to be as good as everyone said he was going to be. I was basically told to STFU because they knew football and "POB" was the real deal. Flash forward to the spring game, he comes into the game late to a standing ovation and throws two picks including the game losing one.


    Now there is a thread about him being a bust and he STILL hasn't been in an actual game yet.


    I'm not saying he'll be a bust, I'm not saying he'll tear it up, I'm saying calm down and give it time.


    It's amazing to me the "next QB up" phenomenon. Dailey, Beck, Stanton, Carnes, Cody Green, Armstrong (while TM while still playing), whoever that kid was that transferred to Yale.


    It's natural to get excited about the future but I think it's unfair to put the world on the back of any incoming QB to Nebraska, it's a hard enough job as it is.

  8. The only reason I would fire Banker is if Riley could actually get a better guy. Bray is not quite ready yet, give him time. By better guy I mean is only if Aranda would take a job here. This is of course if we don't get blown out in our bowl game.

    Everything is right there in your post. People will always cry for the HC,DC,OC to be fired but they are making two incorrect assumptions.



    1. A better coach exists and is available to come here.

    2. Said coach would be willing to come to Nebraska for the money Nebraska is willing to pay him.


    For you older guys out there I'd like to know did NU open the check book for Devaney? Did they pay what at the time was considered a lot of money to pull him from Wyoming? I'm not being facetious, I really want to know. Or was it not really a big deal back then?

  9. The states are similar in many ways but Nebraska is still by far the smallest state in the B1G. Wisconsin has nearly 6 million people in it and one D-1 football program. Iowa is closer at just over 3 million but that is still over a million more than Nebraska's 1.88. There are 3.3 million people in the Twin Cities alone, and that isn't even getting into the big states East of Chicago. It is not a small obstacle to play in a conference where most schools are in states that have 3-5 times the population of Nebraska.

    Yep, it's a numbers game. I'm not too proud to acknowledge that the success of my high school wasn't the result of our school having one of the largest student bodies in the state. As soon as new schools opened up after I was long gone the wins were cut in half the very next season.


    I WISH I could remember who it was, but this was years ago, still during the Pelini days. It was a national radio show, people would call in and give a school and some guy would take into consideration a schools demographics, resources, facilities, conference, history...etc and provide an expectation of wins. When someone called and asked about Nebraska, he hesitated because he knew his answer would irk Nebraska fans but said honestly Nebraska on average could expect to win about 8 games a year regardless of who the coach was. Of course that's the average, their can be outliers in both directions, it was a bummer but it made a lot of sense. We were still in the 12 at the time too, not sure if that would have mattered.


    All that being said you can win in a low pop. state but it takes a legend and those don't come around very often, a Devaney, Snyder, an Osborne. But like someone else said I can remember Osborne being ripped pretty hard "Why don't we pass more?! Why can't we win the big game?!"

  10. Forgive me if someone said this already, but the team seems tied directly to their unquestioned leader: Tommy. When he's unconscious or maybe not 100% the teams confidence just goes through the floor.


    Yah we beat Maryland without him, but Maryland...


    If I'm on the team and it appears the only way we can win is with Tommy's arm and limited mobility, yeah, I might lack some confidence/fire too.









    Riley is realizing that NU isn't Corvallis and there are actual expectations from the coaches.

    Remains to be seen if this will be effective or if this is rearranging chairs on the titanic.

    Even if it's just rearranging chairs, at least we know that Riley is trying to make changes to get the team in the best position to be successful.

    Which is more than Bo ever did in 7 years. Riley has fired 2 guys in 2 years.


    Which one actually tried patching the leak and which one said screw it and set the ship on fire?

    Listen, I'm not big on Pelini but if you don't think Shawn Watson and Carl Pelini moving on weren't "highly encouraged" by Bo you are crazy.


    "highly encouraged" meaning you're fired but I will give you a chance to save face.

    Watson went because he wasn't Bo's yes man.


    I'm pretty sure Carl taking a HC job had very little to do with Bo insisting he take it. lol

    Ummm, a certain booster and an illicit relationship Carl was having with his married daughter tell a different story.

    Carl's off the field bullsh#t ended his good gig as DC here, not the on the field product. Quite different than Riley firing someone for poor on the field results.

    Bos defense went to crap when Carl left.


    Agreed, also, imo when he left that was the last coach in the room willing to at least challenge Bo on decisions.

  12. As of RIGHT NOW:


    1. Sparty - we've played some pretty close games, had an upset, usually one or both of us are ranked, and you can bet that ineligible reciever upset game won't be forgotten about them anytime soon.

    2. NW

    3. Iowa/Minny - Minny would be a notch above if the evil red-head hadn't played grinch with the trophy.

    4. Wisky (now but rising)

    5. Penn State I guess...whatever.

  13. This is my first trip back to this thread since my rant on page 3. I was afraid I'd get roasted, here is what I did. Not advocating everyone do this, but after my little rant I:


    Unfollowed everyone associated with UNL and told them why. (After all it's just social media anyways)


    I've always made it to a point to not follow student athletes so please don't think I bothered them with any of this, you shouldn't either.


    I signed the petition going around, I like that someone made one, but it seemed to lean to heavy on the "We want this trophy back or to be official" tone to it which I don't think is necessary or will ever happen.


    I planned on writing to HyVee and anyone else that is a sponsor to one of the "real trophies" to let them know I'm boycotting their stuff, but lets be honest I don't go to HyVee now anyway, that @#$@ is expensive, that and I'm lazy.


    Vols - Glad you had a good time. Re: "Have you guys ever had much success in basketball?" question.


    Hopefully you didn't miss it while you were at the concessions... we had a welcome ceremony for the 1996 NIT winners! :D Hahahahahah. That's about it.

    Haha, now that you mention it, I do remember that. Does your women's volleyball team play in the new basketball arena too, or are they in a smaller venue?


    They play at Devaney iirc, where our basketball team used to play until recently.

  15. I'm having a hard time reconciling the title of this thread with the words everyone else has said underneath. Although some of those words have been very funny. Kudos to Undone and Guy.


    That being said some former coaches I'm fond of: TO, Solich, even Cally a little (or Billy C if you're planning on transferring) not so much Bo, he yelled angry words at me via hidden audio tape, like twice.



    I went to a strip club in Des Moines once. Best part of that whole place was I got to bring my own beer in.


    The Lumberyard?


    Where real men go to get wood.


    I believe the name was Goldmines? The place was a dive but had one of the most entertaining dancers I have ever witness. A buddy of mine started laughing at her when she began dancing. She got all pissed and kicked his beer off the stage and threw her panties at him.


    That's odd, that's how I handle confrontations too, makes for a very awkward Thanksgiving dinner.



    But I thought Iowa wasn't a rival?

    I know you're trying to make some clever point here, but responding to an opponent fan trying to mess with Husker fans doesn't mean their school is a rival.


    We've had folks come to HuskerBoard to give us grief from:


    Wake Forest


    San Jose State

    Virginia Tech



    Florida Atlantic

    Arkansas State

    Louisiana Lafayette



    South Dakota State


    Southern Miss


    Idaho State

    McNeese State






    Does that make any/all of these schools rivals, too?


    Really? Idaho State, McNeese State? I'm not disputing, I'm just surprised.

  17. After thinking about things last night I'm not sure all that much changes for Iowa. Our mystery at QB doesn't really change much.


    If Darlington does play, show him a lot of different fronts/blitzes/bluffs since he hasn't played qb since the spring game a few years back, prepare for the zone read just like you would if tommy was playing.


    Armstrong, pretty much the same but for different reasons, load the box to see if Langs abandons the run, force Tommy to beat you with his arm esp. in the pocket, get those arms up, bring the heat early to see just what he has in his legs, you're going to find out one way or another, perhaps he burns you but you gotta find out what he has in that hamstring early. Otherwise sit back and wait for Tommy to make a mistake (Tommy's my boy but I have my Iowa D-cord hat on right now)


    Same deal for Fyfe, sure he can drop back 20 yards to get rid of a pass against Maryland but I'm guessing that won't fly against Iowa's D.


    In all three cases I know it'll sound ruthless but bring the heat, get some shots in on an already thin position, no different then picking on a back-up CB that just came in the game.


    Now for us be ready with those rb screens, "long hand offs" and draws. Don't abandon the run game and don't run laterally. I would use a power guy like Ozigbo since you're prob. gonna be outnumbered in the box and hit right up the middle, don't pull guards and crap like that to much penetration.


    Just my 2 cents.

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